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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. [quote name='Musky' timestamp='1359917859' post='1962047'] Probably a combination of 'Sid Sings' and '...And Justice For All'. [/quote] Nice!
  2. Duly noted, will have a play tonight...
  3. This'll end up as 'a bloke [i]paid[/i] me to take his bass away, it's the best one I've ever played' etc...
  4. Ah, mine's a Rev G using an LM1458. I'll check the pinouts... ...and they're the same!
  5. Cheers i, got that one, but I think it's an earlier version with a different opamp. Might be worth closer inspection though...
  6. Could you not strap a voltage divider across the input? Or a cheap compressor might help.
  7. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1359816819' post='1960701'] Best sound I've ever had comes from a 'bitsa' that cost £150 (max) to cobble together. I too have played MUCH more expensive basses and been disappointed almost immediately. [/quote] Here it is through a DHA VT1EQ https://soundcloud.com/paul_510/fretless-o-d-demo
  8. [quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1359817867' post='1960721'] A name on a headstock, and a higher price, a better bass do not make. [/quote] True dat.
  9. Anybody got a DOD FX25 (Rev G) that they don't mind unscrewing an photographing the solder side of the board? Got an old one that I'm trying to resuscitate. Cheers, Paul
  10. I'm a bit undecided on the 'Ashdown' sound. I had a MAG head for a while, and that sounded great through a Trace Elliott 1153 cab. I've also been lumped with them as backline on last minute gigs and have had nothing but woolly thumps out of them. Still better than the Carlsbro Stingray though.
  11. Best sound I've ever had comes from a 'bitsa' that cost £150 (max) to cobble together. I too have played MUCH more expensive basses and been disappointed almost immediately.
  12. I'll have a look for postage and parts if you like. Will PM you a little later.
  13. The college I used to work in had a dreadful P Bass copy. I think it was an 'oldfield' or something like that. Action so high you could play slide on it, rattling tuners and sounded like somebody had knitted the pickup. Like I say, dreadful.
  14. Björk. Then Larry Lalonde from Primus - ooh, what about forming a band with them? Can we do that?
  15. Carlsbro again, I'm afraid. One of those 'Stingray' monstrosities with four buttons for preset filter settings. Can't really remember much else about it, as my therapist says I shouldn't dwell on this sort of thing. Funny thing is, they last forever. The same amp is still functioning just as it always has - same amp, same speaker. If only everything was made like that. Used a Carlsbro Bomber too. sh*t.
  16. Well, you'd know... PC the MAN!
  17. "I downloaded 5 Coltrane cds on Monday; 36 tracks of Cotrane magic (I am on a Jimmy Garrison buzz at the moment)." Was listening to "Blue Train" today with my youngest (2), particularly 'moment's notice' was that Jimmy Garrison too? Tasty playing whoever it was.
  18. +1 to moving your amp around the room - or sit in a different place relative to your amp.
  19. paul_5


    There's an easier way to stop squeals on a guitar: Turn your guitar volume down, stand in front of the guitar amp and keep turning the 'gate' level until the guitar only makes a noise when you hit the strings REALLY hard. What you need to do next sounds a bit odd, but bear with me. Turn the 'gate' level up gradually until the guitar doesn't make any noise at all - ideally the 'gate' level will be at maximum by the end of this step. Next you'll need to put the guitar down and walk away. Now pick up a bass and have some fun
  20. [quote name='pobrien_ie' timestamp='1359549956' post='1956385'] And back to the track, What's Going On, was that the one he played while drunk and lying flat on his back?! [/quote] Not like you can tell, but yes, so the story goes...
  21. [quote name='thumperbob 2002' timestamp='1359542013' post='1956229'] I have the LH1000 and the Hydrive 410. Initially I had the problem about the mid range not being powerful enough- got a couple of pedals to sort- used a BMC Mid Control and/ or Cheap ten band graphic. However once I switched the tweeter off these pedals were not at all needed. They really do scoop the sound terribly. I have the mid control at 10 and the bass and treble at 2 - and sometimes have these at 0 if the room needs it. [/quote] I found that too. The Mid on that EQ are 'cut only', so there's no way to up them; not brilliant if like me you play predominantly fretless...
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