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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. I thought that was a panda taking a 'selfie'... Kudos to EU for lovely generosity too.
  2. glad you've got it sorted. I was about to suggest enabling S/PDIF in your software but as you've done it I won't...
  3. Sibellius will route parts through VSTs these days. Still doesn't sound great, but at least it takes some of the donkey work out of it...
  4. Thanks Dad, I was looking on there last night. I'm after original 1954 Hofner hardware, not NOS stuff, but thanks for the link.
  5. I'm renovating a 1954/5 Hofner Senator and I need to get hold of 6 machine heads and a bridge. Ideally I'm looking to use original parts, so there's a bit of budget available. Anybody?
  6. I've not really got anything more to add; Behringer BDI21 or DHA VT1 would be my first choices (obviously dependent on budget). Try the Behringer first. at £26 it's not going to break the bank and if you find that for whatever reason you don't like it then the resale value on here is generally about £20, so you'll be £6 out of pocket but a lot closer to pinning down your ideal sound.
  7. No, you know they're there, but they're not a 'heavy' bass. They do the classic 'biting' Jazz bass tone really well too.
  8. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    I tend to go for the path of least resistance (if you'll pardon the pun) and browse tagboard sites, particularly this one: [url="http://tagboardeffects.blogspot.co.uk"]http://tagboardeffects.blogspot.co.uk[/url] I'd particularly recommend the Coloursound Bass Fuzz layout. doctortweek.co.uk carries a good range of quality components - especially JFET and germanium trannies (for lovely tube-y tones) at very reasonable prices. Hope this helps.
  9. Goodo! Seems your bass playing chops (and let's face it, bloody-minded tenacity) have paid off. Well done that man.
  10. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1402993427' post='2478539'] No, his missus enforces a strict 'one-in-one-out' policy. [/quote] Brilliant! Why he no sell me his fretless StingRay?
  11. My first 'proper' bass amp! Loved it. Gerrit fixed. Probably the filter capacitors on the power supply given its age.
  12. Basically an EHX Bassballs, but conceived and designed in Germany...
  13. FUNKBOX (aka filter). I've just fallen in love again with my home-made Nurse Quacky. It's a variant on the Doctor Q (EHX) and when it's in a parallel looper it's AWESOME!
  14. Here's some recordings I made with a Jazz bass into a Chord BCH-50 bass chorus pedal that I really liked, but thought a little bit too noisy for my tastes. As it's an analogue unit it's ripe for upgrading components, particularly the opamps. It uses 2 LM4558 opamps - but only 1 is upgradeable as it's using one of them for more than just a gain stage, so I replaced just 1 of them with an NE5532; identical pinouts mean that it's just a simple swap. The audio files (DI'd into Protools) are here: https://soundcloud.com/paul_5/sets/chord-chorus-modifications
  15. You might want to attenuate the output of the synth just to be on the safe side. My old Kawai had two output jacks; one for -10dB, and one for +4dB. Erring on the side of caution I always used the -10dB one, and kept the volume quite low on the synth. The signal voltage is different from the power supply voltage though, too much PSU voltage and you will definitely, 100% guaranteed fry at least a part of the pedal. Too much signal voltage (going down the jack lead from the synth to the pedal) won't damage anything, but will just sound sh*t. Or not, depends on what sort of sound you're after. Most FX pedals have a high input impedance (typically 1MΩ), so there are unlikely to be any problems on that score too. Using an SVT as a keyboard amp shouldn't be an issue - bass amps tend to make great keyboard amps because they (and their associated speaker cabinets) are designed to handle the low frequencies put out by basses. You may experience a little bit of the extreme top end missing, but a cabinet with a tweeter will be your best friend here. Using a guitar amp as a keyboard amp isn't really recommended. Not because it's dangerous, but because guitar amps are designed with a particular sound in mind, and the tone shaping part of the guitar amps are generally engineered to flatter the fairly dull sound of an electric guitar. Also they can't take the extreme low frequency output of bass guitars (or keyboards), and will distort at much lower volumes. They might also (if you're really lucky) start walking as the entire cab vibrates - good fun! In short, go for it.
  16. My main gigging Bitsa has an SX body and it's reassuringly heavy... Sounds great too!
  17. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1402831908' post='2477066'] Yes, you are going a bit mental. [/quote] You're not wrong...
  18. To be honest I've done this before. Currently my 'Bitsa' Jazz has a MM Humbucker next to the neck PUP that's switchable (currently on/off) that works in parallel with my normal J pickups. It'll do standard Jazz, P bass and MM tones really rather well, but I'm wondering about a mud-bucker next to the neck that's also switchable (on/off) with a preset trimpot inside the cavity, so I keep the look of a Jazz control plate. I've just done a mock-up using images from GAK's website and I reckon it might be a step too far. [url="http://s1221.photobucket.com/user/paul_510/media/JazzBassMonster_zpsbcbdeebd.png.html"][/url] Tonally I foresee it being unbeatable - rather like having an active 'bass boost' knob without the electronics. I could combine the Jazz bridge PUP and neck bucker for a really biting snap with a dubby low end, or any other combination. Might need a LPF on the output of the neck-bucker though... Aesthetically it might look better with a white pickup cover on the neck-bucker, a bit like Billy Sheehan's old Attitude basses, but without the dual output. Or am I just going a bit mental?
  19. I'll have a look at what we've got in the shop tomorrow.
  20. I seem to remember reading somewhere that Bernie went direct into the board in the studio.
  21. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1402590882' post='2475125'] Steinberger... [/quote]
  22. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    Poly box caps and them fancy orange Electrolytics - Nice work Sibob.
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