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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Tony Levin is no slouch either!. I love Eddie's rhythm playing too - much more than just power chords.
  2. Anything with Jimmy Carl Black (he's the 'indian' of the group, boys and girls) should see you right... ...I'd recommend "We're only in it for the money" by Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention. It doesn't meet any of your specified requests, but it [i]is[/i] rather good!
  3. EZ drummer. Love it. http://www.toontrack.com/products.asp?item=7
  4. I've got the SWR 220 from this series (Steve Rabe design) and can confirm that they are [i]really[/i] flexible, great sounding amps. A true 'quality' piece of kit whether you're in the studio or the Dog and Partridge.
  5. Duly noted. I'll look into transposing this formula to fit a pedalboard model...
  6. [quote name='eddiehoffmann' timestamp='1371680179' post='2117020'] It looks like you need a good overdrive pedal. My search came to and end when I acquired one of these: [media]http://youtu.be/tFfqWnybHEM[/media] [/quote] I had one of those a while ago - definitely one of the best I've had.
  7. [quote name='Oopsdabassist' timestamp='1371678715' post='2116996'] Materials for the transformer? Also accounts for the weight to be sure! [/quote] Could be - I'd imagine that there's a whooooole lot of copper windings on the input and output transformers.
  8. Overdrive is a smoother, more gentle sort of clipping whereas distortion is a really rough sound - imagine they're different grades of sandpaper. Distortion would be the one that gouges at the surface but the O/D would be used for a smoother finish. Fuzz is the bastard offspring of those two grades of sandpaper...and a chainsaw.
  9. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1371509824' post='2114952'] Not at all, a well voiced chord sounds awesome on a bass, especially a 6 string. [/quote] Yup - 10ths on the E and G string are an excellent place to start. Then up past the 10th fret if you want to used a more closed voice.
  10. One of the main symptoms of not enough RAM is crackling and popping so it [i]may[/i] be that.
  11. DHA VT1 EQ DI (since we're just using abbreviations).
  12. Dunno, I've only launched Garageband twice before uninstalling it. If your Zoom doesn't appear in that list then I'd just check whether it'll act as a USB interface or if the drivers are the most current ones. If it's plugged in and can be used as an interface then it should really appear as an option for audio input.
  13. Does Garageband have a default setting for 50 bars of recording anywhere in the 'Preferences' bit? Might be worth a look.
  14. I've got the Korg MS20 Legacy plugin and love it, but I use a MIDI control keyboard to play it - I don't get on with little keys.
  15. I've just spent 30 minutes on a 2 octave Ab scale going up and down in 4ths. I got up to 80bpm (using semiquavers) and now my hands feel as though they've really had a workout. This is true. At the same time as this my ears got a good drilling, and my brain helped me to find the most comfortable positions to play certain modes off the parent scale. I reckon that [i]just[/i] playing scales is educational and worthwhile for more than dexterity /muscle development. It also improved my intonation as I was playing my fretless. Tomorrow night - 'A major scale' 2 octaves.....
  16. You say that like 80 naked cyclists is a [i]bad[/i] thing?
  17. It happens all of the time unfortunately - I've done it myself on a couple of albums where the playing was 'sub prime'. Not because I wanted a playing royalty (waived them anyway), but it's often easier than spending hours and hours trying to edit / pitch correct / polish the proverbial.
  18. Jump up and down with it round your neck for 90 minutes - if you're tired at the end then it's too heavy.
  19. You'll know it when you hear it - kinda like somebody took one of the sliders on a graphic EQ and slid it all the way to the top - then cut most of the rest. It just means that the two versions of the same signal are crossing each other and part of one wave is cancelling out part of another.
  20. Move the mic around until it goes away! Seriously, move the mic. Doing it in the DAW is possible by nudging the one of the tracks by a couple of milliseconds so that waveforms aren't cancelling each other out but I'm of the opinion that if you want it to sound right at the end, get it right at the start.
  21. Caravan with a drum solo? I might just 'freak out!'
  22. Of those 3 mics I'd go for the 57 on the best sounding cone and DI as well. I'd do some test recording before actual 'takes' to check that the microphone channel isn't out of phase with the DI - you'll know if they are on playback; when you listen to them individually they should sound OK (but different from each other), but when you play them together the sound will start to sound 'thin', like some of the sound is missing...
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