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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. PICTURE! [IMG]http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd471/paul_510/P5180599.jpg[/IMG] Sorry for shouting.
  2. Selling my EBS Unichorus, comes with the original box and is in great nick. Been mounted on a board ever since I got it, so it's got velcro on the bottom. It's one of the slightly older models (buffered bypass) and sounds amazing. UnIChorus SOLD Also i'm moving on my EBS tremolo pedal. In equally good condition but no box. SOLD
  3. I was once asked by a saxophonist if I could DI the drums...
  4. here it is again - [sharedmedia=core:attachments:86245]
  5. paul_5

    We're back...

    Thanks to all involved in fixing the internet. Well done you!
  6. is this thread mainly about OD pedals? I've tried loads of different dirt boxes, most of which I've moved on because they just didn't float my boat. There are some instances where only an effect will do - fretless and an octaver, Jazz bass and envelope filter - it's all about context. ..and loads of effects.
  7. [quote name='wally8' timestamp='1337150622' post='1656116'] I need Sabbath, soundgarden, led zep. [/quote] As do we all! I've only played through the Orange, and I absolutely loved it. It's not hi-fi enough for me, but I can appreciate that it does vintage valve sound brilliantly. I've heard very mixed opinions of the PF stuff from Ampeg.
  8. My valet does my page-turning. He also makes a spiffing Gin Fizz.
  9. Enthusiasm - 95% Musical Perception - 99% Emotional Connection - 76% Social Creativity - 75% Musical Curiosity - 49% [IMG]http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd471/paul_510/ScreenShot2012-05-15at211904.png[/IMG] bit of a mixed bag - I could look into my low score in the 'Curiosity' stakes, but I'm not willing to put the effort into finding out why that is.
  10. Jeff bought a fretless neck from me and the whole transaction was speedy, polite and painless. He's a newbie but a goodie - deal with confidence.
  11. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1337028013' post='1654397'] Not very "rock n roll" is it organising gig dates over a year in advance? How do we know they'll still be alive? [/quote] You hush yo' mout' Red X!
  12. I've used MXR stuff with loads of different mains adapters. The 'only use JD/MXR PSUs' is just marketing guff. Anything that has a 2.1mm barrel, is negative centre and delivers 9v is fine, and to be honest, that's the vast majority of PSUs. Where people tend to get picky is whether it's regulated or switched-mode etc... due to mains hum etc... Don't worry too much about current (mA). Just so long as the PSU delivers the same amount or more than the amount required by your pedal then you'll be fine - excess current gets rejected and sent back to the mains without damaging the pedal whatsoever - the same is NOT true of voltage (the 9v bit). Less than 9v into the pedal will either sound crap or won't work, and more than 9v (e.g. a 12v supply) will release the 'magic smoke' from your pedal and it'll never work again due to blown capacitors / ICs etc...
  13. dunno, great choice of tune though. I posted a solo bass arrangement of that tune on here a while ago - shall I dig it out for you?
  14. Found these a while ago and have started exploring them again, they're demo versions of some great sounding plugins for Pro Tools 7.x and up [url="http://www.masseyplugins.com/#try"]http://www.masseyplugins.com/#try[/url] The demo versions won't save your settings as part of a session, but you can always make a note in the mix window. OR you could purchase the ones that you get the most use out of - the 3 band EQ and the limiter are great pieces of kit in particular.
  15. paul_5

    Free VSTs

    Not strictly VSTs, as they're Pro Tools plugs, but the quality is great. http://www.masseyplugins.com/#try The demo versions won't save your settings as part of a session, but you can always make a note in the mix window.
  16. [quote name='isteen' timestamp='1337005783' post='1653832']Thanks, I'm glad we have this friendly forum where we can help each other out, rather than shout and put each other down [/quote] Another TB convert then?
  17. There are also guidelines for 'homeschooling too' the parents have a responsibility to ensure that the children are recieving an education for a start... http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/parents/schoolslearninganddevelopment/choosingaschool/dg_4016124
  18. I'd agree with the posts about neglect. If they left an animal in a car for 2 hours then they'd probably be reported and prosecuted. To do this with their own kids is disgusting. I think at this point the band has to come second and someone needs to start looking out for the kids, backing singers come and go, you've only got children as children once and you need to make sure that they're the priority. I'd have a word with your mate to the effect that you're going to sack his missus on the grounds that his kids are being mistreated and the band isn't fun anymore.
  19. I remember being 17 and at the tail end of my 'thrash metal' phase, mainly because I'd just bought a bass and chugging on an open e string wasn't all that great for me. I ordered a soul music compilation cd froths Britannia music club (my dad was a member) and set about learning to play the entire cd. The scales fell from my eyes and a whole new world opened up for me, turns our most of the playing was our dear departed Ducky Dunn. Great lines and a great musical education. I've been playing that cd a lot today.
  20. aaaah crap, another of the greats gone .
  21. Ooh, I'll brave a suggestion - Tom Sawyer by Rush. It's good grounding in learning when to leave notes hanging in the air and create space in a song, and when to play more complicated stuff. The main riff is pretty tricky to pull off cleanly, which focusses your technique somewhat. Oh yeah, it swaps between 4/4 and 7/4, so you learn to count too...
  22. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    [quote name='Al Heeley' timestamp='1336810099' post='1651284'] Its useful to experiment with different configs and find the distortion sound that you prefer. You can also add a tiny cap to the diode pair to give a softer, smoother distortion, or use LED's instead of silicon diodes to give a looser open sound which is a bit more raw. [url="http://www.cubisteffects.com/2010/01/mod-it-yourself-part-2-diode-clipping/"]http://www.cubisteff...diode-clipping/[/url] [/quote] Or if you can find them Germanium diodes give a lovely soft, warm clipping.
  23. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1336766465' post='1650894'] I didn't know they made an 810! Does it weight a ton? That port looks massive, if you have a cat I wouldn't be surprised if you found it asleep in there one day! [/quote] not for long though...
  24. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1336749146' post='1650456'] Or he's been listening to early Led Zep and Rush, where they used to double the lines on Guitar and bass. [/quote] +1,000,000. It's not always a bad thing then is it?
  25. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1336744986' post='1650363'] I'd be grateful if the mac owners could post their advice re: sophos and other apps they're aware of for mac as there was some great advice in some of the responses. [/quote] So would I, I read the thread about the DoS attack, and ultimately this is our site, and most of us [s]waste[/s] spend inordinate amounts of time on here, so taking the trouble to install a tiny piece of software will benefit all of us. I didn't see anything for Mac though, and even though it's been an ivory tower for a while the increased market share of Mac users has inevitably attracted the attentions of the 'bad sort of nerd'. Is a Firewall enough for now, or should I be looking for something bit more specific, particularly as I run my machine on an administrator account?
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