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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Good for you. If you feel frustrated by your musical 'day job' then you've got a few choices: a)Put up and shut up (not good in the long term), Quit and look for something else (not ideal), c) Do something extra to bring back some of the excitement and spark. Option C is by far the best. Best of British for your musical endeavours, and congratulations on a choice well made!
  2. paul_5


    Nice job on the Muff, Protium. Good quality jacks, and an isolated PSU socket too - just what the doctor ordered. The original wiring loom on these is held together with cake, it amazes me that some folks will do the true bypass mods and all sorts of other mods, but leave that awful gossamer-thin cable intact.
  3. [quote name='Cloff' timestamp='1361384615' post='1985145'] What are the mods on the muff? [/quote] ditto.
  4. Don't think, feeeeeel. [url="http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=McvkSra5JLZGjM&tbnid=vA1O_Y-Zgvj-kM:&ved=&url=http%3A%2F%2Fgree.jp%2Fokamoto_ryoji%2Fblog%2Fentry%2F588841918&ei=nvEkUdi9GujW0QXYz4CYDw&psig=AFQjCNETUHhWtyzOUO4x8RUB4JrK8A47BQ&ust=1361462046476177"]url[/url] Na, seriously, I'll tend to think to the end of the phrase, but my phrases tend to be little ones. Generally I'll get a pitch in my head relative to the chord I'm playing over/under, so that'll form the basis of my playing - generally the root of a mode.
  5. I've heard of people recommending WD40 for ebanol fingerboards (pretend ebony) for fretlesses etc... not tried it myself though.
  6. I reckon Bon Jovi just about come out in front because they're really American. Def Leppard are from Sheffield but pretend they're American. Also, at least the Bon Jovis can spell properly.
  7. Another +1 for the DHA VT1EQ - it's part of my "awesome, don't gig without it" kit.
  8. I've got a Hydrive 410 that is, frankly, too big for my current space. Ideally I'd like to trade for a Hydrive 112, plus a bit of cash adjustment. There are a couple of small tears of one side that have been repaired and are almost unnoticeable, but I thought I'd tell you anyway. Any takers?
  9. "Ain't no fun waitin' round to be a millionaire" by AC/DC... http://youtu.be/cwUVCo-Y3Mo
  10. Rush, the Jam, Primus. There must be something there for you...
  11. you wouldn't get that sort of behaviour from Behringer now, would you?
  12. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1360874301' post='1977834'] I don't think he'll be trapped, but he might have a slightly extended midrange... EDIT: Mind you, it'd give his local A&E staff something to chuckle about... [/quote] Nah, if he's glued to the Peavey then he's going nowhere - those things weigh a ton!
  13. I'd say while you're in there do the other pots too - then they're all shiny and sh*t!
  14. The NME's more of a fashion periodical these days. I remember when it were all about music. Proper music too; not like what young 'uns 'ave got these days neither - a tune you could whistle and everything....
  15. 4 channel mixer with a handful of components: http://tagboardeffects.blogspot.co.uk/search/label/Mixer You could sub a TL072 with an NE5532 if you were [i]really[/i] fussy, but the 72 is a very clean sounding chip.
  16. Back in the day engineers used to have Yamaha NS10s in their studios - the little speakers with the white cones that you don't see anymore. If you could get a mix to sit right in those then you'd cracked it - that mix would translate to any speakers. They did sound a bit sh*t though, but that was the point - they were uncoloured and didn't boost any particular frequency to make your mix sound 'better' or whatever. These days manufacturers make products that flatter mixes to sell more units. Also, I'm old and cantankerous.
  17. [quote name='lettsguitars' timestamp='1360604035' post='1973193'] You'll never make a jazz sound like a precision, of that I'm certain. The bridge pup has a sound of it's own and there's twice as many magnets and twice as much coil. Actually no, there is nearly 4x the amount of coil. [/quote] I reckon I'm close - I've got a MM in the bridge position and a Jazz neck PUP. I use a volume, blend, tone configuration on the control plate and if I blend 70/30 in favour of the Neck, and then use the canny little 'phase reverse' switch on the neck pup then it's Precision-tastic! Isa little bit on onboard EQ considered cheating?
  18. paul_5


    He's certainly played before.
  19. Generally if you've got single coils (lower output) pickups then 250KΩ pots will do. Higher output pickups (active and overwound pickups) will need more resistance to stop the flow of signal to the output jack - so you'd use 500KΩ. This will depend on the output of your pickups - they can range anywhere from 6/7KΩ to a massive 10KΩ, so you'll need to get a multimeter across the two wires to check what you've got. Of course, the manufacturers you've mentioned all quote these sorts of figures on their websites. You might find the following article useful too... http://www.axesrus.com/images/BASS1.jpg
  20. I'd do it. Wedding gigs are good payers...
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