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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Samples here: [url="http://snd.sc/1gbXyB9"]http://snd.sc/1gbXyB9[/url]
  2. That Fender tone stack crops up in a lot of places, most recently a derivative can be found on the LH series amps from Hartke.
  3. I used to play a Hohner Jack way back in the day - lovely instruments with über-comfortable necks. Nostalgic bump!
  4. Pffft. I already made a wah with a LPF on board. Don't look like that though...
  5. Moog have announced the release of their new line on mini pedals. Well, 'mini' in comparison to normal Moog pedals... [url="http://bassmusicianmagazine.com/2013/10/moog-announces-minifooger-analog-effects-for-guitar-bass/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+bassmusicianmagazine+%28Bass+Musician+Magazine%29"]http://bassmusicianm...ian+Magazine%29[/url] It is nice!
  6. It's also World Mental Health Day. Coincidence?
  7. I sent my drummer a virtual hug via FB... on the proviso that he didn't try to cop a feel at the same time. Pervert!
  8. [quote name='borisbrain' timestamp='1381413295' post='2238707'] Never really gave much credence to Abba songs at the time, but on reflection, Rutger Gunnarsson's basslines are a treat... BB [/quote] Yup.
  9. I do it all the time. I'm currently rocking "Debut" by Björk and "Highball with the devil" from Les Claypool.
  10. You should be fine with any LED. There'll be a resistor on the board to drop the supply to it. Putting either 9 or 12v through an LED will fry it, just make sure it's the right way around.
  11. I've seen the DS-1 changed to a 'talent boost' box. It's funny 'cos it's true.
  12. Just like the title suggests. The ageing neck on my bitsa P has developed a rather worrying 'hump' just before the headstock (behind the 2nd/3rd fret). I'm guessing it's probably down to the truss rod being wound up tighter than an NHS worker's pay packet (but that's another, very disappointing story) but without this much tension on the neck it's like a bow and arrow. It seems the wood at the bump has developed a rather worrying crack too - too deep to be just the laquer. Is it time for a new neck? I've kept this one going for a couple of decades, but I'm just too broke to buy anything right now. Any suggestions on how to get another couple of months out of it?
  13. [quote name='floFC' timestamp='1380919174' post='2232533'] So that's it? Just hard work and lots of practice? Damn, I was hoping to find some magic formula [/quote] erm, that [i]is[/i] the magic formula!
  14. Also that's a beautiful amp Billy, inside and out. Hope it gets sorted soon.
  15. HB pencil for pre amp valves? Aren't you supposed to use a 2H for pre valves and HB (or softer) for power valves?
  16. A little bit of googling suggests that the values you've got are correct. If you want a little bit more control over the master volume then you could try a 47KΩ log pot.
  17. I think 'hate' is a bit strong, I absolutely adore the body shape of the 'vette but I've never really got on with the neck profile. Other than that I thonk they are (for the most part) very beautiful instruments. Apart from the Streamer and the Dolphin. The Thumb's a bit odd too. So to sum up. I like Corvettes!
  18. You're better off trying to learn '200 motels'. http://youtu.be/SfZrNLipVmk I once depped for a band for a couple of months, and their 'pad' consisted of about 40 songs that I had to learn from 2 CDs. One rehearsal and we were off. I would imagine that 200 songs is a [i]bit[/i] of a tall order...
  19. Just finished setting up my 'Mospace'. Just limbering up for Movember now...
  20. I think someone's already suggested 'Live Evil' and I'd second that. If you like Bitches Brew then Live Evil is for you as well! More of the same, but different...
  21. There's a very comprehensive review for the P retro on youtube: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRKwHe5ZkZc[/media] and his email is here: [email protected]
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