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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. 4 mics? you could get an awesome drum recording with 4... (assuming the kit sounds good). [url="http://therecordingrevolution.com/2011/01/10/the-glyn-johns-drum-recording-method/"]http://therecordingr...cording-method/[/url] I've used this technique, but a variation with only 3 is to measure the distance between the two overheads (let's call this'B'), then put a microphone in front of the kick that distance ('B') from the centre of the snare - it'll emphasise the kick, and give more depth to the toms too. Something like this: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdiPLpXASgo[/media] I've had very good recordings from a pair of SE2000s (£80 condensers) as overheads, and an SE 2200 (also a Beyer Dynamic M834, but that's way over budget...) in from of the kick.
  2. I bought my first bass amp (tiny Marshall practice combo with an 8" driver) in 1992, so I'm not really qualified, but I'd have thought TE had the market cornered in the 80s. About a year later I bought a series 6 GP7 Trace head and it was brilliant. I part ex'ed it for a 2103H years later and yes, that was heavy. Sounded awesome on top of the 1153 cabinet though...
  3. Mine's not got one 'cos I made it myself! THAT'S the geekiest thing I've ever done.
  4. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1377885667' post='2193298'] Save your money. I'm sure you can find other imaginary treatments for free that would be just as effective. [/quote] King bollocks. 90% of my bass playing (a percentage that increases annually) is testament to the fact that it worked for me.
  5. By your own admission your only obligations are the gigs. I think they should rehearse with the new player before the gigs, so that they're good to go when you eventually step down.
  6. Nice to see a cowbell that doesn't get used too; obviously a drummer with taste...
  7. Ibuprofen gel, physiotherapy and acupuncture. Worked for me .
  8. Best use of a copy of [i]Catcher in the Rye[/i] I've ever seen.
  9. Oops, if you could then that'd be grand. Thankyouplease.
  10. OK, so having built my Boss OC2 clone I need to give it a bit more headroom to play nicely with my active bass. I've thought about putting an input pad on it and a small JFET booster on the output, but there's probably an easier way to do it. Anybody any ideas?
  11. I quite enjoyed the head. Some of the solos got a bit much in places but the worst thing (for me at least) is that John Patittucci NEVER tucks his shirt in. Scruffy bastard, could someone PLEASE have a word with his tailor or his mum or whoever is responsible for him.
  12. For me it would be John Paul Jones, Stu Zender, Steve 'Arris and John Giblin.
  13. Audioslave. What's not to like? Chris Cornell and Timmy C in the same band! Awesomes.
  14. Timmy C from Rage against the machine's got a whole box full of groove...
  15. [quote name='ead' timestamp='1377687296' post='2190292'] Thanks for the heads up. Is that Ian Hunter as in Mott The Hoople? [/quote] Yup. Most of Queen are on the album too. The songwriting's really good and the performances are great. Highly recommended. http://www.amazon.co.uk/All-American-Alien-Boy/dp/B001GUGCL4/ref=sr_1_16?s=dmusic&ie=UTF8&qid=1377688245&sr=1-16&keywords=Ian+hunter
  16. Thing is, exactly [i]which[/i] Rush would you like them to be? 80's synth rock? Excessive 70's Prog? They've changed so much over their career, and I think that's a good thing. How many people on here are writing the same style of stuff that they used to 30, 10 or even 2 years ago? People change, evolve and develop and their creative output reflects that.
  17. [quote name='ead' timestamp='1377674342' post='2190064'] There's some nice fretless playing on Joni Mitchell's album Hejira. Jaco's work but very unlike his other stuff. [/quote] Try [i]All American Alien Boy[/i] by Ian Hunter, he does the same on there too.
  18. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1377633798' post='2189770'] worth pointing out to folk who don't know but this is less relevant if playing an active bass... [/quote] True dat. I've also found that certain pedals and headphone amps work better with a buffer to [i]lower[/i] the impedance of my active bass; EHX headphone amp sounds clearer after the buffer (High input impedance, low output impedance) than going straight in. My bass fuzzes in particular sound better like this also.
  19. [quote name='dincz' timestamp='1377622680' post='2189557'] If a buffer alters the tone, it's not a good buffer. [/quote] How 'bout this one... [url="http://s1221.photobucket.com/user/paul_510/media/cornish_buffer_zps9ba31ef1.png.html"][/url] You could get away with a 2N5088 if you haven't got a BC549, or probably a 2N3904 would do just as well.
  20. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1377604435' post='2189238'] Of course, that's why if I'm getting an iPad, it will be the mini - Practically the same, except a lower res screen, and a bit smaller and lighter. It has a slower processor, but it also has less to process, on account of the lower res screen. EDIT - it's also [b]50%[/b] cheaper. [/quote]
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