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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. yup - nice little exercise that, thanks for posting!
  2. He's not [i]really[/i] unwell though is he? He's just regenerating. All the best Ian, get well soon!
  3. Also 'slap bass' solo and a damp patch afterwards.
  4. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1372866127' post='2130917'] Allow me to be the first of many that says Ampeg SVT & Fender Precision. [/quote] Yup. SWR and Jazz Bass. - those 'Acoustic' amps and Jazzes are pretty darn tootin' too!
  5. or greetings card outlet? We'll always need more of those.
  6. Yup. Doesn't last long, but it does happen. Don't sell your kit though unless your arms drop off (or similar).
  7. I would have thought "drive a Rolls Royce into a swimming pool" or at least "hurl the TV out of the hotel window" would have been in there. There's no excuse for lateness though - do they have something better to do with their evening?
  8. No. 15 - Presidents of the USA. They should be shot for that. Oh, wait sorry.
  9. Wire brush and Dettol ®.
  10. If I can't make one, or can't be bothered to then it's basschat. I buy strings from my local (10 minute walk) music shop just because he's local (also a nice guy) and it's handy to have a music shop on my doorstep.
  11. I bought some aluminium tape from Aldi a few months back - cheap as chips and works a treat!
  12. Throw away your television - RHCP. Not too shabby that line.
  13. I reckon I'm up for this. I love my 220 but I'm now in a band with 3 guitarists and need a bit more "oomph" behind me.
  14. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1372353915' post='2124785'] Absolutely not. I hate that. 7" singles should run at 45rpm IMO. Besides the initial advice we were given was that for the running time we wanted on the B Side, 45 with less level was preferable to 33 with less bandwidth. [/quote] fair do's, 45rpm is the quality choice!
  15. The marquee states that it's 101% commission free; that surely means that they pay you to sell your tat? Cool.
  16. Why not have side A play at 45rpm and B at 33rpm just to confuzzle people?
  17. BSY600 is a copy of the Boss SYB-5 and sounds identical.
  18. Anyone know where to get a 50KΩ Linear slider for the SWR EQ section on my ST220 it's got a centre detent too, just to make it even more specific. . I could buy 10 from Hong Kong or 1 from the states for about £30. Neither prospect is particularly appealing.
  19. Have we had "We Will Rock You" - Queen and "Walk This Way" - Aerosmith yet?
  20. Another 'unmistakeable' drum track: http://youtu.be/3hVqpjZ8qWM ...or is it? http://youtu.be/AoD4nWIZHkY
  21. alright then BRX, have a butchers at this... http://youtu.be/SmSyvGrwPhE ...and normal* service is resumed. [size=2]*for a given value of 'normal'.[/size]
  22. How 'bout that Neil Peart again? http://youtu.be/rMYDuPWHFAo
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