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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Lauged out loud in a couple of places. Maybe I'm one of those people who like crap?
  2. Big mirrors for the bathroom?
  3. Got any rounded top chrome knobs? If so I'm in.
  4. Gaaaaaa! I used to love my old blackface SVP PRO. If I had the money I'd be all over this like a tabloid reporter at the BBC xmas party.
  5. Just ordered mine now. Should I be this excited about an album I've already got? Probably not.
  6. "Distressed"? I'd be inconsolable!
  7. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1380389729' post='2224690'] As my wife tells me, it's not a whammy bar, it's a WahWah lever! [/quote] well [i]technically[/i] it's vibrato...
  8. Been listening to these new mixes and heard all sorts of stuff I didn't know was in there. Nice!
  9. I used to use charts, then tremolo on ethereal melodic / improvised stuff and couldn't really get the sound that I had in my head. Then my brother bought a NUX Mod core pedal http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SgDcO4wWP0 Turns out the sound I was REALLY after was a rotary speaker. Cheap as chips too!
  10. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1375470166' post='2161997'] Wouldn't mind a copy if any does buy it though?!?!? ....................slinks away [/quote] What about that "integrity" you were lamenting the loss of...
  11. I'd heartily recommend a Mighty Mite neck - REALLY playable kit!
  12. I really love Albini's approach to producing albums. Also you can read his diatribe on the music industry as a whole here, entitled "The problem with music" http://www.negativland.com/news/?page_id=17
  13. Yup; he can get hold of obsolete transistors and diodes too for added MOJO. Makes a BIG difference...
  14. [quote name='Zenitram' timestamp='1380193076' post='2222054'] This strikes me as a good deal: [url="http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/m-audio-focusrite-protools-audio-interface/1033396953#photo-content"]http://www.gumtree.c...3#photo-content[/url] [/quote] Yup, I'd check compatibility with your OS though, as these don't run on OS X 10.7 and up (on Mac, not sure about PC)
  15. If you're new to all of this shizzle then the easiest thing in the world is to pop into Maplins. Don't do this. It's WAY cheaper (by at least 50%) to get your components etc... from this chap. http://doctortweek.co.uk
  16. Alright, I'll play. Just finished spraying and assembling this in my shed.
  17. Need any layouts for a good quality buffer? Try these: http://tagboardeffects.blogspot.co.uk/2012/02/cornish-buffer.html or this one's a bit simpler, but still good: http://tagboardeffects.blogspot.co.uk/2011/04/klon-buffer.html Hope this helps.
  18. I can see no end of "trigger's broomism" happening as a result of this.
  19. Also, if you want to use a quieter OPAMP chip then substitute the TL072 for an NE5532; it's pretty much the first upgrade I do to any circuit. Happy days.
  20. Mmm, might need a buffer in there to avoid 'loading' the output. Something like this would do it... [URL=http://s1221.photobucket.com/user/paul_510/media/2chan-mixer_zpsad69650f.png.html][IMG]http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd471/paul_510/2chan-mixer_zpsad69650f.png[/IMG][/URL] Might be a little bit more complicated than your initial idea though.
  21. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1380031509' post='2219810'] Lead poisoning is not a great risk when soldering - the temperatures used are not high enough for there to be any appreciable amount of lead in the fumes, and it doesn't produce inhalable fine dust. Clear up the bits when you're done and wash your hands and you'll be fine. The fumes from the flux are more of a risk, as often it contains rosin which is a sensitising allergen, but with decent ventilation and short exposure that's not too much of a worry either. The ROHS regulations which have banned lead solder in new equipment are environmental regulations intended to keep lead out of landfill, rather than being driven by workplace health and safety. [/quote] Phew, that's a relief. There must be some other reason why I'm bat-sh*t crazy!
  22. My favourite is the EHX one. Metal case and self-contained. Jack input and a 1/8" headphone socket. It's got a 9v battery inside (a normal PP3 one) that last ages. To turn the amp on simply plug your headphones in - unplugging them turns it off. http://www.hotroxuk.com/electro-harmonix-headphone-amp-personal-practice-amplification.html?utm_source=GoogleBase&utm_medium=organic&gclid=CLzFoLGT5LkCFaTLtAodMF4AoQ I keep mine with a short 1/4" to 1/4" lead in my gig bag. In answer to your last question: yes, they're brilliant.
  23. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1380027313' post='2219694'] Also, if you can find the old style tin/lead solder (they don't sell it in Maplins), it's easier to use than the lead free kind and doesn't require as high a temperature. [/quote] True dat - I have to run my iron about 30% hotter when using lead free stuff. Take sensible precautions though, lead poisoning is pretty nasty.
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