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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Really tempted by the filter depends whether I can tweak my current one to do what i want it to. Hmm, circuit bending or spending...
  2. Bad smells? Shouldn't this thread be called [i]pull[/i] my finger?
  3. "Green Naugahyde" by Primus. Quite predictable by Primus standards, but still pretty odd by everyone else's. [media]http://youtu.be/Cz8zICEafk8[/media]
  4. Welcome on board skipper.
  5. Just got in from tweaking my setup - [IMG]http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd471/paul_510/Rig2.jpg[/IMG] Hartke LH500 with a dBx 1066 into a newly rack-mounted DHA VT1EQ in the FX loop - clean valve channel and a filthy valve channel. Lovely.
  6. what's not to like? It's accessible beyond the 30th fret and is ecologically sound; think of all that lovely wood that hasn't been used.
  7. If that baffles you, then my picking one up for £95 the other day will have you tearing your hair out!
  8. I use mine as my main tone shaping circuit. The 3 band on my amp is there to compensate for different rooms or whatever.
  9. [quote name='Shaggy' timestamp='1338573548' post='1676716'] The P-retro is a good call, but if it was me I'd fit a piezo bridge (I know there's a Fender-fit one cos I used to have one, I think they can be had around the £50 mark now....). Gives you that nice, woody acoustic-y sound perfect for fretless, that can be EQ-ed to sound quite "Jazz nasal", and usefully different to the P p/up. There may be a way to do without having to route a battery compartment, but if unavoidable I'd far rather route the back than the front - don't touch that!!! [/quote] This - you may find that a PP3 battery will fit [i]somewhere[/i] under the scratchplate of the bass.
  10. Lead-free solder is the electronics equivalent of fat-free mayonnaise or decaf coffee; it is the stuff of pure evil and should be avoided at all costs. Kill it, kill it with fire!
  11. I'd personally go for separates - more flexibility if you're sharing stuff with support bands etc... Also a head is MUCH easier to lug around than a combo. I'd also plump for a 2x10 instead of a 1x15, but that's just my opinion - if you possibly can take your bass to a shop and play through both. Trust your ears.
  12. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1337627273' post='1663133'] actually it would depend on the circuit wouldn't it, the chorus has a £10 chip in it [/quote] Ooh, true analogue 'bucket bridge' then. Nice.
  13. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1338554753' post='1676270'] It's rather like the person who says "You read [i]books[/i]? God, how [i]boring[/i]" and howls with idiot laughter. You don't know whether to pity them or lure them to a subterranean cavern and butcher them in the interests of the wider public good. [/quote] I think you've answered your own question there Skank.
  14. [quote name='Ian Savage' timestamp='1338554418' post='1676261'] What a tit! Ah well, means you can legitimately re-list it, I suppose... [/quote] That's what I'd do too!
  15. That sort of plastic is better for Jazz basses - a P bass should really be wrapped in polyurethane or similar - tin foil at a push. I ain't judging, I'm just saying.
  16. [quote name='deanbean502' timestamp='1337954871' post='1668008'] As my Signature [/quote] That Amp is too shiny - put a shirt on when doing photography man, for heaven's sake!
  17. SOLD now, just keep moving...
  18. Feeler - might be moving on my Ampeg SVP 1500 power amp - incredibly loud and beefy. I'd be looking for roughly £120 ish - any interest?
  19. the 'slower' bit is the response of the valve when the attack of the bass signal hits it - we're talking milliseconds here. That is a scientific fact.
  20. valves are slower than transistors (their modern, less power-hungry equivalent), so if you want a crystal-clear, hi-fi bass sound then you might need to look elsewhere. the 'warmth' that lots of folks talk about is probably down to small amounts of distortion at key frequencies. me, I like valves in the pre and SS in the power stage.
  21. I'm currently playing my bass(es) through an Ampeg SVP 1550 power amp and using a DHA VT1EQ as a pre, which does a lovely grind / dirt sound. Anybody got any recommendations for a clean boost unit, just to give the power amp a kick in the trousers?
  22. [quote name='El Bajo' timestamp='1338212455' post='1670869'] At least they had the cojones and get up there. And infront of school, there is no tougher crowd! [/quote] Sure about that? [media]http://youtu.be/RdR6MN2jKYs[/media]
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