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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. No worries, just post it to me and I'll do some... ;-)
  2. Definite outcomes or targets. Makes it easy to measure how far you've come or to highlight areas for development.
  3. the 'Toby' chap looks like he's [i]making[/i] a stool.
  4. [quote name='Ashwood1985' timestamp='1357165603' post='1918649'] (DUDE! I just noticed your R2D2 mug avatar! Already googled it and will probably order the bleepin little bad boy! Gas for robotic china ha!) [/quote] 'twas my 'BC secret santa' virtual christmas present.
  5. [quote name='DHA' timestamp='1357201597' post='1918904'] Most of it you can't hear but these high and low frequency harmonics have an effect on the tones "fat" sound, just makes it sound [s]richer[/s] frickin' awesome. [/quote] Fixed
  6. powered the digital pedal from the TU3. Sorry, wasn't really clear in my post.
  7. I use a separate supply for my VT1EQ. I [i]can[/i] run it daisy chained from my one spot (with an inverter), but that's only 9v. The only time I've had 'buzz' issues was with a digital pedal (EHX Freeze), so I used the 9v feed from a Boss TU3 and that sorted it; must be them magic buffers... I find that old style 'transformer' supplies are cleaner than newer 'switch mode' ones, but that's just me.
  8. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1356979026' post='1916056'] It does, but then is is surprising that we should be surprised about popular music being massively image conscious? I thought it was kind of obvious really! [/quote] Pop music has always been about looks. Maybe I should give it a go, as I'm fecking loverly.
  9. Just finished one of these - tiny little compressor to go on the board in a loop before the Q-tron. Surprisingly good! [IMG]http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd471/paul_510/ReallyCheapBassCompressor.png[/IMG] I got the diagram from the http://tagboardeffects.blogspot.co.uk very clean, virtually noise-free compressor. Total price is less than a tenner.
  10. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' timestamp='1356847383' post='1914251'] No. I won't show you my purple monstrosity... [/quote] Thanks for that. (sighs of relief all round)
  11. It's a while since I did this with a band, but I seem to remember starting 'the run' with my little finger on the B on the E string (7th fret) and moving to the A string for the next note.
  12. Another +1 for these little gizmos. Perfect size for your gigbag and a lovely sounding amp too.
  13. just gone for the live album - will check him out later on today.
  14. paul_5

    BC Awards 2012

    I'll nominate myself for the most selfless BC'er - oh no, I've just spoiled it!
  15. y'know, if you take the frets off you can tweak it down a bit more...
  16. Nobody's mentioned 'Moondance yet'? 'Lovecats' by the Cure has a nice little walking interlude - well, more 'stretching your legs' than walking, but it works perfectly.
  17. looks like a pearly king who got mugged by button-nutters.
  18. For me it was the TE SMX dual compressor pedal - just didn't do it for me.
  19. [quote name='Seb_C' timestamp='1355911538' post='1904215'] If you DIY, do it becuase you really enjoy DIY. You won't save money and make anything good enough or reliable enough for gigging at the same time. [/quote] Erm, I beg to differ - Both of my basses are DIY and half of my pedalboard is DIY; certainly reliable and sounds great. Much cheaper than buying equivalent specced kit.
  20. Brilliant! Well done Bilbo and thanks for sharing.
  21. 'sup. What's the best way to stick the covering of my cab back down? I've got a few tears down one side, but none of them more than an inch long - do I just superglue it or is there a better way?
  22. [quote name='2elliot' timestamp='1355697535' post='1901620'] On the up side my GAS is [s]cured[/s] postponed. [/quote] fixed
  23. How 'bout dis? http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_kw=9v+battery+clip+dc+adapter
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