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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. or play tenths on the bass (thirds on the G string, roots on the E string) - I discovered this when a guitarist broke a string halfway through a song and the Floyd Rose trem unit sank into the body, effectively detuning his entire guitar... Muppet. This won't work with an octave pedal but sounds great through a dirt box!
  2. Just finished my 'bits P' bass. Basically I was auditioning for a rpck band and needed something with frets, so I popped into my manshed and came up with this: [IMG]http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd471/paul_510/2012-11-14165110.jpg[/IMG] It is nice.
  3. Depends what you want it for. I've used Waves plugins in the past, and the only one that I went back to time and time again was the SSL E-channel - I'm not really one for mixing etc... in the box, but that particular plugin just sounds brilliant. The SSL Buss compressor is also a handy thing to have. Not really had much experience with the T-Racks stuff, so can't help you there. Sorry.
  4. [quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1352845091' post='1868440'] Geddy Lee has the most shockingly inefficiently plucking hand technique on the planet, he defies the very laws of physics to play so many notes so quickly with it. His only real competition in the famous-musician-with-shocking-technique stakes was garry moore. [/quote] This, Ged was the first player to spring to mind. Massive inspiration to me, so I certainly don't see it as a bad thing.
  5. paul_5

    Software Effects

    5imon - RME kit is just brilliant - great quality hardware and rock solid drivers. Loads of people on here swear by their Zoom B3s - have you considered that? As far as software goes then I've used Amplitube and thought it was alright but nothing more. Studio devil do something similar and I've always preferred that to the big name stuff (SVX, AmpliTube etc...). Linky: [url="http://www.studiodevil.com/products/virtual_bass_amp_pro/"]http://www.studiodev...l_bass_amp_pro/[/url] there's also a scaled down demo version too, so you can (legally) try before you buy... EDIT - it needs a DAW host though (Cubase, ProTools etc...) so might not be for you. Still really good though.
  6. I'm running the BSY600 (Boss SYB-5 clone) and actually prefer it to the Boss ones as it'll hold a note without the perpetual filter sweep, so it suit me better than the alternative. The footswitch can be a bit crappy, but I reckon I can fix that...
  7. paul_5

    midi to USB?

    [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1352844509' post='1868429'] Actually the Atari ST computers had built-in MIDI ports. Because they were awesome! [/quote] fixed.
  8. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1352846228' post='1868471'] I love having an excuse to post this video: [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QL-6eTHSHQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player"]https://www.youtube....be_gdata_player[/url] [/quote] Had that chap been eating jelly with a fork?
  9. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1352817173' post='1867770'] There is one. It's called Rubber Shirt. [/quote] This. [media]http://youtu.be/p1enpAdend0[/media] starts about 3 minutes.
  10. [quote name='Floyd' timestamp='1352790441' post='1867366'] I'd had a long day and my brain was getting frazzled. [/quote] Been there, done that, got the T-shirt but forgot my trousers...
  11. same thing.... D major is the relative major of B minor - they've both got F# and C# in their key signature. But of course, you knew that already. Carry on. The F# major is a quirky way of making chord V (F# in B minor) a major chord (instead of the minor chord) to strengthen the V-I pull (cadence). It's used a lot in minor key songs.
  12. yup, don't really care about 'pop', I like 'music'.
  13. Long fingers might appear to move more than little ones due to the length accentuating the pivot at the knuckle etc... Best thing to do is to have your technique examined by a good teacher and they can perhaps suggest some exercises to help you modify your technique.
  14. paul_5

    Large Tramp!

    Yay, tramampoline!!!
  15. EHX Hog. http://www.ehx.com/blog/effectology-hammond-b3-organ OF course, the church in question has to play a B3...
  16. That's a beauty, fortunately it's a lot more distinctive than a generic 'Fender' etc... Hope it's back in your clutches safe and sound ASAP. Edit: increased your picture size. [IMG]http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd471/paul_510/post-18050-0-98303500-1352502069.jpg[/IMG]
  17. Yup, been using rotos for years and once had a duff one. Rotosound sent me a replacement post haste. Really snappy customer service.
  18. [quote name='The Dark Lord' timestamp='1352461267' post='1863319'] That will be difficult to achieve. It's a bit like saying you want a bird wots classier than Pippa Middleton in that bridesmaid's dress. [/quote] yup, they've both got lovely round bottom ends.
  19. today didn't start well - I just broke a nail.
  20. What impedance are the P bass pups? Do you have any that are close to 10kΩ?
  21. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1352376700' post='1862257'] I've said it before, and I'll say it again! If economy is a major factor, I don't think you can go far wrong with these: [url="http://www.guitarfetish.com/GFS-Bass-Guitar-Pickups_c_97.html"]http://www.guitarfetish.com/GFS-Bass-Guitar-Pickups_c_97.html[/url] [/quote] True dat. I've had their P and J pups and they've always been brilliant. Be warned though, the Overwound ones are [i] ridiculously[/i] loud!
  22. [quote name='Mr Fretbuzz' timestamp='1352402143' post='1862678'] I've only got one pedal...... So far :-) It's an Ashdown LoMenzo and it's great fun :-D [/quote] if I hadn't fallen head over heels with my DHA pedal then that's one that I'd have kept. Sounds brilliant and looks awesome. Fairly mahoosive footprint though.
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