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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Finally, and without further ado - [url="http://snd.sc/ZNTxZy"]http://snd.sc/ZNTxZy[/url] sound clips of my Faux C2 build. These were recorded using a fretless Jazz through the OC2 clone straight into Pro Tools 10.3.4. No other effects or processing was used - I just hit record, played and then bounced them out as mp3 files. There's a recording of the fretless line on its own (effect bypassed) for comparison (if you like that sort of thing).
  2. All of my basses are 'upgrades'. My Bitsa Jazz has had an active EQ fitted, a fretless Mighty Mite neck and a MM humbucker shoehorned in. My P bass has had a new pickup configuration and an active EQ fitted, and my acoustic has been 'upgraded' by being defretted
  3. [quote name='grahamd' timestamp='1366875399' post='2058278'] Mingus [media]http://youtu.be/jOWNkZrkLfk[/media] [/quote] End of thread.
  4. Rickenbacker for me too. Really tried with the '79 one i borrowed but just couldn't do a thing with it.
  5. Vaseline, and plenty of it. Chicken grease/lard will eventually combust.
  6. You polish furniture, you play basses.
  7. [quote name='spacey' timestamp='1366825322' post='2057789'] Anything with 3 chords in, ramones ect, as I get so bored I forget which one I just played. [/quote] True dat!
  8. Give Steve at www.doctortweek.co.uk a bell - he's ace at finding old/vintage/NOS/bloody unusual components... edit: [url="http://doctortweek.co.uk/shop/catalog/browse?sessid=AaGrioQybLyVzkhKIuuXni6uAalQdocbnRXSgOfMc27VewLG3VFL9paB9LCP8wpP&shop_param=ecid%3D27%26"]http://doctortweek.c...am=ecid%3D27%26[/url] £1.99 seems alright too - Steve doesn't sell cheap stuff, just good stuff, cheap.
  9. So anyways, I've put the proper transistors in now, and it's lovely; OCtave 1 isn't quite as 'driven' as I remember it being on the Boss ones, but I'm more than happy with the sound. Soundclips on the way...
  10. Nice little boxes these. my first piece of DHA was one of these; if you want a [i]really[/i] clean, versatile DI box to stick in your gig bag then Idon't think you'll get much better than one of these.
  11. SK30A transistors arrived today. Might get a chance to swap them tomorrow and then (hopefully) it's sub-octave tastic...
  12. If I wasn't so broke I'd be all over this .
  13. Radio 4 it is then. Thanks for all the hard work Ped (et al).
  14. I'd recommend powering the valve pedal with its own supply. It won't solve your noise issue, but those bad boys draw MASSIVE amounts of current!
  15. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1366587391' post='2054654'] I never figured what NWA had against them. Was it some dispute over sample clearance or something? [/quote] brilliant.
  16. The double live Police album is absolutely brilliant. One disc taken from the Synchronicity tour, and the other one taken from somewhere much earlier - well worth a listen though.
  17. Is it a new iMac? I had the same trouble with PT. I was running PT8 quite happily until my old Macbook died. Got a new Macbook Pro on the home insurance and it came with OSX 10.7 (Lion) preinstalled. I could install everything apart from ProTools due to the new OS architecture. Had to ante up and get PT10 as I can't install anything less than OSX 10.7 on this machine. Bit of a bugger that. PT11 is due out later this year, so it might be worth hanging on to see if any music shops are selling PT10 at a reduced price. Sorry it's not better news.
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