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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Thanks for the post Wal, nice of you to share.
  2. [quote name='Bigwan' timestamp='1370861758' post='2106349'] You'd be cheaper buying a used microsynth. Trust me on this... [/quote] sad but true.
  3. My favourite 'go to' bass is a home customised 'bitsa' All in for about £250 including 2nd hand Mighty Mite fretless jazz neck, actives, PUPs etc... Plays and sounds better than any other bass I've ever played. to me at least.
  4. [quote name='Damonjames' timestamp='1370470791' post='2101637'] I think I may have found the problem, I noticed there is a blue wire with a ring lug on it floating about inside the casing. I think that it should be grounded to the chassis??? [/quote] yup, use one of the screw on feet to attach it to the case or any of the 4 screws on top and trap it between the 2 halves of the case.
  5. yup, I was surprised how much of a difference it made.
  6. Samples are up chaps! [url="https://soundcloud.com/paul_5/sets/fx-25-before-and-after"]https://soundcloud.c...efore-and-after[/url] first clip is the modded FX25 (LPF), the second is the FX25 as a stock BPF (I've put a toggle switch to go between the original pinout of the LM3600 and the new wiring). Nice
  7. DHA VT1EQ - lovely tubey warmth/fur and a very musical 3 band EQ. Lovely clean DI too.
  8. The trebly/boomy is due to it being a band pass. The boosted frequencies start way up top and plummet down to teeth-rattling which makes it a tricky one to use properly, when I first got it it took some time to learn how to 'play it'.
  9. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1370681858' post='2104263'] ....and Morrissey evasive, truculent and to be of only a moderate intelligence! [/quote] yes, it doesn't take too much grey matter to paraphrase Oscar Wilde, does it. Marr, on the other hand is brilliant, I went to his inauguration lecture as honorary professor at Salford University a few years ago - a lovely little thinker.
  10. [quote name='dincz' timestamp='1370672362' post='2104164'] I never managed to get past Morrissey's consistently slightly sharp singing. [/quote] +1 . It took a bit of effort but it was worth it.
  11. it's a fairly straightforward one but a bit fiddly; basically you cut the PCB track going from one of the caps (0.01µf IIRC) to pin 8 of the LM13600 chip and solder a wire from the same cap to pin 9 of the LM13600 - that essentially turns it from a band pass filter to a low pass filter. Once you've done that it's hella loud, so I stuck a volume control on it to tame the output. Like I say, fiddly but worth it. If you're interested I can open mine up again and let you know exactly which cap it was. If I get time today I'll do some sample recordings and put them up on here.
  12. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1368208638' post='2074558'] You ever tried the FX25? Even simpler and is really good at [i]that [/i]sound. [/quote] Got one - modded it. Even better!
  13. Yup. Transcribed some Smiths basslines a few years ago for a student - really enjoyable to give those lines the attention they deserve.
  14. Built it on veroboard. It's [i]really, really[/i] vicious when you push it - probably unusable on bass without the blend control, although if you turn the 'texture' knob down it gets really mellow. As for mods then the obvious place to start would be to alter the input cap to let more bass through to the drive stages... I'd start by whacking that up to .1µf and seeing what that sounds like.
  15. I wouldn't even get on stage if there was a stool on it. Dirty bastards.
  16. Dunno, w It's got a horrible, nasty, spluttery/gatey/spitty sort of sound to it - you can see why they put a blend on it! Mine's mounted in the same box as my Colorsound Bass Fuzz clone so I can switch between dirty sounds really easily.
  17. Still more expensive than a Behringer BDI-21 though...
  18. got some HOT 'buckers for the SG and both of my basses are active; it's all good!
  19. So anyways, a load of MPSA14 darlington transistors arrived today. Scramblers ahoy!
  20. I did this to a 'Yamato' headstock that I wanted to fit 'proper' size machine heads to. I dowelled and glued the original holes and then marked out and drilled new holes (wood awl) and the job was a good 'un. It looks a bit weird, as the dowel is pine and the head is maple, but I reckon if it bothered me that much I'd get some veneer / paint on it. It's my 'stay at home' bass, so there's no issue.
  21. Not seen this, so thanks for posting the link - I'll have to have a 'butchers' when I get some down time in the house. I was just listening to 'Axis: Bold as Love' this morning and was asked to turn it off. Now I'm sad.
  22. I've never had any issues with Melodyne but like you, I try to avoid it. "if it's not right, then do it again"
  23. Don't play. I don't want bass playing to be a chore. If I've got gigs or stuff coming up then I'll make sure I really hunker sown to it, but I've got definite targets in situations like that, and it's easier (for me) to put the hours in.
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