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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. OK, following the results of my recent poll I'm looking at getting the Peavey Revalver amp software http://www.peavey.com/products/revalver/ What swung it for me was the choice of amp/speaker combinations coupled with the low CPU usage. I've used Amplitube, TH1, but not 2 and Peavey Demos, and the Peavey looks to do all of the sounds I need without maxing out my processor. Any others I should look at before I pull the trigger?
  2. yup, both clean presets on an overdriven guitar source.
  3. So anyway, I'm about to bite the bullet and buy some amp modelling software. I've narrowed it down to 2 finalists and would like your opinions. Here are two soundcloud recordings, amp sample 1 and 2 and I'd like to know which one you prefer the sound of. [url="https://soundcloud.com/paul_510/sets/amp-samples"]https://soundcloud.c...ets/amp-samples[/url]
  4. [quote name='dudewheresmybass' timestamp='1364205874' post='2023036'] My current pubby rock band board. Rehearsing at the mo, and trying to fun the right drive sounds! [/quote] Trying to find the right drive sound? Let me get this right, you've got (in no particular order) BBMD, Bass tube screamer, BK3, MXR Bass Fuzz Deluxe and a CM2? I reckon it's in there [i]somewhere[/i]...
  5. Zoiks, something worth selling one of these for? Don't tell me what it is, I fear the GAS.
  6. I've not noticed any massive differences in types; other than paper in oil caps will eventually dry out. When making or modding pedals is probably where it's worth spending an extra couple of pence (literally) on poly/box caps due to the tighter tolerances, but that's about it.
  7. paul_5

    Aup Duck!

    welcome on board skipper.
  8. Yup, what he said. If you're planning to record drums you'll probably need a soundcard with multiple inputs (probably minimum 4, unless you have a [i]great[/i] sounding room!), or you could use your Zoom as a mixer and take a stereo output from that into GB.
  9. I've got what I think is a Matsumoku neck on my 'bitsa' P/J/MM bass. It's from an '80s 'Yamato' P bass copy and is quite simply a joy to play. The profile is perfect for me. It's been on (I think) 4 of my bitsas, and it's going nowhere else.
  10. Ace! One of my favourite Anthrax lines ever! Nice one Chris.
  11. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1364315368' post='2024750'] Looks alright to me. I've seen MUCH uglier [/quote] +1. At least the pickup configuration is right...
  12. I'm using this one here: http://www.sabrotone.com/?p=1223 two little packets choc-full of components arrived this morning, but it'll probably be after easter when I can make any headway.
  13. That's nothing, I once did a gig when I was dead!
  14. "'sup G!" from sunny Ramsbottom.
  15. 1990s Russian reissue Big Muff with an extra pot for the mid level (the Muff tone stack tends to take mid frequencies out, causing fuzz bass to disappear in the mix) and a switch for different clipping diodes. rewired with decent wire and fitted with a 2.1mm 9v power adaptor socket. Comes with wooden box too. SOLD Cheers, Paul
  16. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    I'll probably use a 3PDT switch and true bypass it.
  17. The stock EHX is an ecc83, so it's got loads more gain anyway. I use 82s in mine so that I can use it as a valve pre and just have a tiny bit of crunch in the mix. I think the Mullard is a tiny bit more 'gainy' than the sylvania, but to be honest there's very little difference, especially in the mix. Still a very warm, rounded tone though.
  18. lovely Mullard ECC82 preamp tube, had this in my DHA, but I think I prefer the sound of the Sylvania one I've got. SOLD.
  19. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    Dunno yet. I'll be building it stock and then take it from there. What are the best mods? I'd reckon changing the input cap to let more bottom through is pretty much a moot point. It's probably best left as stock methinks...
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