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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Ever heard of these? [url="http://www.guitarfetish.com/GFS-JB-Pro-Jazz-Bass-Style-Alnico-Pickups_p_318.html"]http://www.guitarfetish.com/GFS-JB-Pro-Jazz-Bass-Style-Alnico-Pickups_p_318.html[/url] I've got a pair in my fretless Jazz and they are brilliant. Easily as good as the DiMarzios.
  2. It can be done using a Boss SYB5 and an expression pedal to control the speed of your 'wobb'. I actually prefer the Behringer BSY600, as it does some stuff better than the Boss (for my needs anyway). This video (from about 1'12") is a pretty good demo of what's possible. It's a Drum and Bass clip, but you'll get the idea. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMbP3Yr2nmk[/media]
  3. will check the voltage rails tomorrow. CBA right now.
  4. Yup, Dave Hall VT1 EQ is a brilliant piece of kit. The DI EQs are really good too.
  5. spent an hour tonight checking components and nothing seems broken - the game is afoot!
  6. Got replacement parts for most of the pre section in me 'bits box'... I'll make the coffee and get me meter out
  7. Anybody else had this problem with their 220? The power light doesn't come on, but the Power amp clip light is on all the time and nay sound comes out. I've tried plugging the bass into the FX return and Power amp in, but still no sound. Any ideas?
  8. So anyway, I've just watched the video on my laptop as it's a while since I've heard it. Now my eldest (5) is walking around _5 towers singing "Gay Bar, Gay Bar!" I think I may be sleeping in the bath tonight...
  9. [quote name='amnesia' timestamp='1362062870' post='1995196'] I flatly refused to play Electric 6's Gaybar a few months ago. To be honest, if it had been pushed I think I would have walked. [/quote] I'd have done it, it's an ACE tune!
  10. Seriously, Simon Gallup in the top 5? Above Jamerson et al. I declare shenanigans on this poll. It's good for a giggle I suppose.
  11. Skank's posts are better than this one (but they don't display proper on a PC, so buy a Mac) etc... Nah, good point well made!
  12. I once played in a covers band who did loads of songs that I hated - mostly Eagles stuff. One rehearsal the keyboard player flatly refused to play 'Born to be Wild', which was a shame as it sounded better than half of the existing set. The rest of the band tried talking him round because, well, he had a music degree (and everything) and everyone thought the sun shone out of his arse. I thought about explaining that the songs that he sang live were the ones that bombed as they were 'his favourites' but had never sat well in the set or gone down particularly well. In the end I figured that he had enough people massaging his ego and surmised "You're a cock. Be a cock. I'm off" and left. That sounds harsh but it wasn't a one off and was the straw that broke the camel's back - I'm really a musical prostitute and will play owt for money!
  13. Fret noise? Rip 'em off. Who needs them 'speed bumps' on the fingerboard anyway?
  14. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1361906488' post='1992916'] Corrigé (autographe...) [/quote] Merçi beacoup.
  15. I've had good results using an SE2200 and the DI from my amp. SE amps seem to punch way above their weight. http://www.seelectronics.com
  16. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1361877159' post='1992183'] It's going to end up looking like this isn't it [/quote] Encoulez moi! That's UGLY.
  17. I'd pay good money to see Rush cover Cookie Monster though...
  18. Just laughed like a loon at that video. I love Basschat.
  19. We both have a 'one in, one out' policy - mine for basses, amps, pedals etc... hers is for prams; 2 kids, 8 prams (I think).
  20. The first 55 seconds were really good. It 'tailed off' somewhat after that...
  21. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    Finished a Colorsound Bass Fuzz pedal last week - I put a buffered blend in it too, just to give it a little bit more flexibility: https://soundcloud.com/paul_510/sets/coloursound-bass-fuzz-clone These samples were recorded straight into ProTools - no cab simulators or compression etc... Just raw, dirty bass.
  22. Dunno what the 'switch mods' on the Muff are but it's been upgraded to true bypass, and has had a 9v power socket added (with what looks like a smoothing cap to take out the 'pop' when it's switched on) - so that's a good thing! If it's had the Whizzer mods then the toggle switches will alter the gain stages, so it'll do vintage dirt right up to filthy filth.
  23. Dunno. Mine came with a piezo unit under the bridge. It sounds ok but nothing more. I've been experimenting with different piezos and contact mics in various places but nothing I'd recommend yet.
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