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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Bassist probably saw the word 'Jesus' in the want ad and decided it was the gig for him. "Gospel" clothes if ever I saw them!
  2. Age? Bollocks! Scenes need (ahem) [i]experienced[/i] bands to show the young hipsters how to do it right. It's not just about wearing the right cut of denim and this week's sneakers now, is it?
  3. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1408182534' post='2527848'] Do any chorus pedals come with a crossover, allowing you to apply the chorus sound to the upper frequencies, leaving the lower ones to pass through unaltered? [/quote] Boss CEB2 does this. It's not the warmest chorus though.
  4. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1408053546' post='2526767'] So I guess you don't approve of acts like Louis Jordan, Smothers Brothers, Flight of the Conchords, or even Fishbone? [/quote] I'm not really arsed one way or the other. Popular culture is designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator because that's what shifts units. You can choose to consume it or not. That said, I enjoy all of the above artists, and many more 'variety' acts of their ilk.
  5. Alas, 'twas always thus and ever shall be. People want 'entertainment' - be it kittens in drag or outrageous drummers. Salivating dogs, the lot of 'em (shuffles back to cave to resume intellectually superior hermitage to disapprove or popular culture from afar….)
  6. [quote name='Doddy' timestamp='1407881539' post='2525113'] Very true....but Patitucci would still play rings around the majority no matter what bass he played. The player is far more important than the instrument. [/quote] This. All of it.
  7. I can't afford not to; I'd go batshit crazy if I didn't.
  8. as above, it's easier to enforce if there is a written contract, plus it makes the teacher 'one of the good guys' if they choose to waive the cancellation fee at their discretion.
  9. If we're allowed DnB tunes then I nominate Brown Paper Bag by Roni Size. Staggeringly good bassline... http://youtu.be/cwI0gbGEyuI
  10. [quote name='Rabbie' timestamp='1407700640' post='2523191'] Do the people who use these samples then perform live with double bass on stage? (Pardon the obtuse question, but it is a genuine query as this style is a whole new world to me). [/quote] Dunno, if we're [i]really[/i] lucky they do. Sneaky (Fingathing) is a classically trained double bassist, so here's hoping!
  11. Damnit Twit! I thought I'd got rid of my 5string GAS, and you have to go and start a thread like this? Poor form sir, poor form.
  12. Last one, promise http://youtu.be/90NNU_Xyk-8
  13. Or anything with Sneaky on bass check out Manchester's 'Fingathing' http://youtu.be/vExmQUs2sOg
  14. How's about this for starters... http://youtu.be/NaIDj6vBEoU
  15. I tend to favour putting the 'cleanest' dirt box (overdrive) first, then building up to a fuzz at the end. Currently mine goes BB Bass Pre -> Blowerbox -> Coloursound Bass Fuzz. Nice and FEEEELTHY!!!
  16. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1407590804' post='2522091'] BTW, wasn't it the Grateful Dead who expressly encouraged people to bootleg their concerts? [/quote] Primus did too. Their website used to have a 'Bootleg Barn' where fans were encouraged to upload their recordings. I seem to remember that the best ones received goodies from the band too.
  17. I'm in complete agreement with Mr Frampton. Why pay to see a live performance, only to watch it through a 2" screen? Ah, it's so that you've got an appalling memento of the occasion to share with people too tight to buy a ticket. Either that or you're more concerned that people you'll probably never meet know you were there, than you are with enjoying yourself and embracing the full live experience. It's just f***ing rude.
  18. +1. it's my 'go to' box for pretty much everything!
  19. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    KingBollock, I've just looked on the Alpha website at the specs for their 24mm pots and they're using M8 threads with a 0.75 pitch. http://www.alphapotentiometers.net/html/24mm_pot_11.html
  20. having been a diehard Jazz fan for more than 8 weeks I find myself looking over the fence at what other rock and metal players use. They can't *all* be wrong. Can they?
  21. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1407408315' post='2520147'] he charges an extortionate amount for his products and keeps 35% of money paid to him when it turns out he's made something that doesn't fulfil the customer's request? [/quote] Even God only asks for 10%!
  22. £499? Seems reasonable when you consider that the gig bag is a Vivienne Westwood®.
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