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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. [quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1374949803' post='2155194'] Not really, just get rid of the black keys and have 11 white ones per octave [/quote] But then all the pianist's hands would be too small... Excuse me, I think I need to lie down.
  2. I used to import MIDI files into Sibelius (but much cheaper programs will do the same thing) and then play along with what was on the screen. It's a bit cumbersome but it worked for me.
  3. No, simply because of the dangerous voltages inside of them. Reading through your post though, it looks like you know what you're doing, so more power to your elbow, glad you're enjoying the sounds!
  4. Horrid, horrid feeling. I have recollections of using a '75 reissue Jazz in a studio and having exactly the same problem. This is the only reason I've never owned a Fender.
  5. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1374940687' post='2155043'] Well yes, but a lot of punk bands were not exactly blessed with even half-decent singers either. [/quote] True, but at least they sounded like they meant it.
  6. Some people are born singers, some achieve singing and others have singing thrust upon them. Couldn't carry a tune in a bucket!
  7. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1374166615' post='2146060'] ahhh, you see, now I have to put (another) one on my fretless Jazz. Would it be considered 'over the top' to have an HH Jazz? [/quote] Just finished it this week. I f***ing LOVE my bass now. Sounds like a Jazz but with loads more "oomph"! Photos (edit - and samples ) later...
  8. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1374925949' post='2154841'] I'd try an explain but this is so much easier to understand. WARNING! Watching this video WILL make everything you listen to immediately afterwards sound dreadfully out of tune lol. [media]http://youtu.be/BhZpvGSPx6w[/media] [/quote] AAARRRGGGHHHHH! EVERYTHING'S WRONG!
  9. [quote name='chaypup' timestamp='1374750406' post='2152706'] Would like to see them with a singist too... [/quote] how about 'Mit Mike Love'?
  10. Fair point, but I reckon it'd better to take it apart it once to photograph it than to have to do it for every Tom, Dick and Harry that shows interest.
  11. Icthus basses are great for scale practice.
  12. Thanks for that Joe, I might have a do tomorrow while the Mrs is having her hair done...
  13. pre Bach (the chap who devised our 'tempered scale' system notes were worked out mathematically (based on Pythagoras - the triangle guy), so that (for example) C# and Db were slightly different in pitch from each other which meant that changing key could be a bit of a bugger, as the keyboard instrument (spinnet, virginal, harpsicord etc...) had to be tuned to the new key. What Bach did was to work out a pitch that sat equally in between the two, and just use that for both pitches. Bach then went on to publish the 'Well Tempered Clavier' to demonstrate his system. The books featured keyboard pieces across all of the keys that could be played without retuning the instrument. Bingo! Do you know Bach's organ works? of course it does - he had 23 children!
  14. [quote name='Telebass' timestamp='1374824528' post='2153569'] And why CBS' introduction of a fretless Precision was a great indication of how little they understood their own product. [/quote]
  15. or you could try 'Greenwoods', they do 'old man' clothes including 'sports jackets' and other things of that nature. They've got a sale on too...
  16. You know Skol (and paulflan), this is NOT helping me to give up GAS!
  17. Why is it that a fretless bass is specified as 'fretless' but fretted basses don't need the same description? Surely the fretted bass is a "Johnny come lately" in the great big scheme of things? I'm confused at the taxonomy (amongst many, many other things).
  18. I've used these on my fretless twice (had them on less than a week) but I'm not getting the sound that I'm after out of them so I'm moving them on. .45 to .100 gauge and cut to length for a standard 'fender' style bass ( G string longer than the E etc...). SOLD
  19. £1500 should get you a handmade bass to your exacting specifications. Making a '75 Jazz bass clone should be well within the abilities of a decent luthier.
  20. Started my listening, but not had the chance to give them all a decent, focussed listen yet
  21. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1374732649' post='2152443'] There is some great work there this month.. [/quote] Just like every other month then! The amount of talent on this board is staggering; we're awesome!
  22. Sounds like it needs to go back mate, at least it's only your backup though.
  23. ahhh, you see, now I have to put (another) one on my fretless Jazz. Would it be considered 'over the top' to have an HH Jazz?
  24. I bought a knackered Wah pedal from eBay and just rewired that. Robust? I should say so, and it was a darn site cheaper than the plastic Roland/Boss ones.
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