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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Bought Si's Synth Bass pedal recently, collected it in person and had the pleasure of meeting another BC'er face to face. Really pleasant fella and looks after his kit too. Smiles all round. Paul.
  2. I've got a Chord OC-50 (I think) OC2 clone and it's brilliant. you can choose between 1 octave down (with variable distortion from zero to RAAAHHHH!!!) and a sub as well - the sub has its own volume control too. Cast metal case and MUCH sturdier footswitch than the Behringer kit. Might be a little but pricier than the Behringer kit, but they're roughly £35 - £40 notes including P and P. No brainer.
  3. Got a LEEM 9v one (not passive, I know) pads -20 and -40dB. Aluminium case and ground lift of any interest to you?
  4. just received a mail from EB UK and they have asked the seller to make it clear that it's a copy. We shall see...
  5. Classic bit of kit, good luck with the sale. I had one ages ago and absolutely loved it to bits. These days I have a 'real' drummer, and have to punch the information in numerous times... not like this bad boy.
  6. and we'd all be told to 'play bass responsibly'. Thank you no, where's the fun in that?
  7. [quote name='SoVeryTired' timestamp='1350771559' post='1843420'] "[color=#000000][font=arial]Around 16-20 I don't really care on age or gender. "[/font][/color] [/quote] I can't get there till half past four, can I still be in?
  8. yeah, the OC2 doesn't deal well with anything lower than 'A', but then it [i]is[/i] a guitar pedal. What it does to notes above that 'A' though is just lovely
  9. I play in both. My originals 'band' consists of a small pool of very good players to record my compositions, so it's not [i]really[/i] a band, but it's good fun.
  10. Cool, I love it when a plan comes together!
  11. Sterling work (as always) Scott. [quote name='TommyK' timestamp='1350647166' post='1841687'] This should be played on a loop in all music shops selling bass guitars.....IMHO!! [/quote] I thought it already was, just not this tight...
  12. Just had a listen to their EP samples. The brass need to play in tune, and the guitarist needs to play in time. I'm out.
  13. Mine's got more knobs than a local election: [IMG]http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd471/paul_510/dbx_1066.jpg[/IMG] I only use one channel though.
  14. Now redundant Beyer Dynamic DT100 headphones, grey and 400Ω. Working perfectly but looking a little bit 'used' Sold. .
  15. depends which sort of 'metal'. For some kinds of speed metal/thrash you'll probably need something that sounds like a jar of wasps through a telephone speaker...
  16. [size=6]ALSO, STOP SHOUTING ABOUT IT!!!!!!![/size]
  17. The little blighters alter all of my pedal board settings too. Something should be done about the influx of this diminutive imaginary pest. Bloody fairy folk coming over here and taking liberties with our kit, stealing our plectrums and sh*t. Hanging's too good for 'em.
  18. More like 'Mongo' [media]http://youtu.be/28khv-BydeY[/media]
  19. Brand New Heavies too, I think Andrew Levy (their bassist) plays on the first Jamiroquai album too. I'd also consider Herbie Hancock's 'Headhunters' essential listening for burgeoning funkateers.
  20. I've just parted with the nicest playing 5 I ever had. I've got a fretless 4 now and a fretted 'bitsa' in my shed that needs tinkering with / spraying / setting up. Both are 4s. I've played 5 strings almost exclusively for roughly 17 of my 20 years as a bassist and found myself just not using the 'window rattler' any more.
  21. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1350164436' post='1835449'] ...and just get a f***ing P- Bass. [/quote] (with a MM humbucker near the bridge... and a Jazz bass neck).
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