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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. I had a Hohner B Bass V many moons ago and that was through neck. Skinny string spacing though, but a brilliant instrument for the money.
  2. Still trying to get into 'Death Magnetic' by Metallica…
  3. Boss OC2 (or thereabouts). I'm using a home-made OC2 clone at the moment, but have had great results with the Chord OC-50. I've had the EBS OctaBass, EHX Multiplexer, Aguilar OctaMizer etc… and have come back to the classic OC2 sound; yes it's glitchy and doesn't track nearly as well as some of the newer octaves but it just [i]sounds[/i] great, and that's what it's all about.
  4. +1. check for loose screws on the tuners - I had one last week. It's a really easy fix too. Hope you get this sorted
  5. Nice those - the fabled 4558 opamp provides the dirt and a baxandall EQ. What's not to like?
  6. Inconsistencies when you're peeing might mean a visit to your urologist, or it could be your prostate. Sorry, I'll get me surgical gown.
  7. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    Just ordered myself one of those Big Beefy preamp boards from that internet. Looks pretty good.
  8. "Prayers and good vibes seem to have worked". Well, that and the surgery… Good news though.
  9. Grand mate, loving it. [URL=http://s1221.photobucket.com/user/paul_510/media/600px-Hausziege_04_zps5531b284.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd471/paul_510/600px-Hausziege_04_zps5531b284.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  10. Better off pinning [i]and[/i] glueing... I'll get me coat.
  11. Cool. Top bloke (and great luthier too)
  12. That's it; I am NEVER going to Bishop Auckland. Anyone prepared to do that to [i]two[/i] guitars at the same time is capable of anything (shudders).
  13. Brian Eastwood in Bacup (Rossendale Valley) gets my vote. http://www.brianeastwoodguitars.co.uk Never had a problem with an instrument that Brian couldn't sort out for me.
  14. For sheer 'RAWK' grunt and thunder I've been impressed with a Hartke LH500 through an Ampeg 8x10, but currently I'm running a 1993 SWR SM400 into a Hartke Hydrive 410 and that does everythingI need it too, in fact often I don't even use the EQ, just a liberal sprinkling of the Aural Enhancer® and I'm off.
  15. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    Single core. It comes in a bag of approx 1m. I can't see it on their website, but then their website is a bit sh*t.
  16. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1391198182' post='2354593'] I've fitted many a Fender/Squier neck to body and they all fitted pretty well. They're all standard sizes and have a 63mm to 64mm heel, which should fit the pocket of your body snugly. [/quote] That's one of the many things gifts that Leo Fender left us with.
  17. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    I got mine from Maplins.
  18. Carol Kaye books are brilliant if you can already read music. Also I got a lot out of Paul Westwood's [i]Bass Bible[/i] - loads of different styles from around the world and a mahoosive groove library. Finally I love the Ed Friedland [i]Walking Basslines[/i] books - great for getting under the skin of walking lines. Useful for )obviously) walking lines, but also great for making chord progressions more interesting in every other style of music.
  19. You know, Immo, this thread is pointless without SOUNDS… when can we hear some sampleses?
  20. Nice, might have to organise a bit of an outing…
  21. That's a beauty. I LOVE SG guitars but can't quite fall in love to the same extent with an SG bass. Still, that is a [i]beAUtiful[/i] instrument!
  22. Best cure for being a busy bassist? Learn guitar, there's *thousands* of those...
  23. Could do with a lick of paint on there….. Nah, that sir, is a beautiful bass. I bet it sounds the BALLS too. Congratulations on your aquisition.
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