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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. I preferred Sibelius 2 to anything they've done since. Unfortunately OS updates mean that that's not an option anymore. Sibelius First 7 does everything I need now, but it looks like an iPhone app instead of a professional creative tool, I suppose that's just marketing though.
  2. http://www.doctortweek.co.uk/shop/article_144/Solder-18SWG-(1-meter)---Low-Temp%2C-Fast-Flow%2C-proper-solder!.html?sessid=qu6QmpmDu3X0tqBAqCZwU2WxrNDpuhT5y1J5gHBWDHy8UJ0DezSiv2LfFgULyTS7&shop_param=cid%3D19%26aid%3D144%26 That'll do nicely.
  3. what he said - sounds like a top night out.
  4. My mate once used one to keep the exhaust on thr van from Portsmouth back to Manchester (post gig).
  5. I'm off to one tonight, purely because I want them to book my 'real' band. Wish me luck, blues in 'E' here we come...
  6. yup, no extra parts needed, in fact, you end up with a spare capacitor - much like MFI furniture used to do...
  7. That's a sizeable cap to blow. Best leave it to the professionals...
  8. Just done the 'Aural Enhancer' mod on my SM400 and it's (not surprisingly) a very different beast. It's a lot darker and louder - both plus points for me and the sort of stuff I play. Took longer to take everything apart than it did to do the soldering bit.
  9. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1399234379' post='2442340'] I'd say Dimebag's last one was worse. [/quote]
  10. [quote name='jjay69' timestamp='1399150335' post='2441629'] I picked up one of these a little while back, cracking sound, but that neck is just amazing. GLWTS . [/quote] Yup, the necks on these are amazing to play.
  11. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1399140129' post='2441481'] [/quote] Mmm, black blocks and binding. The stuff of legend.
  12. No name chrome plated open backed 4-in-line (Fender® style) tuners. These come with the ferrules but no screws [attachment=161809:2014-04-11 16.10.59.jpg] sold
  13. Budget 'testbed' P Bass body with P Pickup, bridge and 'mint' scratch plate. This was my 'experiments' slab for a while, so it's been altered many times along the way. It's got a big hole where I was playing about with humbucker positioning and the scratch plate has an extra hole for a second volume control, but the neck pocket is still unmodified (i.e. standard size). [attachment=161808:2014-04-11 16.07.46.jpg] The pickup and bridge aren't in the picture, but I'll make sure they're included before posting. If you fancy mucking about with different pickups and positioning but don't want to damage a [i]real[/i] bass, then this is the answer to your predicament.
  14. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1398944038' post='2439225'] Isn't this just what a piano does?? [/quote] Yup, technically though it'd be a [i]Virginal[/i] 'cos there's only one string, innit. Also says a lot about the sort of player tempted to use one of these...
  15. Depends on the gigs really, if it's a functions band with a set made up of covers then I really don't see that there's an issue with getting a dep in, provided that they're competent and comfortable to play the stuff. Originals stuff is different, as bands tend to be more protective of their own material. I would't have an issue with getting a dep for the originals band I play with because I know I'd do everything I possibly could to play the gig in the first place, and just because I couldn't make the gig shouldn't mean that the other chaps didn't get paid. Just my view of course, m'lud....
  16. Yup, the 1153 is an 8Ω cab. I had one of these as my first 'real' cab when I was 18 or so. Loved it, brilliant kit.
  17. If you're playing it as an open chord on a guitar then it'd look like this: [attachment=161669:GMaj7.pdf] That goes B, D, G, B, F# (3rd, 5th, root, 3rd, 7th) In the same position it could be played: [attachment=161671:GM.pdf] which goes B, F#, G, B, G (3rd, 7th, root, 3rd, octave root) and still be a G∆/B (the 5th isn't as important as the other notes, so is often the first to go when simplifying chords) ultimately, if it sounds right, it is right. (these files get changed to some crazy heathen format by bass chat, just change the extension to .pdf and they'll open in adobe as normal)
  18. 'Blues in E' has limited mileage for me, so I'm out. The vast majority of Jams that I've been to have revolved around this, but occasionally I've hooked up with some really great musicians who are willing to play anything.
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