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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Keytar? That's one of those modern words that any right-thinking civilisation would have no need of - like 'Bridezilla'
  2. Disposable golf raquets? I think I missed a meeting...
  3. a Reading gig? Should separate the wheat from the chaff... Hope you find someone soon.
  4. I don't think you [i]have[/i] to spend 4 figures on a bass to get the right one for you. My current squeeze was put together for less than £400, and it's perfect. For me. Western society ingrains in us the idea of aspirational purchasing - this x will make you better/faster/thinner/happy/sexually alluring/whatever because that's just the way it's been set up. Ultimately If you find an instrument that you can't walk past without picking it up then (regardless of cost) that is the instrument for you. The cost of something doesn't necessarily represent its value.
  5. paul_5


    [quote name='BassBunny' timestamp='1404248803' post='2490855'] Bargain. Awesome basses and cheaper than an MIM Jazz. [/quote] I'd put money on it playing better than a US Jazz too....
  6. I've never played it, I'm either ahead of the curve, or hopelessly outdated.
  7. I heard that the baseline was played on a Korg M1... ...I don't mind though.
  8. If you want pickups that punch WAY above their weight and will cost you less than $60 I'd pop a pair of GFS AlNiCo's in there.
  9. paul_5


    I always feel sad when I see one of these up for sale. I had to sell mine a couple of years ago when I lost my job, and I absolutely LOVED it. Best Jazz ® bass I ever played.
  10. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    The blue ones will run for [i]ages[/i] provided that your iron isn't too hot when you solder the wires onto it - you'll notice the resin insulator bubbles a bit when if you .
  11. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    This is precisely the sort of job that mobile phone cameras were invented for. If you can unfasten and remove the old switch, then screw the new one in place and replace one wire at a time that's what I'd recommend, if you're not terribly confident about wiring 3PDT.
  12. [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1404125587' post='2489443'] Alternatively, if you have a spare D.I box in your P.A bag, use the input and link out to do the same job. Thommann do D.Is for under a tenner and it's always good to have a spare. [/quote] This is probably the best way, TBH. Good call Monckyman.
  13. Same as makes a great bass player - good ears and the sense to use them.
  14. Slander played the Borough in Darwen last night supported by the very capable 'Horny Goat Band', and it was HOT! Like, really hot. we had to stop after 5 songs to cool down - the room was unbearable, and the lights were really close to us; the lead guitarist in particular. When we felt sure that none of us were going to expire we set up fans on the stage and continued. Thanks to a really long lead I ended up on the floor messing about with punters (great fun) by way of entertainment. Also it was very, very loud! In spite of (or maybe because of) the difficulties we all seemed to move everything up a gear, I think to try to compensate for the unscheduled interlude, but whatever the reason we sold some CDs, and everyone had a brilliant night out.
  15. Definitely tape it lengthways, then I'd cable-tie it to be sure. As always, I'd put a high quality buffer as soon as I could in the signal chain, especially when using really length lengths of cable.
  16. [URL=http://s1221.photobucket.com/user/paul_510/media/double-fishermans_zps7526f19d.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd471/paul_510/double-fishermans_zps7526f19d.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  17. Bump for 'it's also really useful for powering foldbacks' type amp.
  18. I get that on my Macbook, apparently it's a quirk of the forum hosting software. Just change the extension to .mp3 instead of .ipb and your player will pick it up. It'll take about 2 minutes, but it's well worth it. The HGB played this one last night and it sounded brilliant!
  19. Frankly, I'm surprised that there's been an issue with D'Addario strings, I've never had a duff one. Good to know that they're on the ball though.
  20. I've used the Peavey ones way back when, and they were great.
  21. we rehearse once a month and it's the highlight of my social calendar. Sure, it's hard work and we get a lot done in the 4 or 5 hours, but everybody in the band is plain old bat-sh*t crazy. Which is nice.
  22. I made one myself using an old broom handle, gaffe tape and some panel pins (2 inch galvanised). Giving the guitarist a quick prod works wonders.
  23. For stripping insulation from cables I just use a small pair of side cutters; not the easiest thing to work with, but it's what I'm used to. When I started using solder less (George L) cables I A/B'ed one long on e against my usual Van Damme/Neutrik cable. The George L's didn't lose as much of the upper mids, and I know this because I recorded identical lines into ProTools and then got a spectral analyser on them. Because I am a bit of a geek. Reliability has never been problem, but that might be down to them being on a board.
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