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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1369854038' post='2093605'] If you remember how cheap these were when they were sold new, you probably wouldn't be surprised at all! [/quote] £40 for my first one - brand new from Johnny Roadhouse in Manchester - many, many moons ago.
  2. DC power sockets on these can be a bit tricky, as I seem to remember it's something quirky like a positive ground. Fitting the socket is easy enough, but wiring it up so that it does't buzz can be a bit of a minefield...
  3. I'd say DHA VT1. Might be slightly bigger footprint than you're after but it's WELL worth the size. They're the canine's testicles! I think they a use 500mA supply, but the 1spot delivers 1700mA, so that shouldn't be a problem. Newer ones use centre negative, but the older ones use centre positive, this one should see you right... http://www.davehallamps.co.uk/page55aa.html
  4. Ace! Thanks for wasting massive amounts of my time.
  5. Wow. Who [i]wouldn't[/i] want to be married to a bassist though? We're sooooo goddamn sexy, good with our hands and can keep a steady rhythm... ...oh, and we know how to set up the PA too!
  6. Probably. Some of my best friendships have been formed with band members. I'm not in bands with them anymore but we're still great mates.
  7. The wiring loom inside those old Russian Muffs is notoriously thin stuff. It could be a dry joint, the pot could be dicky or (worst case) the gossamer-thin wire needs replacing. I might have some pots in my man-shed taken from a Russian Muff if you'd like me to have a wee look?
  8. Brilliant stuff chaps - I've really enjoyed all of the entries this month (as always). It was a [i]really[/i] close one to call this time.
  9. Gott in Himmel, das is über tat und keine mistake!
  10. Brilliant thread and responses. Really hope this manages to get Steve's attention.
  11. [quote name='clauster' timestamp='1369669034' post='2091389'] The RE20 is a digital pedal if I'm not mistaken. This MAY need it's own power source or an isolator if you want to avoid noise. [/quote] This. I use a 1spot for most of my pedals, but when I used to put a EHX Freeze pedal on the board it whined like a convicted politician. However, if I powered it (and nothing else) with the '9v out' feed from my Boss TU3 then it was lovely and quiet. Digital pedals can be very fussy about PSU chains.
  12. [quote name='Pestie' timestamp='1369641417' post='2091031'] Where are you please? Thanks Mike(Pestie) [/quote] +1
  13. [quote name='2x18' timestamp='1361104944' post='1981053'] Forum Rules --You need to state a price, even for trades! [/quote] Yup, true dat. Probably abut £350 - £400. Anybody in the NW (Manchester way or close) got a Hydrive 112 and is prepared to let me pop round and have a wee play?
  14. I remember transcribing this when I was learning to play - THAT was an evening well spent.
  15. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1369379887' post='2088457'] I always defer to the wisdom of Greg Wallace on this matter... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?nomobile=1&v=IfeyUGZt8nk"]http://www.youtube.c...1&v=IfeyUGZt8nk[/url] He knows what bass is [/quote] That sir, is brilliant. Take 10 points!
  16. In the sound engineer's defence, churches (or any other big, cavernous space) are a nightmare to EQ, especially when it comes to bass. It's frustrating though when you can't hear what you're playing, not too bad if it's a reading gig (apart from fretless!), but if it's a 'follow the pianist/guitarist' affair then it's a recipe for disaster.
  17. I'm still tempted to trade my Hydrive 410 for a Hydrive 112. The 410 is ACE, but it's just too big to bring home which means I don't play through it anywhere near as often as I'd like.
  18. Love it. Reminds me of Mitch Benn's output on the [i]Now Show[/i].
  19. Lovely sounding little boxes ain't they?
  20. Well that was an easy fix - replaced the first 2 opamps on the board (they're even socketed) and it's business as usual!
  21. Berry Gordy (IIRC) used to have a small transistor radio setup to test his mixes in the studio, as that's where they would end up. Makes sense to me and didn't really do his output any harm...
  22. I use a pair of Grado SR60s or Sennheiser C300s mostly. I've got some lovely Hi-Fi speakers somewhere, but with 2 kids around (and a wife who complains about how they look) they're likely to hibernate for a little bit longer yet...
  23. Ray was a better bassist with just his left hand than some of us who use 2; a sad loss indeed.
  24. there's a clip of it here: http://youtu.be/q44v9baJa4E
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