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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. So anyway, I ended up replacing two zener diodes (1N4737) on the power supply and the 'limiter' pot yesterday and now I have an oscillating machine but no bass amp. Anyone got a service manual (or similar) for this?
  2. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1369061986' post='2084400'] I've never heard that before. That really is dire and at the same time hilarious. Fabulously awful!!! [/quote] I'll be honest with you, I just googled "worst Beatles cover" and this was pretty much at the top of the pile. I didn't even listen to all of it, I just linked it on here and ran!
  3. dry joint that just needs touching up with fresh solder? Sounds like a dicky joint somewhere.
  4. Jams Blunt, Rocky Raccoon. /thread. http://youtu.be/SRWKNLDZiHI
  5. I play 1 bass (fretless Jazz hybrid) almost exclusively. I've got two others, acoustic and fretted, that don't really get much use other than when I specifically need them - acoustic gigs and slapping stuff - but other than that I just use the one.
  6. +1. Hybrid amps (valve pre, solid state power) such as the Hartke LH and HA stuff, SWR 220, Ampeg SVT3 and 7 Pro etc... are all fine without speakers. As a general rule of thumb - if it's REALLY HEAVY then it needs a speaker!
  7. Billy Gould's effort at 2'24" http://youtu.be/G0tMHaebt98
  8. [quote name='bob_pickard' timestamp='1368690859' post='2080133'] bass...cleaning.... bass...cleaning.... nope never heard of it - isn't that why you buy a new one? [/quote] Yup. You polish furniture, you [i]play[/i] a bass.
  9. couldn't you just, erm, stop. seriously though, 'recapitulation' is your friend here. Basically go back to where you started but make it slightly different (different time sig, harmony, key etc...) as long as it's still recognisable as the original material then you've cracked it. HTH.
  10. Welcome back ED, and good luck with the quest.
  11. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1368641173' post='2079660'] Another thing that might be good would be to have the logo/slogan on one side towards your shoulder so that people wouldn't have to stare directly at your breasts in order to read it! :-) [/quote] Awww Shell, don't spoil [i]all[/i] our fun!
  12. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1368622303' post='2079298'] Who the f*** would wear it? [/quote] it would be a *really* skinny fit.
  13. I'd love one of these: [url="http://www.ukparknews.co.uk/entry/cms/wp-content/uploads/octonauts.jpg"]octonauts.jpg[/url] on a sky blue shirt with the text "Barnacles out!" underneath. I realise it's not bass related, but it IS juvenile and a bit Viz/Carry On.
  14. 'Ow do. Don't play through t'bingo.
  15. In their defence I had a couple of packs of DR strings (7 years ago) and loved them, just couldn't afford to keep buying them.
  16. wow! My YOB bass. Would you take a kidney and/or a lung? FSH, recently serviced and kept in a no smoking house?
  17. nobody else want to share?
  18. Dunno about this - using an iPhone to control the mix is like using a cat to butter toast.
  19. I'm 'relic'ing my basses but it's taking ages; I've built them and now I'm gigging like a bastard!
  20. Is it any good for metal?
  21. Reinstalled MBox 2 drivers and all is as it should be. Thanks for the replies though guys. As you were.
  22. Since I installed the 10.3.4 update I've only got one of my audio inputs working. Anybody else got this?
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