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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Not been mentioned fora while, so here goes: "Moondance" (stands well back).
  2. tip for festival playing? tune up before you hit the stage, trust the sound engineer(s) to get it right, don't play when you're not supposed to - time is generally of the essence during change over between bands, so do it as quickly as you can. Be nice (sound man has probably got a much more difficult job than you) and polite, and have fun.
  3. [quote name='Eljay' timestamp='1342498912' post='1736120'] How's the Weather? [/quote] typical English summer (rain) with scattered showers. Welcome on board Eljay.
  4. Jonas Hellborg published a book on bass chords, IIRC it's called 'Chord Bassics' or something like that. I got loads out of it when I first started playing more than one note at once, can't seem to find it now though.
  5. [quote name='Jack Cahalane' timestamp='1342450817' post='1735246'] That article also says that Snoop Dogg is Dr Dre's half brother, I think someone was having that writer on. [/quote] Nah, I'm Dre's half brother and so is my wife!
  6. Just like Big Brother - you wait ages for a couple of knobs and then they all come at once!
  7. If your PC soundcard is up to the job then you might want to have a look at Reaper as a DAW - really very, very good for the money ($60) http://www.reaper.fm/ That's probably about £45, no brainer really.
  8. got an FX25 somewhere, I think they're grey and flat, I'll have a dig...
  9. might have some from my FX25b (I'm rehousing it later this month) they're the black ones with a slightly rounded white top. Only 3 of 'em though.
  10. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1342428154' post='1734524'] Quite right, too. Simpy buy a pair of cheap flip-flops and wear them all year round. Economical! [/quote] Yup, saves on buying and washing socks too. Of course, a podiatrist isn't cheap, but standards need to be maintained!
  11. [quote name='Rumble' timestamp='1342382406' post='1734143'] I can see that the majority of the chords I've seen other guys playing are just maj or min combos of R,3,7, with the occasional R,5 thrown in. Please tell me I haven't completely misunderstood!! [/quote] Nope, I reckon you've got it - we all cheat!
  12. I'm 20 years in this year, still loving it.
  13. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1342294616' post='1733012'] I used to keep a stack of Exchange and Mart in the bog. Another small pleasure lost to technology. [/quote] yes, but [i]proper[/i] porn is easier to get, surely?
  14. [quote name='Rumble' timestamp='1342357807' post='1733645'] Paul 5 - thanks for your input too. Do you suggest I start off just working on the R,3,5 chords first? When starting to add the 7ths would you always drop the 5th instead of the 3rd? [/quote] To be honest, R,3,7 chords are easier to finger than r,3,5, so you might want to start there? As regards always dropping the 5th, it's not a rule, it's just that once you start adding extensions (7ths, 9ths) the fifth becomes less important. The 3rd tells the ear whether the chord is major or minor, and the 7th adds more interest by being close to the root note (even though it's up an octave) and causing some tension. The 5th sits perfectly between the root note and the octave, so by comparison is a bit 'vanilla'. There's certainly no rule that says you have to drop it, it's just that it's simply not adding as much to the sound of the chords as the other notes, so it's often left out just to make the chord simpler to play.
  15. chords are made up of 3 notes, the root, third and fifth. For example, C major is constructed of the Root note ©, Third (E) and Fifth (G). Jazzers will extend chords with 7ths, 9ths etc... Once you start adding extra notes (or extensions) then you can start to miss the 5th out, as it stops being quite so important sonically. Long story short: Triple stops are a posh way of saying 'play 3 notes at once'. A good place to start is this: [attachment=113184:Triple Stops.pdf] The Root is the A (5th fret on the E string), the 7ths are the notes on the D string, and the 3rds are the notes on the G string - notice how there are no 5ths but the chords still sound full?
  16. [quote name='willyf87' timestamp='1342301902' post='1733120'] My fairly small but effective board. Had so many pedals I'm just sticking to the basics now. [/quote] 3 dirt boxes? I like your thinking!
  17. [quote name='lettsguitars' timestamp='1342295120' post='1733023'] Cool post. I think Linear sphere made my ear go poorly. [/quote] just as long as your hands still work...
  18. Hmm, maybe I'll start a band and specify which equipment everyone else has to bring to auditions. That should make it really easy to find talented, committed, professional and like-minded players. Letting anyone bring any piece of kit they want hasn't worked out for me, so I'll give this approach a spin - I'll let you know how I get on.
  19. Ooh, new stuff for me to listen to! Cheers guys.
  20. Trebly. You can doctor them to suit bass frequencies quite easily though (true bypass, extended frequency response). The original difference between this and the first 'bass wah' by Dunlop is the value of two capacitors. Step by step instructions here: http://www.wah-wah.co.uk/diy.html
  21. I'm doing something very similar at some festival or other on Friday night in Liverpool. Ideally I'd use my short scale acoustic fretless, as it looks good and as it's got flats on it, it's got a lovely mellow tone that's not too boomy. The singer/songwriter has requested frets though (not sure if he's had a bad experience in the past), so it'll be the Jazz bass. Probably with flats. Of course, [i]he[/i] gets to play this: [IMG]http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd471/paul_510/314703_10151889485045332_1495178595_n.jpg[/IMG]
  22. [quote name='steve-soar' timestamp='1342277494' post='1732702'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaCJHoN_FZE&feature=related[/media] [/quote] Nice to see Steve Davis in there too. Classy.
  23. [quote name='paul torch' timestamp='1342257696' post='1732335'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EWZVlcaHFM[/media] [/quote] Wow, that's beautiful. Thanks for that.
  24. anything by Frank Zappa and /or the Mother of Invention.
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