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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Yup, close miking is a nice way to augment the core sound of well placed, well chosen O/H mikes, and with 8 channels the OP would be wise to capture them too. …just in case, you know…..
  2. [quote name='ironside1966' timestamp='1406747825' post='2514431'] The trick to getting a great drum sound is a great sounding kit, played by a great player, in a great sounding room mic'ed up well. [/quote] Nail on the head right there. I'd go for something like this as a starting point, then add more close mice if you feel they're needed. http://youtu.be/BdiPLpXASgo I've always said that miking each drum individually is like using a separate pickup for each guitar string. Bonkers. Don't fall into the trap of thinking the overheads are JUST for cymbals, and high pass filter them accordingly - they are there to capture a stereo image of the KIT!
  3. This: [media]http://youtu.be/OnxkfLe4G74[/media] …only kidding. It was probably some schmaltzy sh*t pop song; I fell into bass playing as a local Artiste lost his bassist a couple of weeks before a gig. I bought a bass and depped (up until a week before the gig I was a keyboard player) and have been playing bass since. not schmaltzy sh*t pop though ;
  4. Where is the ol' girl at the minute? I commented on the Bass Relay Facebook thingy but it's all gone a bit quiet since then. I was hoping to use it for a dirty rock gig in Lutterworth this weekend.
  5. [quote name='mad shadows' timestamp='1406553838' post='2512349'] ...the BV's are a scream ! [/quote] The lead vocals aren't much different...
  6. Basses? 'Hangin's too good for 'em!
  7. Electrovoice RE20 - there's no proximity effect, so you can get the mic as close as the feline will allow, and there'll be very little change in the EQ of the recorded signal. Failing that, any large diaphragm condenser should do a more than passable job. My main problem with recording cat noises is that ours flips between 'affection' and 'disembowel' modes quite randomly.
  8. Get thee a Blade. My favourite Jazzes ever.
  9. VERY hot. Did a Help for Heroes/Cancer Research fundraiser over in Southport. No soundcheck/on stage monitoring or any such luxuries. Just turned up and rocked out. We had a blast and those left standing at the end of the set (it had been going since 2pm, and we started at 10pm) did too. We didn't sound our best, but we gave it everything (as always) and went for drinks with the organisers afterwards - 4 cokes as we were all driving
  10. Yowza! Do all the lights dim when you turn it on?!?
  11. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1406030863' post='2507624'] The blowerbox has me intrigued, but they're quite expensive and there weren't any for sale last time I looked! Where did you get the schematic/layout from? [/quote] www.tagboardeffects.blogspot.com looks a lot like this: [url="http://s1221.photobucket.com/user/paul_510/media/Idiotbox-Blowerbox2_zps3cf42eeb.png.html"][/url] If you're using an LM741 opamp instead of the 308 then you can take the 30pf cap out, as the 741 has one built in.
  12. I've always favoured finger style, but if I need a REALLY aggressive tone then I'll whip one of these out. http://www.jimdunlop.com/product/TECKPICK® It's also got the added bonus that when the zombie apocalypse arrives (and arrive it will) you can use them as arrowheads. Odd that there's no mention of that on the Dunlop site…
  13. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1404130407' post='2489504'] "In our computer controlled relicing process, we only use the best of floors, real leather belts with brass and stainless steel buckles, and only the finest - pre-K that is! - Zildjian cymbals. [size=3][i]Sabian-hit relics made on special order, at a premium[/i][/size]." [/quote] Yeah, I'd have to go for the Sabian AAX chips,but then I've always had expensive tastes...
  14. Fuzz is an odd one - is always sounds better through a cab, so get it miked up.
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1405605568' post='2503556'] Whaa!!? That's one of the best guitar solos ever in the history of pop music!! [/quote] yes, it's a brilliant solo, but in places it sounds like it belongs in a different song. Quincy Jones must have been off that day...
  16. Tease! Don't post pictures without videos!!!! They look brilliant though. Mumblemumblemumble….
  17. Back on topic, I consider the EVH solo on Michael Jackson's 'Beat it' to be one of the worst examples. http://youtu.be/oRdxUFDoQe0?t=3m1s I mean, it's not even it TUNE!!!
  18. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1405586805' post='2503219'] I would add that you are perhaps unaware of some Frank Zappa works, or the good Capt. Beefheart..? You might find the Byrds to be Mozart in comparison..! Chill out, man..! Peace..! Love... [/quote] ? Granted, some of Zappa's work may be considered 'unaccessible' to some, but to suggest that the guitar playing was ever less than outstanding? I'll see you at dawn with those antique pistols, sir!!!
  19. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    Finished my Idiotbox Blowerbox clone today. I put an extra switch on it for a 'low gain' setting too… It's the first time I've gone for a 'Rat' based dirt box, as I've always been a Muff sort of guy, but I'm loving it.
  20. is it wrong to say 'a dep' at this stage?
  21. Blowers are ACEBALLS!!! I'm starting my clone tomorrow... That certainly doesn't mean [i]you[/i] shouldn't buy this. If you don't think this the best bass dirt box ever then you are broken and should seek medical help. Immediately.
  22. If you need to buy new, and want a Jazz that'll outperform anything in its price bracket (and a few things outside of it too…) then I'd seriously consider a Blade B1. Best Jazz I ever had.
  23. I've got a BB Bass preamp for the simple reason that I'd like a two channel head (one clean, one dirty) that's at least 400W and foot switchable. It's FAR cheaper to do it this way!
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