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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Broke one today. Thrashing away through rehearsal and my A string suddenly got a lot floppier…
  2. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1388780479' post='2326072'] ahem [url="http://www.bassgear.co.uk/product/4-string-bass-guitars-po/herbie-flowers-jazz-replica-2/"]http://www.bassgear....jazz-replica-2/[/url] I would like a bass that sounds like the one the really cool guy who's name I forget played on graceland. [/quote] Bakithi Kumalo… http://youtu.be/nAgd9Ijw6WI
  3. I was going to say something by 'Beefcake the Mighty' from GWAR, but it seems I'm a little late to the party… [URL=http://s1221.photobucket.com/user/paul_510/media/beefcake_main_zpsc5b988b6.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd471/paul_510/beefcake_main_zpsc5b988b6.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  4. [quote name='Fat Rich' timestamp='1388590781' post='2323738'] Or you could play lying on your back like Bob Babbitt [/quote] Then you'd have 5' 2" head clearance!
  5. Tapes. Absolutely get some tapes. I used to LOVE recording on my Fostex 4 track back in the day. You may end up getting more out of the process than the product, but there's nothing wrong with that.
  6. Orange Tiny Terrors are awesome recording amps. 7 or 15W output, but them's [i]loud[/i] watts.
  7. Yup, definitely something about keyboard players. I've been in bands with a few and they were all (with 2 exceptions) twats of the highest order. The 2 exceptions though are 2 of the most helpful, self-effacing and lovely people you could wish to meet.
  8. paul_5

    Nux Pedals

    I bought the "mod core" pedal this year and it's superb. Cast metal casing, quality switches and knobs and sounds superb. I bought it as a cheap chorus for recording some guitar parts, but the tremolo and rotary speaker simulator in particular are superb. I'm using it on my bass now.
  9. paul_5

    Rack Equalisers

    [quote name='Lasermonkey' timestamp='1388159754' post='2319001'] The old MXR graphic eqs sound lovely and can be had for cheap. I bought my 2x15 band for £49 off eBay. :-) [/quote] I've got one of those in my loft somewhere
  10. [quote name='andydye' timestamp='1388254691' post='2320057'] DHA vt-1, don't faff with emulation, get the real thing! [/quote] This. Coloursound bass fuzz is my favourite for really nasty stuff.
  11. I'm a musician, I just happen to prefer the bass to any other instrument I've tried.
  12. I've used boiled linseed oil on rosewood boards but it can take a while to dry.
  13. Just given it a go - it's very 'PSP Vintage Warmer' sounding - and that's a good thing in my book!
  14. You may be giving the sound engineer a massive headache, as there can be phase problems between the DI and the microphone signal.
  15. We seem to have a thread for every other kind of amp/bass/pick but I can't believe we don't have a Hybrid porn thread. In an effort to rectify this oversight with alacrity I started one. All of my decent pics are at home, so I'll use this one as a place holder… [URL=http://s1221.photobucket.com/user/paul_510/media/2013-10-03120020_zps0354fe0c.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd471/paul_510/2013-10-03120020_zps0354fe0c.jpg[/IMG][/URL] I [i]love[/i] this amp. SWR SM400 (1993). More to follow.
  16. [quote name='Ghost Rider' timestamp='1387406234' post='2311735'] It would have been handy for England Cricket team in Australia. [/quote] Or in England - we could probably drive the deliveries from here with that thing.
  17. [quote name='kevin_lindsay' timestamp='1387999765' post='2317824'] I got this as an unexpected present - result! [url="http://s7.photobucket.com/user/kevin_lindsay/media/Andy%20Summers%20tribute%20Tele/20131225_130401.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote] Nice those. Good effort Santa!
  18. well, I got socks and spent the day on 'Lego® train set duties'. Result on both counts.
  19. Yup, Happy Birthday Lemmy. Don't go mad - we need you!
  20. I seriously thought about selling mine earlier this year, and even got as far as listing it in the FS section. I used it at a rehearsal (and later a studio job) and fell in love with it all over again - great (not so) little piece of kit. The issue with the headphone socket is that after a while they only work on one side - simple fix with a mono headphone adaptor though.
  21. My thread a home made OC2 clone: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/203405-faux-c2-build-with-samples/page__fromsearch__1
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