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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Bloody Fromage Fais, letting the cat out of the bag again! Now everyone's going to be carrying one and levelling the playing field again. There goes our advantage . Ah well, I suppose it'll be back to Onanism for us all.
  2. Is this a left handed amp, and is it any good for metal?
  3. I've played through 3 Ashdowns in my life - admittedly they were at the bottom of the range, but I wasn't impressed at all with either the sound or the build quality. Like most manufacturers, Ashdown will have their fair share of duffers slipping through the net; just look at Ampeg's nose dive during the past few years. Doesn't mean that every Ashdown amp bad, just 100% of the ones I've tried.
  4. [quote name='ozzy138' timestamp='1367635721' post='2067848'] They are to make custom length patch cables to run between your effects pedals .. [/quote] and it's really good quality cable too. I once used a spectral analiser in pro tools to see if it wasn't just 'snake oil'. It's not; there was an obvious increase in the upper mids ( actually less loss of upper mids) through GL cable.
  5. DHA VT1 EQ is the heart of mine. Also I didn't realise how much I used my octaver until I took it off the board.
  6. It cost less than the cost of an OC2 on ebay, that's for sure. I used an old 120 x 95 aluminium case, sockets and 3PDT switch that I had in my shed, so that saved me somewhere between £16 and £20. The actual components would have probably run to about £20, but again, I already had most of the stuff. The SK30 diodes, and the LM324, 4027 chips etc were probably about 50p each. I'm sure if I totalled it up it would run to maybe £40ish, but that would include 3 lots of p&p as I couldn't buy all of the parts from the one shop unfortunately.
  7. [quote name='Earbrass' timestamp='1367582819' post='2067194'] That's a bit like saying "That Einstein bloke was a bit clever, an all, but could he install a gas cooker? Could he f***." [/quote] He couldn't though could he? He's not CORGI registered!
  8. Depends what the OD is doing - if it's boosting midrange frequencies then the P bass is doing that simply by being a P bass. Jazz basses have a natural dip in mid frequencies, so that might explain why this happens. I reckon the only way to go is Fretmeister's approach: 1 bass per pedal!
  9. Anybody else qualified for the free Toontrack software (EZ Mix Lite and EZ Drummer Lite) but can't open their website to download them?
  10. I'm sickened to be in the same country as that. It's a real monster and no mistake!
  11. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1367280430' post='2063742'] I used to sell Studiomaster kit back in the 80's. Absolutely fabulous kit that I'm still seeing used some 30 years later. [/quote] I've got a wonderful Studiomaster 6-2-1 mixer in my shed waiting to be restored. Marvellous EQ section.
  12. Also, is there anything plugged into the headphone socket? This particular amp mutes the speaker output when you plug a pair in.
  13. [quote name='Rigges' timestamp='1367353013' post='2064669'] Tried different cables and different basses. Have a SansAmp Bass Driver lying here. What shall i do with it mate? [/quote] Bass into the Sansamp - Sansamp to the 'power amp in' and don't be afraid to turn the level of the Sansamp up past half-way.
  14. If you're getting the preamp 'gain stage' lights flickering but no output then I'd suggest a different speaker lead. Can you check the 'preamp out' feed into a mixing desk?
  15. have you tried different a different bass? Plugging the bass directly into the Power Amp in isn't a particularly reliable way to check the power stage - it's expecting a line level signal (+4 dB or thereabouts); your bass on its own won't be putting out anywhere near that. Have you got a separate pre that you can test it with (Sansamp / Tone Hammer etc)?
  16. [quote name='toneknob' timestamp='1367335958' post='2064384'] ...would you recommend standing with a strap on? [/quote] It's certainly easier than trying to ride a bike with one.
  17. I doubt many ladies would be moaning [i]about[/i] a gentleman's excessive gusset... ...other than them 'todger dodgers'
  18. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1367301416' post='2063788'] Considering that women are supposed to be empathic, they all seem to missing the main points. Why does he want to spend all his time in a different room to her? Maybe she should spend less time on Mumsnet/FaceBook/CandyCrush/CoronationStreet whatever... [/quote] True dat.
  19. Does this count? http://youtu.be/AMQgbNK7fGs
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