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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Scott Devine's website is ace - really well constructed instructional videos, for free. The guy is all heart. and groove. He's all heart [i]and[/i] groove.
  2. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1342182543' post='1730989'] Nonsense, I've seen loads of guitarists pick up basses from time to time. [/quote] Erm, that doesn't necessarily make them musicians though...
  3. [quote name='Cyrene' timestamp='1342190626' post='1731267'] Not a patch on Grado. At the equivalent or any price. [/quote] True dat. Grados are the BALLS.
  4. Being a good timekeeper is absolutely essential for a bass player. I've had studio sessions where the drummer and I have been recording to a click, but at some points the music has just [i]needed[/i] to speed up a fraction; the drummer felt it before I did, and increased a couple of bpm. I made the decision to follow the drummer rather than the click and we ended up with a great take. We had made artistically interpreted the score and had made music, instead of an audible representation of the dots and lines. I think it's only once you have developed solid timekeeping as a player that you can start to monkey around with it. And get away with it.
  5. Bump for a great, squelchy funk box. McNach is a really helpful guy too, so deal with confidence.
  6. [quote name='4000' timestamp='1342166679' post='1730524'] Ah, it's not just me then! [/quote] [IMG]http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd471/paul_510/images-3.jpg[/IMG]
  7. If it has been posted on here before, then I ain't read it, so thanks for the link. Nice 'Jazz bass GAS' article.
  8. [IMG]http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd471/paul_510/552506_10151653658537923_1701026207_n.jpg[/IMG]
  9. I've had brand new Hartke stuff that arrived ship-shape and Bristol fashion. The packaging is nearly as skid as the kit, so I'm glad you sent this back. Let Larry open a can o' whoop-ass!
  10. I'll screw my courage to the sticking place and say "Flea da BOMB!" I've always loved his playing.
  11. [quote name='wizbat' timestamp='1341944879' post='1726833'] And all this stuff is usa made... [/quote] ... by NASA
  12. Jazz all the way baby! If you roll off the bridge pickup of a Jazz then you can get pretty close to a 'P' sound anyway. Well, close enough for a pub full of pissed punters, that's for sure.
  13. 'International interest but nothing firmed up yet' bump.
  14. Bump from another happy PT user. I've got the same interface and they sound lovely.
  15. Or John Giblin. John Paul Jones (Led Zeppelin) is no slouch either. 'Motown' tracks will almost certainly have great bass playing on them - James Jamerson, Carol Kaye, Bob Babbit etc...
  16. Yup, the bridge of a bass is a wonderful heatsink. You'd probably have to weld it on, but that would almost definitely melt the cable strands.
  17. also, whilst you're just learning, now seems a good time to say "metronome, metronome, metronome"; there's nothing worse than a sloppy slapper.
  18. Glad to hear that this has had a positive outcome. Now don't do it again!
  19. Thanks for the offer Jim, but I'm having a 'thin out' and am trying to simplify the board.
  20. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1341907374' post='1725794'] Moleys should do the trick. Next time drill bigger holes... and rub a wax crayon or candle over the threads before screwing. [/quote] calling Discreet...
  21. Ooh, nasty. Mighty Mite necks are great, not seen one eat screws though. I'd second the mole grips idea, don't be tempted to 'wiggle' them out though, as you'll probably damage the holes in the neck.
  22. [quote name='mancunianfox' timestamp='1341866675' post='1725461'] Big Muff should have so much gain available that volume drop shouldn't be an issue. Maybe it is because the guitar version is cutting so much low end that you are hearing it as a volume drop?? The Green Russian/Sovtek one is the way to go [/quote] Love mine, it's sat on my board next to the wooly mammoth clone.
  23. I use one of these on my Jazz and I find that I've got a bit more of a crunchy, 'bitey' sound. [IMG]http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd471/paul_510/images-2.jpg[/IMG] The OP is right though, I doubt it would have the same effect on a P bass.
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