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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. If you've got the option 'make inactive' can save CPU and RAM (don't know if Logic has this, but in PT it can be a lifesaver) - basically tell the computer to ignore the track selected - takes it out of the mix, and frees up CPU and RAM. Useful if you've rendered a region but don't want to delete it 'just in case'...
  2. Yeah, tried the reset on power up thanks, but still nothing. Wasn't worried about losing presets as most of the parameters are automated through MIDI anyway. Not seen a battery, so I'm assuming one (or more) of the ICs is an EPROM - not sure if this would need a battery or not. I reckon ahpook's right though - I'll be doing a one in, one out with the PSU corner of the board tonight. Caps and diodes, caps and diodes etc... (sigh).
  3. the wha? Not seen anything that looks remotely like a battery inside there, but then again I am [i]sometimes [/i]wrong...
  4. more RAM (physical RAM in the two slots) will increase the amount of simultaneous processing that Logic can do, so that's always worth a punt. That said, I'm using 20+ tracks in Pro Tools 10.2 on a 13" Macbook Pro (dual 2.4GHz and 4GB of RAM), but then, I'm a bit of a troglodyte and do most of my processing out of the box. Mmmm, old school.
  5. Anybody ever left one of these plugged in for a few days straight? My mate did to mine, and now I can't power it up. first of all: 1) don't do this to yours and anybody ever fixed one? I've checked the usual suspects - visual damage to PCB tracks and components, but nothing so far. Mains supply is still delivering everything that it should, but most of the board isn't getting any juice. I [i]could[/i] go through each component with a meter to see where the current stops, but if anybody has any suggestions then you could save me a couple of hours probing (leave it!). Any suggestions or concubines gratefully received.
  6. New Year's Day - U2 Lovecats - The Cure Stone Dead Forever - Motorhead Block Rockin' Beats - Chemical Brothers
  7. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1343038785' post='1744000'] If you're iMac supports it a drive with a FW800 interface would be even better. [/quote] Yeah, FW800 really shifts!
  8. Faster hard drives mean the access time is quicker, so yes, 7200rpm is about the minimum speed for multi-track audio recording. Not sure about using separate drives for samples and project files - it all depends on how well organized the drive is. If you've got enough RAM then you should be able to get away with one drive for everything, as the samples and audio will be cached in the RAM when the project opens, so in theory you're not accessing the HD as often as you think. Record to just one drive at a time (don't use external FW drive AND internal drive when recording tracks) or most systems tend to fall over. As far as backups go, as long as you do it regularly then that can be whatever speed you like, as it should be done as a dedicated housekeeping task AFTER you've closed Logic, not at the same time. I haven't used Logic for a long, long time, but you should be able to transfer projects to there new drive by using [i]File>Save a copy as[/i] and then sending that to the new drive. Make sure that if you're asked, you save copies of all the audio takes to the new drive too. Word of warning though, when you're about to start using a new piece of hardware it's always worth doing a complete backup! You could make your life easier and more organized) by removing any audio unused regions as part of your backup process, you might be surprised how much space you'll save. Sorry it's a bit long winded, but I hope it helps.
  9. Really? Bass porn? Stop looking at it and play it! If it was made to be ogled and fawned over ad nauseum then it'd have pictures of unicorns and rainbows and sh*t all over it.
  10. [quote name='chilievans' timestamp='1342983607' post='1743461'] I scored a 72 which considering my mistakes was not bad at all. Happy days. Grade 6 here I come [/quote] Good do!
  11. OK, I give up. Would anybody like to buy all of my kit and qualifications? I think I'll take up gardening.
  12. yeah, when I say man-shed, what I really mean is 'garden shed'. might [i]just[/i] squeeze a bike in there...
  13. I had a pulsar years ago, absolutely loved it. Now that I'm getting into guitar playing again I can sort of justify another trem pedal. I'd need a lot of convincing not to buy another one of those.
  14. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1342793831' post='1741075'] When I used to play, I had a Korg MS10 & a DW6000. That's how long it's been, though I've been looking at the M50 or maybe a s/h M3. [/quote] Polysix all the way - a wonderful machine.
  15. I've just made some room in my man-shed and am considering getting an exercise thingy in there, with two boys (nearly 2 and 5) it's hard to find the time (and energy) to exercise regularly.
  16. Mmmmm, H2CRO4 (chromic acid). [media]http://youtu.be/HEbnc73ItCE[/media]
  17. where's that "Brain Bleach"?
  18. I've done both sides of this argument (cover/function bands and originals), and only took the covers/function work because they were paid gigs - often very well. My original bands have never made anywhere near as much money, but I'd rather do that than Disco Inferno for the 600th time. Ultimately it's a personal choice - if there's money to be had then yes, I'd quite like some, but I think it's unrealistic (at best) to expect a venue to fund my indulgence in quirky prog/hard rock. I don't do covers for free because it's not something that I'd enjoy doing as a hobby - and that makes it work.
  19. I need a saxophone for our rendition of "Hava Nagila'. Perhaps this isn't the one for me.
  20. Played in Liverpool last night. Must have been about ten people in - 6 of who were either in or with the band after us. Just me and the singer/guitarist who changed the keys to half of the set, which meant playing 'catch-up' most of the night. Thankfully it was over relatively quickly. The 3 piece on after us still insisted on talking all the way through our set though. Poor form ladies. To sum up, I've had (much) better gigs.
  21. I'm still confused as to the difference between 'Jam' and 'Preserve'.
  22. I think he might get in trouble over that "stingray".
  23. Erm, where's the other half of that pickup?
  24. Sweet baby Jesus and the orphans! KIWF . Trees died for [i]that[/i]?
  25. Dr Tweek does good kit if you're after components, very reasonable prices too. http://www.doctortweek.co.uk/
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