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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Why these people don't just get a double neck I'll never know. Looks like a scene from 'the borrowers'.
  2. There's a DHA VT1 for sale on here that would does a lovely line in genuine valve overdrive - might be worth a look. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/186367-dha-vt-1-pedal/
  3. Update on the above: I used one for the first time with my fretless over the weekend, and the increased mids available really made a huge difference to my sound - absolutely loved it. I replaced the stock tube with an ECC82 (12AU7) to tame some of the 'GRRRRR' and used the normal channel (colour switch off) for the best fretless tone I've had in a long time. Still a very happy bunny.
  4. Just found a good one on 'The Captain' by Biffy Clyro. Who knew?
  5. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1348525157' post='1814911'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGXGpa458Ig[/media] [/quote] Now there's a fella who LURVES his job!
  6. [quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1348524897' post='1814906'] OK, I'll be the one to ask the obvious question. What's a ghost note? [/quote] They're sometimes called 'dead notes' too; it's the percussive, non-pitched noise that you get when you either pluck or slap a note that isn't fully fingered (also called left hand muting). Try resting all four fingers on your fretting hand on the strings and then pluck a string, it'll give a non-pitched sound that hasn't got any sustain to it - that's a dead note.
  7. Don't think, FEEEEEEEEELLLL. I tried getting ghost notes when I was learning to slap and I consciously put a lot of unnecessary effort into it. Then one day I just relaxed and had fun with it and hey presto - I got a ghost note. I then 'backwards engineered' what I had done and realised that the effort that I had been investing to develop a new technique had been causing me to tense the muscles in my wrists and hands. The minute I stopped trying everything just fell into place. Weird.
  8. Doubtful. The Dave Hall VT1-EQ does Bass in, Headphone socket, MP3 in, Volume and lovely EQ but no drum machine. It'll power to 8Ω speakers but only as a practice amp (around 1Watt). It's got a great quality DI too, so you could gig with it if there were facilities for using on stage monitoring from the mixer. Failing that it'd be a Tascam Bass trainer (but relies on mp3 tracks uploaded via USB, so no line in) or similar.
  9. [quote name='gafbass02' timestamp='1348511094' post='1814604'] [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/24B88D46-5F65-491D-A667-4F83A7E66F65-507-00000029214A5A3E_zps2720aa15.jpg[/IMG] [/quote] That's not Andy Watson on drums is it?
  10. [quote name='lowdowner' timestamp='1348517347' post='1814740'] Secret, special, notes that are only known to the few... You have to join 'the club' before you're told where they are. [/quote] You know the first rule of "secret special note club" - you do not talk about "secret special note club"....
  11. Hi all, my father in Law does the occasional 'live show' with reptiles and spiders etc and needs some voice reinforcement/ small PA. Obviously trhe smaller the better as it's being transported in a car full of animals and stuff. Something like the Peavey Escort would be good as it's all self-contained but it's a bit big. Can anyone recommend something like this: [attachment=119178:tn2_7921456.jpg] but smaller - doesn't have to be 300W either as it's just for speech. Cheers, Paul
  12. cheers for that, I'm keen to avoid hum so I reckon I'll have to up my game.
  13. Anybody tried one of these power bricks - my current supply has started its downward decline and I need a quick, cheap replacement - how good are these? http://www.maplin.co.uk/9v-power-bank-for-guitar-effect-pedals-31292
  14. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1348398321' post='1813067'] Phosphor bronze is about the ultimate because its hard, and self lubricating. Ali is probably a bit soft and makes your fingers go black if you touch it much, although that depends on the alloy. [/quote] Phosphor Bronze will make your sweat turn green though.
  15. [quote name='Thor' timestamp='1348322156' post='1812317'] [/quote] That board is a thing of beauty. Well played sir.
  16. Pretty much, in fact I've just sold my last fretted bass this week. I'm in the position where I can pretty much do what I want (musically), so I opted for fretless as it's a more expressive, lyrical feel and sound. Occasionally I'll miss having frets (chord stuff and fast passages up the dusty end) but for the most part I carry on regardless. I still use all the effects that I ran on my fretted (Big Muff, Woolly Mammoth, envelope filters etc..) and the differentce is negligible, I am pretty heavy with my plucking hand though, so I can still get the 'string noise' that I need for rock stuff. \m/
  17. [quote name='andydye' timestamp='1348241381' post='1811329'] [/quote] don't act like you're not impressed...
  18. I fitted one of these ramps onto my bits P Bass - works a treat and if anything, gives me MORE attack! [attachment=118976:images-1.jpeg]
  19. They've also got this for shielding cavities... [attachment=118974:Product_Detail_Wk35S_3.jpg]
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