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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Yup, I use a compressor in my FX loop, and most of the time it does nothing. It's only when I start 'bouncing 'em off the board' that it comes into play - it's a bit over specced for what I use it for, but when it's needed it's [i]really[/i] needed.
  2. Anything from the first 'Rage Against The Machine' album?
  3. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    [quote name='Al Heeley' timestamp='1338140333' post='1670043'] not finished yet, waiting on TL071 chip to replace the LM741, then will shove in the dc socket and trim all to fit [/quote] Good choice of opamp - I'm still using an ancient mixer that is literally falling apart. Sounds incredible though - over the last week I took a peek inside to see if I could resurrect parts of it, and guess which opamps I found? Exclusively TL072s - lovely, lovely sound.
  4. [quote name='ZMech' timestamp='1339271867' post='1686296'] This reminds me of all those times I asked what I thought was a simple question, and regretted it 10 minutes into the answer. [/quote] Erm, this is Basschat, you [i]do [/i]know what we're like, don't you? There are no simple questions on here, just us simple bass players.
  5. Just had a play about with one of these - really flexible little tone circuit, about 20 mins work and it's increased the tonal range of my fretless no end. http://www.muzique.com/lab/tone3.htm It's based on the Big Muff tone stack, so it'll cut your desired frequency band, but doesn't need a battery, so it's free to run. I mounted mine using a dual concentric pot and did a bit of jiggery-pokery to pull the values down on the pots, but sound rally good.
  6. [quote name='Zenitram' timestamp='1339259571' post='1686049'] Right, but apart from the fact that it's junk and they've sawn a bit off... [/quote] Yeah, you'll probably find that the reduced mass of the headstock will alter the tone of the bass (and not in a good way) and could have generated 'deadspots' on the fingerboard. The bridge, tuners and pups might be worth something, but I'd give that whole heap of woodwork practice a [i]very[/i] wide berth.
  7. "The Chicken" from the "Invitation" CD - Jaco-tastic!
  8. Hi All, anyone got a transcription of Jaco's line for this?
  9. Hooray for cheap, awesome effects.
  10. Gotta be a Precision in Punk for me. Nothing else seems right.
  11. I did a case-study on this sort of thing as one of my music business lectures last month - turns out a student had already been taken in by a 'battle of the bands' sort of affair where bands did all of the leg work beforehand. It's really a sh*tty way to operate but young bands fall for it time and time again. Part of the 'X factor / Britain's got talent' mentality unfortunately. It'll all change come the revolution.
  12. [media]http://youtu.be/0irL1M15DH8[/media]
  13. [quote name='topo morto' timestamp='1339182378' post='1685129'] I reckon we're getting there... [/quote] Sold!
  14. variable crossover, with different valve o/d circuits for both, fizzy, cobra-spitting top end and fudgy, fuzzy-felt meets velvet wrapped in kiwi fruit skin bottom end. That's not too much to ask, is it? Actually, probably just a silicon OD for the top end and a Germanium based circuit for the low end, that should pretty much cover it.
  15. Porkpie Hat is simply the most beautiful melody in the world - that is a scientific fact. I absolutely love this tune.
  16. Once you've got the line down, find a key signature that best suits that. Nothing wrong with playing in two different keys at once (it's called Bitonality), some singer songwriters I know can play in one key and sing in another at the same time. Not always intentional though...
  17. Wow, Kudos to Warwick for the FSC rating. I don't play a warwick myself, but it's nice to see a manufacturer with an ecological conscience. Keep up the (very) good work.
  18. True dat, great little piece of kit. Can deliver just about every tone you'll ever need.
  19. Bummer. I suppose if you're not enjoying it then it's time to move on - do bear in m ind though that with keys you're routed to one place unless you've got an awful 'key-tar' or similar, Urgh.
  20. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1338803135' post='1679307'] And aids giant poos. [/quote] That's right, 'reet. Less gnawing of woodwork etc...
  21. Try this one, set the 'nome to a fairly slow tempo - you're playing semiquavers here and accuracy is more important than speed. [IMG]http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd471/paul_510/Metronome.png[/IMG] The idea is to mentally subdivide the crotchet metronome beats into 4 and accent different semiquavers. It's notated as just one bar per subdivision, but that's just for ease of exporting the graphics file. Spend a bit of time on each one to really get this exercise into your head. It's a bit confusing at first, but worth persevering with.
  22. true dat - they're the best mod you can make to a Jazz bass.
  23. "not sold" to the gentleman doctor.
  24. Up for grabs is my Maplin Uz82D analogue multimeter. Really good condition, but I've just upgraded to a fancy one that'll do hfe for transistors and the like. http://www.maplin.co.uk/general-purpose-analoguemultimeter-25414 Yours for a donation to BC. I'll cover P and P too. PM me if you wanna. Useful for checking for breaks in connectivity or it'll do 'ball park' impedance for resistors (as it's analogue it's not the most exact readout) and the like. Paul
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