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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. I've got a BB Bass preamp for the simple reason that I'd like a two channel head (one clean, one dirty) that's at least 400W and foot switchable. It's FAR cheaper to do it this way!
  2. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1405342264' post='2500950'] I [s]use[/s] WANT a Tronographic Rusty Box for just this reason [/quote]
  3. Yup. it's a 100kΩ Linear slider (the letter b denotes the taper of the slider).
  4. I've buggered about with pickups and positioning for the best part of a year now, and have finally settled (for now) on a Jazz configuration with a MM hum bucker next to the bridge pup. I don't use it much, but blending it with either of the other two (all 3 at once isn't anywhere near as impressive as I thought it would be) adds a lot more definition, particularly when I'm just using the neck pup for a 'P' bass sound. I've put mine touching the bridge pup, as I thought that's where I thought it sounded the best with my setup, but the OP's looks equidistant between the J pups.
  5. 'Alpha' is the brand/manufacturer of that particular component. Not too shabby….
  6. How long is it and what's printed on it? It'll probably have something like 50k B (or similar) on it somewhere. If you need a hand fixing it then PM me - I've been inside many a pedal.
  7. that's hardly a ringing endorsement for Carol though, is it?
  8. 7/10. I recognised Hooky, but guessed all the others. Was it the girl from Warpaint? I love their first album but couldn't tell you what she looks like. All of the others (apart from Dusty Gibbons and one other, but I won't spoil it for people who haven't done the quiz) were a shot in the dark.
  9. dear god, that's a [i]beautiful[/i] bass!
  10. Yowza! the Tarkin just NAILS it! I [i]hate[/i] being broke right now; that's the tone I've been searching for since, well, forever.
  11. Personally, looking at your current setup I'd be browsing the RME website - rock solid drivers and stellar audio quality. If you've got an iMac then why not do a proper job and get a firewire 800 interface? Or (dare I say it) a thunderbolt® interface?
  12. I just clicked the link to have a quick butchers - my horoscope said that I would 'uncover that which was missing and fulfil my existential precept', so I thought this was for me. It was a really good horoscope too, cost me 7,000 Aussie dollars over the internet, but they told me it was refundable within 7 days if it didn't come true...
  13. Shove some Heaven's Basement in there - their first (and only as far as I'm aware) album has some killer tunes on.
  14. Tony's right - I found my current band on here, good luck with the search.
  15. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    If you're after bog muff stuff then I'd recommend kit rae's big muff emporium http://www.kitrae.net/music/music_big_muff.html He's gone through all the production big muffs, but so far hasn't posted a schematic for the BBM. It's only a question of time though. Could be worth an email? The problem with the Bass Big Muff is that it's all surface mount, tiny wee components: [url="http://i1199.photobucket.com/albums/aa477/vintage_man/PLAQUETEANDO/Modded20Bass20Big20Muff20Pi.jpg"]Modded20Bass20Big20Muff20Pi.jpg[/url] The bast stab at a schematic I've found looks like this, but some capacitor values are missing. [url="http://i1199.photobucket.com/albums/aa477/vintage_man/PLAQUETEANDO/bassbigmuffincomplete.jpg"]bassbigmuffincomplete.jpg[/url]
  16. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    Finally finished an 'Engineer's Thumb' compressor. Threshold, Attack, Ratio and Release controls should make it quite a flexible little machine. I'll finally get round to playing with it tonight, now that I've learned to tell the difference between a 4.7µf and a 47µf capacitor... ...stupid boy.
  17. Head? Heart? says you. Ears, says I.
  18. I haven't been to Hyde Park today. I'm very sad about that . Glad you had a good time though.
  19. I had one of these a couple years ago. Hella loud and loads of cool sounds too. GLWTS
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