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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Separated at birth? [IMG]http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd471/paul_510/wpid-marvin660.jpg[/IMG]
  2. Cool - shouldn't this go in the 'Daily Awesomeness' thread?
  3. I had some speakers made of wood once. They wooden work. Getting my dressing gown (it's early).
  4. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1340394182' post='1704092'] One question. Warwick endorser but photo with a Fender in both your basschat pic and twitter pic. Did you record that with a Fender too? [/quote] The chap in Matt's profile picture is Jaco Pastorius - bass player extraordinaire.
  5. I'm looking to order some GFS pickups from the states fairly soon - should be about £50 for the pair - let me know if you fancy tagging a pair onto my order - should save you P and P etc...
  6. Finally found a use for that old tin bath then!
  7. Yup, you need to state a price! This is sosososososososososososo not an auction site
  8. Good do! Nice tone too.
  9. It'd probably sound a lot better without all those extra holes.
  10. Cool, will get down if I can!
  11. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1340320262' post='1702966'] build your own. make clones of 10 for the price of buying 1..... fuzzes tend to be easy builds [/quote] True dat.
  12. It was me, I broke the internet. All of it.
  13. Westfield, Ashton? £500? One of the zeros might be in the wrong place...
  14. AKG D770s seem pretty robust, slightly cheaper than the SM58s too. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/AKG-D770-Pro-Dynamic-Instrument-Vocal-Cardioid-Microphone-with-Stand-Adaptor-/290731812261?pt=UK_Music_Instruments_Microphones_MJ&hash=item43b0f765a5#ht_1141wt_1215
  15. I've been through a few of the main contenders but keep coming back to a Russian Big Muff - it's got the 'tone suck' when bypassed, but it's not a difficult mod to change it to true bypass. There's just something about the filthy, scooped sound of a Muff that does it for me. The standard advice on here is to use a Boss LS2 (or similar) to add some clean tone to help retain low end. Dirty, filthy bass is really all about the mids, so once you've got that right then you've pretty much cracked it. The DHA VT1EQ also does a broad spectrum of dirty bass... http://youtu.be/cYpdDY3dMxo the "fuzz" starts about 3'40" ish.
  16. That looks superb; nice to see that it is indeed a 'family affair' - maybe UK 'bass days' could benefit from the idea of inclusivity for all. I'd love to come, just let me find my passport. And air fare. And time off work. Oooh, on second thoughts, it might be a bit of a non-starter for me. Hope you all have a brilliant time though. Paul
  17. paul_5

    Amp "sound"

    Hartke LH heads and a hydride cab - shiny, sparkly top end, well defined mids and a fairly tight bottom end. Also Gail Porter.
  18. I've got a DBX 1066 in my rack and it's a lovely little piece of kit.
  19. These things are simply awesome, can't believe it;s still here.
  20. [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1340185564' post='1700485'] I view music piracy as a superb FREE marketing tool. Those that habitually download 1000s of tracks to their iPod would be unlikely to have paid for those tracks even if downloading was impossible. Many of those tracks would probably have never been heard by the downloader. The downloader plays those tracks, others hear those tracks, get curious and investigate further. Some people will dip into their pockets and buy stuff. these people may not ever have known about the music without the illegal distribution network. And how much has this promo cost the artist/record company? [s]Nothing - it's free marketing.[/s] revenue generated from the sale of the track. [/quote] fixed.
  21. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1340131729' post='1699749'] [i]Legally [/i]they are totally different scenarios. If I walk into the Louvre, take a really, really good photo of the Mona Lisa, and then print it out and send it to my mum then have I stolen anything? Is my mum a thief? [/quote] No, but then the Mona Lisa isn't for sale, is it?
  22. Oooh, where's Discreet when you need him? [quote name='tombomb' timestamp='1340059691' post='1698642'] I can't bear to go in Maplins. But am worried I might have to for this. I'll check dr tweak first. Every single time I go in to Maplins I know more about the stuff than the staff who (the ones I've met at least) seem to be a string short of a set. [/quote] Sad but true.
  23. Nice, you can't go wrong with a big muff. The choice of diodes (two per set of clipping diodes) make a big difference to the sound. effectively you can 'tune' the fuzz sound by swapping out diodes - Germanium will give a lovely, organic softer sort of sound and silicons will melt your face. Which kind of Silicon diode depends on you, but they're cheap as chips and it's a lot of fun trying them out. Cheapest place I've found for enclosures, pots etc... is Dr Tweek http://www.doctortweek.co.uk/shop/catalog/browse?shop_param=ecid%3D5%26 He's got loads of stuff on there.
  24. Cool, another MIDIVerb user - great little unit for delay and oddness. "Good luck with the sales" type bump.
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