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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Welcome to the forum, really chuffed that you've bagged your dream bass. Smiles all round.
  2. Never tried the 'all aluminium' cones, but I've used a couple of HA3500 heads and thought they alway sounded great. I have tried (and bought) one of their Hydrive 410s and that's superb - lots of low end warmth but a lovely, punchy top to it.
  3. I'm in the pub right now, watching this on my smart phone.
  4. Why not go from your bass into the PC, then use whatever software you like and monitor through headphones plugged into your PC sound card?
  5. I'm a Christian Bassist and drive, but live just North of Manchester, might have to say 'no' on this occasion. Hope you get sorted though.
  6. Bump for this. If it's the same schematic as the one I made then these are great littl boxes.
  7. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1339857080' post='1695491'] Nice to see a chunky solid looking bridge on a Fender too. [/quote]That's the first thing that caught my eye - lovely, lovely bass too. It's a keeper, for sure Mel.
  8. I pick all of my basses. Often by travelling to a reputable music shop, having a mooch around, playing a few and finally exchanging hard earned cash for the one that I like the best. Sorry, that should be "choose" or "select" or a different verb. As you were.
  9. Can't believe this is still here. If I didn't already have an awesome Blade I'd have bitten grapevine's hand off.
  10. [quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1339815344' post='1694909'] Lemmy. [/quote] [quote name='Johngh' timestamp='1339824238' post='1694921'] Geddy [/quote] [quote name='barneyg42' timestamp='1339828746' post='1694943'] Phil! [/quote] James That's Namewang!
  11. Also, if you're running your DAW on a laptop and need USB sockets then you could always get a hub - cheap as chips.
  12. Bit far away for me, but sounds like the sort of thing I'm into (despite being too old and wretched). Best of luck with the band!
  13. Nothig wrong with cutting at 40 or even 100Hz - if it's for studio use then what you've got is an instant 'sort out the clash between the kick drum and the bass guitar' button (alright, there's more to it than that, but hopefully you'll see what I'm driving at).
  14. [quote name='rushbo' timestamp='1339768748' post='1694058'] Is this Bass any good for slap? [/quote] Nope, but it's awesome for Hamsters, Guinea pigs and Rabbits. Also if kids are sick on wooden floors or if there's a diesel spill.
  15. [quote name='paul h' timestamp='1339763887' post='1693928'] I saw Rush once. They came on after the awesome Primus. I lasted for about 30 seconds of quadrophonic, widdly widdly sh*te and then made a dash for the car park. Primus were fantastic though. [/quote] I saw them on this tour - IIRC Primus sounded awful (bad sound - the curse of the Support band) and Neil Peart missed a snare hit during the intro of 'force Ten). This was at Sheffield Arena about 20 years ago. I reckon Neil's improved somewhat since then
  16. [quote name='EdwardHimself' timestamp='1339764277' post='1693942'] That sh*t pisses me off. I remember Line 6 offered a supposedly "free" version of their "pod farm" software, only you have to spend £25 on a dongle to get it! I purposely don't buy any software that needs one of these stupid dongles, not least because most software that needs it has already been cracked, meaning the only people who are losing out are the people who actually have to put up with using a sometimes much needed USB slot for a pointless bit of plastic. [/quote] It's not a gift, it's a loss leader, and the assumption is that you already have a dongle, as you need one to run the software that you SHOULD have purchased e.g. Syncrosoft / iLok etc...
  17. Tuner gone, Just the Bright Onions Looper left now.
  18. “But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked. Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice. You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here.”
  19. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1339738462' post='1693451'] Jeeves is very happy when he's handing me effects pedals on silver plates or velvet cushions [/quote] Velvet cushions are so passé, dearheart. I have mine brought in on the backs of the working class - but only the clean ones. If I can't find a suitable oik to deliver my bass playing accoutrement then I'll just have my man drive me round to my club, where my chums and I will squander our privileged and elitist lives on champagne and opiates. It's all so tiresome.
  20. Definitely not a belt. Absolutely not. My pen-pal "Earl" bought one of these and it was too small. [IMG]http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd471/paul_510/images-1.jpg[/IMG] It's not a belt though.
  21. Very sporting of you MB1. Thankyouplease.
  22. paul_5

    Fave guitar solo?

    [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1339714198' post='1693371'] Here you go... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=oRdxUFDoQe0#t=190s"]http://www.youtube.c...xUFDoQe0#t=190s[/url] [/quote] nice playing, shame he didn't tune it first...
  23. paul_5

    Fave guitar solo?

    Either this: [media]http://youtu.be/YLTFbtOfmxk[/media] (solo around 3'30") or this: [media]http://youtu.be/CR4dI8vrTqM[/media] (solo around 1'27")
  24. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1339675595' post='1692441'] ... when practising at home on a Penderecki piece that he's gonna conduct himself, you teach yourself two versions: the real one and one a fifth higher or lower, just to test if he'll hear it. (Yes, true story again) PS, he does. I [b]know[/b]. [/quote] Really? I love Penderecki's stuff!
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