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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Duracell, because I like rabbits. . The American made ones sound better for Rock, but for fat, funky stuff (and if you can find them) an old Russian one should see you right. The chinese ones sound terrible.
  2. You can alter the input cap, but you run the risk of introducing a big 'thump' when you turn the pedal on.
  3. paul_5

    MB1 Feedback

    Picked up a practice amp for Martin on Thursday - lovely guy to deal with, makes a good brew too.
  4. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1337961426' post='1668133'] [/quote] That refinished cab looks brilliant, I was following the thread with interest - good job sir!
  5. I used to play for most of the day when I had the time, but since we had two sex-trophies (one nearly 5, one 20 months) I'm not really playing regularly. I was at the stage where I could pretty much do anything I wanted but have noticed that , even though I'm still competent player, I've plateaued and I'm not really exploring any new territories. I think I need to book some lessons with a local teacher to 'pin down' some proper practice time. Must try harder.
  6. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1337980564' post='1668432'] How can they do them for this sort of money?? [/quote] "By exploiting the workers - hanging onto outdated imperialist dogma which perpetuates the economic and social differences in our society"
  7. Basses, pedalboard and leads. I always have a spare jack lead and I've found that a 4way mains extension can be worth its weight in gold too. I've probably got some spare strings in one of my cases, but to be honest, it's far quicker to just change basses.
  8. paul_5

    Chord pedals

    I got mine from EES on Amazon, quite a few online shops stock them though.
  9. Wow, this takes me back. These things are bomb proof! They're a little bit 'middy' (unless you push the 'derek' button but they've got loads of volume on tap and are a great little combo. "fond memories of these amps" style bump.
  10. "Ed Friedland playing through this" style bump. [media]http://youtu.be/K0SNVkruU3U[/media] starts at 5'33"
  11. paul_5

    Chord pedals

    These are "cheap as chips" at the moment and, based on my impressions of their ODB3 clone I ordered an OC2 copy - the OC-50. I have to say that it sounds almost identical to the glorious OC-2. I'll post some clips sometime soon but I have to say that at the moment I'm loving their "made in the peoples' republic" sound. Great bass tones paid for by the sweat of oppressed masses? I'm such a capitalist stooge. Funny, I'm still a cultural Marxist - how did that happen?
  12. Cool, I played through a Hartke LH500 into an Ampeg 810 a few weeks ago (festival backline)and it sounded awesome. I'm starting to suspect that the 810 is the way forward, it's an investment though as I'd need a bigger car.
  13. Nah, just a 4x10. An 18" speaker is Dub territory fo'sho'.
  14. Further proof (if further proof were needed) that bass players are worth more than guitarists due to their comparative rarity. Go team bass!
  15. I gigged an identical rig for years and it never let me down - even after the guitarist bounced the head out of the back of the van. Friendly "this is a steal at £200" bump.
  16. Got a TU3 at the moment, does everything I need it to, and it also has a 9v outlet which I use to power my EHX freeze - it miraculously cures the whining noise that appears when I'm using a daisy-chain PSU. Win.
  17. I'd reckon that Fender only sells about 6 new instruments every year, the rest are circulated on here.
  18. paul_5


    Collected, and as promised - Mancunia is indeed sunny today. Cheers MB1!
  19. I couldn't really hear the bass on my little telly-box, but her voice was incredible - the song was (compositionally speaking) brilliant too. One of those artists on my "must hear more of" list.
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