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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Nice. The Chord BOD 50 is a brilliant little piece of kit, sounds identical to the Boss and has a cast metal case too, a massive leap up from Behringer in every respect, but for the same money. Good luck with the sale. Here's a picture of mine> [IMG]http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd471/paul_510/12835098231673png-1.jpg[/IMG]
  2. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1354134145' post='1882616'] Went into the new Reidy's in Blackburn Lancs the other day & was greeted as though I'd taken a dump in the doorway as I entered; obviously geared up to catch the students from the college next door but the 6 or 7 staff in there were failing miserably at trying to fool each other they were busy. [/quote] That's been my experience of them too - they're not terribly knowledgeable or helpful either.
  3. Make sure you get a USB iLok key with it too, you'll need that to authorise it.
  4. [IMG]http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd471/paul_510/tumblr_mbsmtwuXKN1r7p4g9o1_1280.jpg[/IMG]
  5. Yes, you'd be able to register it as your copy. AFAIK it's the dealer's responsibility to check your entitlement to academic versions. I bought mine from my local independent music shop (it's the way forwards, folks) and he knew that I taught music, so that was good enough for him. When I registered it online I don't remember even being asked whether I was a stoodent or not. Hope this helps.
  6. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1354015298' post='1880748'] I'd be happy to buy a bass from Teisco - they're really cool. Oh no ... wait ... [/quote] beat me to it!
  7. OK, so we've got a thread about the last bassline you learned, but I'm curious as to what is the best one you've learned? I realise that this has the potential to be a contentious issue, after all, someone's 'best' will inevitably be someone's 'worst' etc..., but it's a purely personal choice. Mine's probably 'Freewill' by Rush.
  8. Personally I'd go for DI and mic. I tend to use the DI out on my DHA VT1 pre effects. I mic the cab for FX (fuzz,distortion always sounds better coming out of a speaker than DI'ed to my ears). You might need to experiment with mic positions so that you don't run into phase issues/comb filtering though. But as always, if it sounds right, it [i]is[/i] right.
  9. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1353677217' post='1877286'] On a more positive note, with two extra strings we could rid the world of guitarists. [/quote] Like.
  10. Shizznit's got it - one to one tuition from an experienced (and recommended) bass teacher will pay ultimately dividends. There's plenty of time to get obsessed by gear later on ( ), for now I'd say the single best thing that you can do is to invest in some lessons.
  11. Dood's right, I put the AU7 in my pre stage just because it was a warmer sound. As far as output wattage goes if you put an AU7 instead of an AX7 with a passive bass then the output would be reduces. If you put an AU7 in and used a hight output bass then you'd probably not notice much difference. Basically a 12AX7 (ECC83 in English) has 100µ of gain, the AU7 has about 60 (depending on the type of valve). If you fancy having a play around with different valves then I'd recommend a call to Martin at Watford Valves - seriously knowledgeable fella on all things valve. It's not a short phone call though...
  12. [quote name='pietruszka' timestamp='1353595749' post='1876402'] I'd love to hear some AD/DC on a fretless! [/quote] Instead of durdurdurdurdurdurdurdur it would go mwahmwahmwahmwahmwah.
  13. Nice Blade - pre-lawsuit headstock too.
  14. I've had a couple of different tubes in these heads. The first was a Tungsol 12AX7 that took away some of the 'twangy' sharp top and mellowed it out a bit, currently I've got a JJ 12AU7 in there just because. Obviously to get the full 500W output you need a 12AX7, not an AU7, but there we are.
  15. Does anyone have any experience of the RGT? Is it worth joining? What are the practical benefits? Is it worth the money? Discuss.
  16. I put one on the bridge of my fretless Jazz, but not got them anywhere else. I could imagine the bridge ones being a bit restrictive if you were chugging away with a pick, but other that that I use mine as a cowbell.
  17. Triangle wave. The older Boss SYB3 does these really well.
  18. Aren't those pickups from a Westone (or similar)?
  19. All the best for a speedy recovery; there's nothing worse than looking at gear and not being able to play it. OK, maybe scabies, but it's still pretty bad.
  20. The danger with using computers as practice amps is that you may begin to compensate for the latency in the system and play everything ahead of the beat. At that point you're nearly every guitarist i've played with ;-). You'd be better off with an EHX headphone amp-£40ish will get you and they're great little pieces of kit.
  21. [quote name='Doddy' timestamp='1353185604' post='1872631'] Maybe,but there is always going to be someone who has never heard the joke or song before and enjoys it. Interestingly,the only people who seem slag the song off are people in bands who think it's cliche and cheesy.To be fair,it would be easy to say the same thing about many 'classic' rock songs that nearly every other band seems to play.I've heard far more bands play the same Thin Lizzy,Free,AC/DC etc. songs than I have play Mustang Sally. [/quote] what does that tell you?
  22. [quote name='Elvis Valentine' timestamp='1353075075' post='1871317'] That was another possibility of course. i used the trial version of Reaper and i liked it a lot but some of my friends were very vocal about me getting pro tools so we could share projects. [/quote] Get them to chip in then. No, seriously though, PT academic edition is brilliant, I've not come across anything that I need that it's not been able to do. It's a bit sh*tty that PT now uses up a USB socket for the dongle, but at least you can use any interface you like. I used to borrow a mate's MOTU for 8 channel recording and then do all the editing and mixing etc... on an olad 2 channel MBox. Nice.
  23. can I just say that we're NOT doing Mustang Sally. Or Moondance. That doesn't necessarily make us better than anyone else. [size=1]although we are[/size].
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