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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. I'm only vaguely curious about this, I reckon I'm all 'Rush live albummed out'.
  2. why's it got those 'speed bumps' on the fingerboard? Seriously though, that's a lovely looking instrument.
  3. I love early hip hop and rap stuff, Kanye's suffering from "Mo' money, mo' problems".
  4. if they're both 8Ω then there's less chance of a mismatch. Two 8Ω cabs in parallel will give you a 4Ω load and in series will give you 16Ω. The danger comes when you present a load (ohms) that is too small for an amp, some valve amps will tolerate a 2Ω load, but most amps state 4Ω minimum. The minimum impedance (ohmage) should be on the back of the amp near the speaker connectors. So long as you don't give it more than about 300W then you should be fine . Nice looking rig, by the way.
  5. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/221660-dha-vt1-eq-di-further-reduction/page__pid__2276587#entry2276587"]http://basschat.co.u...87#entry2276587[/url]
  6. I know it's not what we need just before christmas hits, but Waves currently have a sale on some of their plugins (older Renaissance stuff generally) - these can be had for less than £50. http://www.waves.com/specials Particularly tempting are the Renaissance Comp and Reverb. Having used them a few years ago I can thoroughly recommend them.
  7. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1384709170' post='2279770'] This is what those syth dudes are getting up to behind our backs [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3FMuSR46f8[/media] [/quote] The 'Rock bass' from 8'15" on sounds gash though.
  8. It does in my house, i made a mini4 channel mixer on veroboard.
  9. Sorry, I was a bit tired last night. Let me rectify the situation: http://youtu.be/MDtSf9pseOw
  10. Bass is always So Lower. again, I'll get my coat.
  11. From a production perspective he's sort of got a point - Bass sound waves are kinda slow and sluggish when played in really fast metal - so bassists often find themselves competing for midrange space with guitarists who are drop tuned. Ultimately it comes down to who shouts loudest at the mixing stage.
  12. seriously? A BC'er posts a photo displaying not only two top quality basses (no matter what you think of the design) that he and his Dad have a common interest in and all we can do is take the piss? Pffft.
  13. I've known Zappa's stuff was scary for a while now. The RNCM have/had some Zappa scores in their library for a few years and I managed to borrow some for a week. Yowza, yowza, yowza!
  14. I just read the interview and I reckon it's all a bit tongue in cheek - see his AC/DC comment…
  15. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1384362590' post='2275723'] £500??? taking the P [/quote] Presumably they'll provide a suitable receptacle though, I'd expect so for that money!
  16. [quote name='bengreen49' timestamp='1384360309' post='2275691'] I killed mine. Plugged the wrong power supply into it... Smoke was pissing out the GND lift switch hole like a little chimney [/quote] [i]Another[/i] similarity with the Sansamp then…
  17. I was bracing myself for bad news after reading the title. Glad to be wrong this time, get well soon Lemmy!
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