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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. I'd like to see a guitarist's amp head where the master volume control goes counter-clockwise instead of just clockwise.] Just a thought.
  2. Bought a pickup from Protium. Arrived very quickly and even got some guidance a week later about the wiring configuration. Top bloke and all round 'good egg'.
  3. I ordered a headless bass online last week. It arrived yesterday and it's already starting to stink the place out.
  4. [quote name='Raggy' timestamp='1347617838' post='1803048'] Scrap that idea. A/B'd my Precision (fitted with a John East P Retro) against the Ray properly at rehearsal last night. P Bass won. Sorry I ever doubted you P Bass [/quote] yeah, the East Pre's are amazing pieces of kit.
  5. [quote name='Solomon' timestamp='1347545898' post='1802254'] I've read elsewhere that (forgive me if I've got this the wrong way round...) 500K pots strip more off the top end of the sound because there's more resistance to the signal and the top end gets lost - does that mean it's purely down to taste or is there something more to it than that? [/quote] It's the other way round with impedance (resistance) MORE impedance will deliver MORE top end. Here's a useful resource for wiring guitars and basses that I stumbled upon the other week, should be easy enough to follow. http://www.artecsound.com/wiring/wiring_book01.pdf
  6. I'm in. Never seen the Zep live and they've been such a big influence on me, I reckon this is the next best thing.
  7. Mmm, 1.2 Million Dollars (US) via crowdfunder and she's got no money to pay musicians to help her earn more money? Sounds a bit fishy to me...
  8. [quote name='surfguy13' timestamp='1347572239' post='1802725'] Hi folks Can anyone explain how I edit the title of a post for a 'bass for sale'? I can edit the body of the text but just can't work out how to edit the title! Cheers [/quote] you'll need to click on the 'Use full editor' button at the bottom of the text box - should take you right to it.
  9. Ah, my first 'proper' bass amp. Have a free "nostalgia" bump on me.
  10. If that's Alexader Dumble in the video then it can't be the same Dumble who built the $50,000 amp can it? He looks about 35 (prime age for a trailer park serial killer...) to me.
  11. [quote name='fatback' timestamp='1347457759' post='1801075'] Don't forget you can experiment with different valves in the DHA. [/quote] ooooooh yeah! Just got a Mullard ECC82 from a chap on here - just tames it a little, but it's still got enough hair on its balls.
  12. [quote name='Bo Millward' timestamp='1347238387' post='1798439'] I've got a DHA VT1 EQ too here's a recording done with it: [media]http://soundcloud.com/harmonyofthought/youre-the-worst-instrumental[/media] I'd highly recommend it, its the most important piece of kit in my rig next to my bass! [/quote] NIce tune Bo. +1 for the VT1 EQ too - absolutely essential bit of kit for me too.
  13. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1347391767' post='1800245'] Que the pendants and Fender critics giving you their alternative answers to this one It is very true, for the longest time a lot of producers wouldn't have anything else but Precision basses in their studios. This was probably as much down to a fear of the unknown but it's also pretty telling of just how trusted they were in the hands of the right players. [/quote] That and they're relatively simple to bed into a mix, and sound great once you've done it.
  14. Having a bit of a session of Marvin Gaye's "what's going on?" this week. Loverly. [media]http://youtu.be/H-kA3UtBj4M[/media]
  15. I'm putting together a P bass (with a slightly thinner neck profile) just to get [i]that[/i] sound. Still can't get on with the necks though.
  16. Brilliant stuff. Created the template for practically every 'soul' artist since. Awesome voice too (not too shabby on the drums either...).
  17. [quote name='The Admiral' timestamp='1347303859' post='1799139'] There is also some question over what gear is necessary : combos don't appear to be popular, but another post quite reasonably ponders the wisdom a 4 x 12 guitar rig in a small rehearsal space! Would an AC30/Fender twin type amp etc cut it perhaps? [/quote] AC30? still too much for a rehearsal room and expensive to maintain once the indie bands have abused it. Obviously you want to offer reasonable kit or bands won't come in though. Have you heard the Orange Tiny Terror through a 2x12"? brilliant. It'll keep up with most bands volume wise too.
  18. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1347307271' post='1799203'] Two of those - er - ladies have very weird tits. [/quote] Just 2? I'm no expert but they ain't pretty titties!
  19. Personally, amps that don't go too loud and air conditioning. A Well lit car par and security are a bonus too.
  20. Bought an Artec onboard pre from Marco last month and have just got round to fitting it and having a bit of a play. Great communication all round and top quality gear. Great guy to deal with.
  21. I've just started reading this after it being recommended to me by a fellow musician. 38 pages in so far and it looks OK. Anybody else any experience of Green/Gallwey's book?
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