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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. lol, yeah. I'll know more about how good it sounds and whether it's worth keeping by the end of the week...
  2. I'm working on just the thing at the minute - found a schematic online for a 6 band EQ that will run from 6 to 12volts. I've made one or two 'adjustments' to the diagram and am looking at a two band stacked EQ that runs off a 9v battery that's tailored for a fretless Jazz bass. Dunno what to call it though, maybe a 'mwah-tron' or something equally droll.
  3. What IS it? It's an abomination unto the Lord. :0
  4. [quote name='Doctor J' timestamp='1341084380' post='1713752'] Unfortunately I carry neither it nor my avatar with me in real life [/quote] Really? You need to get on that!
  5. I prefer to stand on the floor Tom side of the drummer, simply because I don't have to stand next to a stupidly loud snare drum all night. I suffer a bit whe they move to the ride but that's a lot less noisy than being next to the snare. Also the guitarist keeps better time when stood next to the snare, must be a volume thing.
  6. I'd give it a punt. It [i]is[/i] a Jazz bass after all...
  7. I'm absolutely in love with playing fretless, so much so that my fretted is up for sale. It just takes practice - like everything else really.
  8. She may or may not have played on all of those records, but that's not important. If you can find her "Modern Electric Bass" tutor books then I guarantee you will learn loads, I know I did (and still do).
  9. [quote name='jaydentaku' timestamp='1341008292' post='1712925'] The man is an erotic adventurer. [/quote] ...in the most depraved fashion.
  10. Bump for a great amp. I love mine. Thing you have to remember about the LH amps is that with everything set to 12 o'clock is the preset 'mid scoop'. To run them flat with a flat EQ I think you have to have to bass on 10 o'clock the mids at full (yes, that's FULL) and the treble virtually off. If it's not for you then it's not for you, but they're built like tanks and are well worth the money.
  11. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1340982209' post='1712430'] I would put Multitrack recording at the top of the list, it has had a far wider ranging effect on the sound of pop/rock than every other thing in the list. And yes, it definitely has a sound, its [i]the[/i] sound of pop. [/quote] Ditto. I also reckon the Korg M1 piano sound did more for popular music than the DX7 one, but that's just my opinion.
  12. I've only got 4 of them. The [color=#ffffff]Bjork[/color] is a belter though.
  13. Mercifully absent was the 'vocodered vocal' a la T-Pain and Cher. Kanye West is also guilty of this too.
  14. NWA's 100 miles and running EP. FOOOOO' SHOOOOOO'
  15. Start small and work up. Pick two different note values (crotchet and quaver) and practice reading short examples that use just those two. Something like this might help: http://readsheetmusic.info/reading_rhythms_exercises.shtml Then try two different note values (quavers and semiquavers) and then introduce crotchets, quavers and semiquavers in the later stages. Reading is a really valuable skill, and it can take a while to get to grips with it. The trick is to do a little and often (well, as much as you can, but certainly often). Hope this helps.
  16. I had this problem and went back to round wounds. After several coatings of yacht varnish on the board. It's not an expensive fretless though....
  17. [quote name='RnRDave' timestamp='1340794800' post='1709617'] Childish [/quote] but good.
  18. [quote name='RnRDave' timestamp='1340793060' post='1709586'] My pretty boring board... [/quote] Nothing wrong with that at all. Do you [i]really[/i] have "tits" written on your Digitech Bass Squeeze pedal, or are my eyes playing tricks on me?
  19. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1340786986' post='1709460'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIwBvjoLyZc[/media] [/quote] Ah, "J'Edwood".
  20. Not tried one. Looks like It'd be more useful than the BDI21 (behringer) though, as it's got a 'mid' frequent control, not just bass and treble. Once again - hooray for dirt-cheap ace pedals
  21. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1340739963' post='1709038'] I wonder what John Hall had to say about that. [/quote]
  22. Have you been looking at our mam's washing line again?
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