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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. [quote name='WHUFC BASS' timestamp='1344814133' post='1769695'] Cleaned my teeth, put on my best clobber, Tonight's the night I'm going to knob her Vauxhall Viva's covered in rust, But you can't shag a bird on a 29 bus ... Beer and Sex and Chips and Gravy Macc Lads Extra kudos for using a kazoo in the song [/quote] Ace. I'd forgotten all about the 'Ladds from Macc'
  2. I thought it was Guy Pratt too.
  3. I had an Ampeg B2re once that had a REALLY LOUD FAN (yes, I know I'm shouting, I'm trying to be heard above the din ).
  4. [quote name='Jigster' timestamp='1344805384' post='1769438'] thanks guys I suppose I meant more what it will do for my sound onstage - ie. by rolling the mid frequency up quite far, admittedly it's just on my practice amp right now, it creates a deeper sense of the mids, I'm imagining this will somehow give more presence to the sound in the mix? [/quote] I use mine to mimic the sound of a P bass or a StingRay, as well as sounding like a great Jazz bass and just take one bass to sessions etc...
  5. True dat. The treble either boosts at 3kHz (clockwise) or cuts at 1KHz (anticlockwise), so it alters different frequencies depending on which way you turn it. You can also pull this knob up for a boost at 7kHz for extra top end boost. Awesome piece of kit!
  6. The outer ring (if it's the same one as mine) selects the mid frequency (150Hz to 3kHz) , and inner knob controls the amount of cut or boost applied to that frequency (+/- 12dB). Uber useful! [url="http://www.east-uk.com/"]http://www.east-uk.com/[/url] has loads of info and specs etc... [IMG]http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd471/paul_510/ScreenShot2012-08-12at215059.png[/IMG]
  7. [quote name='dincz' timestamp='1344801190' post='1769346'] Paper in snake oil If you hear a difference, it's because of the manufacturing tolerance. Actual capacitance values can vary from the nominal value by a significant amount - 5%, 10%, 20% and more. [/quote] They do have a tendency to dry out too...
  8. [quote name='dan670844' timestamp='1344797318' post='1769270'] He is my pedal board.... Thats it, dont use one anymore since I changed to my pure valve set up. degrades the tone from my jazz and the CTM and LB30. But then I have gone ultra old school at the moment! [/quote] Erm, what do you do with your feet then? I mean, you could probably dance and everything!
  9. Other - I've got a home - made one which came in kit form, can't remember what it's a copy of but I suspect a small clone. The EBS is a great chorus pedal too - really versatile and built like a tank.
  10. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1344724751' post='1768563'] Why not just use a 3-pole? Can't see any electronical drawback, and in these narrow cavities, component volume normally is a huge issue. Am I missing something about what a loose cap will do? best, bert [/quote] A 3-pole would do it, but the 6 pole is the 'preferred method', as it's neater and you haven't got components floating around at the end of long, uninsulated legs that could potentially short something. No reason electronically why you couldn't though.
  11. paul_5


    Ah man, I had a Pulsar Trem years ago and absolutely loved it, unfortunately I'm not doing the same stuff that I did then or I'd have had this by now. Bump for a great pedal.
  12. [quote name='kevin_lindsay' timestamp='1344719448' post='1768467'] No idea mate. Changing the single capacitor is about the limit of my wiring capabilities! Hahaha [/quote] Relatively easy - DPDT switch (6 poles underneath). Hold the switch so that it has 3 poles horizontally and 2 vertical, then solder wires from the two points that the cap is attached to now whilst removing the cap (one wire will be a terminal on the tone pot, the other will be to ground) to the two middle lugs of the switch (one wire per lug). Then solder the stock cap across the two left hand lugs of the switch, again, one leg per lug and solder the other cap across the right hand lugs of the switch. A bit like this: [attachment=115396:DPDT.jpg] The middle lugs of the switch are effectively the 'in and out' of the switch, and the two sets of outside lugs are the components that you'll switch between. You can use the same idea for changing resistors when circuit-bending pedals etc...
  13. "Now I guess I'll have to tell 'em, that I got no cerebellum" - Teenage Lobotomy by The Ramones.
  14. Avid only recommend using firewire drives for external audio recording. Not much else to say about this, that's all Avid will tell us about it. I don't think RAID is recommended either.
  15. I really hope their next output is significantly better than anything they've done of late. I love Metallica, and grew up listening to (and transcribing) Cliff's lines. I learned loads from sitting in my bedroom with a cassette walkman and my bass (ah, nostalgia), sadly though, they seem to be less than choosy about the material that they release over the last ten years - compare the songwriting (and production) on anything pre 'Load' and it becomes pretty clear that they aren't the band they once were, which is a shame, as I remember them fondly from my youth, and I'd really like a GREAT album from them again.
  16. Probably on "...And Justice for All"
  17. I really liked it. I got into this sort of thing at Uni (first time round) and even though I'm more of a 'verse, chorus' kind of guy I still squeeze 'interludes' into tunes whenever I can.
  18. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1344110520' post='1760029'] Makes a change from 60's sci-fi & post war b/w films. [/quote] I'd stay where you are - that's quality viewing! PS Hope your other half is better soon.
  19. Bad thing? People liked it? Good thing!
  20. erm, I think output valves need to be biased, so if you're replacing one I'd recommend having a technician look at it - preferably someone who knows enough about valves not to kill anyone (or your amp).
  21. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1344102472' post='1759879'] You could load a couple of carrots in it and they's sound good with a J-Retro. [/quote] This. The East stuff is just the BALLS!
  22. Bought an MXR compressor pedal from Lozz yesterday and it arrived safe and sound this morning. Couldn't ask for anything more. Really fast service and great, clear comms throughout. Brilliant bloke, pleasure to deal with. Two thumbs good! Paul
  23. [quote name='GarethFlatlands' timestamp='1344087408' post='1759601'] I seem to remember reading somewhere that EHX were pretty inconsistent when it came to component values, [/quote] Yup, tried 2 or 3 Russian muffs in the shop when I bought my first one (roughly ten years ago) and one was definitely better than the others. I've recently bought another and A/B'ed them to discover they sounded quite different. Turns out they had different clipping diodes which accounted for the tonal variation - made at the same factory, same case and should, in theory, have been identical. It's a funny old world.
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