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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. http://youtu.be/ONRUMtsqQtM you'd end up chopping bits off.
  2. 'tother cap leg goes to the +9v input on the circuit board instead of a wire. What should happen is that when the switch is flicked to the 'on' position the voltage will flow to the baord, but the cap will slow the rate at which it gets there, eliminating said 'pop'...
  3. Could you not take a feed from the laptop into the effects return?
  4. I've never really had any horror story basses, I once borrowed a genuine '70s R*ck*nb*ck*r that [i]should[/i] have been the balls. It was not. Sounded incredible, but it felt like a snooker cue?!
  5. Chain would look like this: Battery >switch lug 1 > cap on lug 2> active EQ circuit board. If you put the cap on the "voltage input" side of the switch you'd still have the pop.
  6. Mine should arrive tomorrow. Can't wait!
  7. The site's working fine on my MBP. There's an intro page that's black, so it could be that it's buffering the image for that?
  8. Yeah, that would make sense to put it on the +9v supply. Check that it's rated for 9v though (most of them are, but the last thing you want to do it blow up a cap - it stinks! Basically you're using it to build a bridge between the voltage output of the switch and the voltage input of the board. Once the power gets turned on there'll be a couple of milliseconds of silence, then the sound should come back in. The bigger the cap, the longer this delay (initial charge up time).
  9. Yup, smoothing cap'll do it. start with a 0.1uf / 100nf (capacitor code 104) and see where that gets you.
  10. I, erm, fashined them out of some old nuts that had the right inside diameter. I held them in a pair of pliers and filed the corners off. By hand. Worked a treat.
  11. If an effect is popping when you switch it on it may be a case of increasing the input capacitor value to eliminate it. I like your idea though!
  12. I hope there weren't any unaccompanied minors in there.
  13. [URL=http://s1221.photobucket.com/user/paul_510/media/2013-10-03120020_zps0354fe0c.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd471/paul_510/2013-10-03120020_zps0354fe0c.jpg[/IMG][/URL] There's my SM400 (over)powering my home made practice 1x12" cab. Nice.
  14. Pretty nice those, I had one a while ago and thought it was a lot of bass for the money. At £60 it's a no-brainer.
  15. Just been playing about with a passive option for this. You can get away with using a 1kΩ resistor on the left and right (one per channel to make a 'Y' shape with the resistors) output of the iPod output (to drop the stereo signal into a mono one safely), then just wire the bass output and mono output from your iPod (or similar) together. Nay buffer, nay battery, nay problem.
  16. I've already mentioned this in the 'trem for bass' thread, but the NUX mod core is a superb bit of kit. Cast metal case, stereo ins and outs and all the modulation you could ever want: Chorus, flanger, pan, trem, vibrato, phaser and a surprisingly good rotary cab simulator. I think I picked mine up for less than 30 of your Earth pounds from Hong Kong.
  17. I was a massive fan. Back when Thrash broke over here I got everything I could (some bought, some taped from mate's LPs etc - hey, I was 14) and my favourite of the 'Big 4' were 'tallica, including ...and justice for all. I just thought the lack of bass was down to my ageing turntable at the time. I much preferred them to Anthrax and Megadeth, and Slayer were just too heavy for me (back then). I bought the Black album and loved it but i have to say that everything since then has been a parody of what they once were. Lars' drumming and Kirk's solos in particular seem like a flimsy pastiche of themselves. Nowadays if I fancy a bit of thrash it's more than likely Slayer or Anthrax's 'Worship music', which is a superb album from a band that I've often thought of as a 'cartoon' thrash band.
  18. I've just done the 'washer' trick to the rod of my bitsa P bass. Seems to have done the trick so far...
  19. Probably "Filthy Empire" by Heaven's Basement. Not really heard much else to be honest.
  20. [quote name='FretNoMore' timestamp='1380558145' post='2227059'] Can I ask what you guys use your tremolos for? Music style? Certain songs? [/quote] 'breakdown' bits where the guitarist does the slow arpeggiated bits mostly.
  21. [quote name='Aqntbghd' timestamp='1380548066' post='2226849'] You made me realise how old my amp is... when ask i alway say : "it is pretty old", but if i count the years it is more than 20 years old... damn... [/quote] If you pop the top off you'll see the date of production hand-written on top of the transformer chassis. Classy chassis
  22. That's lovely. I'll have to get a shot of my SWR SM400 to add on here. Nothing special to look at, but a 20 year old head that still functions perfectly (and sounds amazing) might be considered [i]sort[/i] of special...
  23. Pre fender SWR kit is always nice too.
  24. When I picked up a vinyl copy of [i]A Show of Hands[/i] by Rush. I bought a bass the following week and my keyboard playing took a back seat. Then it was the usual suspects: John Paul Jones, James Jamerson, Ducky Dunn, Billy Sheehan, Jaco, Flea etc... Mainly because they showed me what the instrument was capable of and that it's not limited to thumping away on root notes all of the time - although a sound knowledge of them is evident in all of those players (and many other excellent players too).
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