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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. [quote name='Wooks79' timestamp='1336087723' post='1640879'] Yeah it is nice for droney stuff, or just filling out a sound under a bassline. think I'm gonna flog it though cos you can do similar with the hold setting on the DD-6 [/quote] The freeze pedals get loads more useful once you put them in a loop. I regularly set mine droning a chord or double-stop up the dusty end and then when the guitarist dives into a solo just bring it back in without stopping the bass part. The trick is finding one chord or note that will fit with everything else...
  2. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1336078246' post='1640694'] I always wanted to go & see him in the Rio whenever we went to Vegas. Finally the Mrs said we could go & see him back in 2007 & He stopped his residency there! However, Bjork did a gig in the Palms & it was awesome!!! [/quote] ...must have been a 'short people' convention or something
  3. Brilliant, just brilliant. Lovely growly Jazz Bass tone too.
  4. Most Jazz basses have a point on the neck (roughly 4th or 5th fret) where the fundamental dies away really quickly, leaving you with only the harmonics - this might explain some of what's happening. I was chatting to a luthier about this a while ago - it's something to do with the mass of the headstock. He suggested clamping a heavy piece of wood to the back of the headstock to increase its mass, and thereby allowing ALL of the note to sound properly.
  5. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    [quote name='umph' timestamp='1335190246' post='1626916'] been there done that. Best one is not plugging in a power supply [/quote] Did that last night - trying to measure voltages in a transistor and everything read 'ZERO' - I'd forgotten to connect the battery. Again, much hilarity ensued...
  6. Looks like [i]vintage[/i] yacht varnish though...
  7. [quote name='merlin' timestamp='1335903964' post='1637926'] ha ha its your round... [/quote] Fine - I'll buy you a pint of whatever you like for every song that you get right..... ...not bought a beer for a while
  8. Dear God - there's more!!! [media]http://youtu.be/Ew32aq9LSbc[/media]
  9. I posted this a couple of weeks ago in the hope that somebody on here would own up to it, but it's still funny (and a little bit relevant), so here it is again... [media]http://youtu.be/SV7TFje7Ido[/media]
  10. Drummer at last night's rehearsal - "I could do it, but I'd have to unlearn (sic) everything that I do, then learn that" - dafuq?
  11. yowsa, the best Chillis album bar none - thanks a million for this.
  12. thanks for this - what do we do with .mogg files?
  13. Bump for the EBS choruses, if I didn't already have one I'd have Shep's hand off. Hmm, I wonder what would happen with TWO chorus pedals....
  14. *insert welcoming and mildly amusing response*
  15. I've got a fairly brutal saw that I use for trimming tree branches if the worst comes to the worst... Seriously though, try it, you might like it. In its defence the Marilyn Manson version gave the song a bit more of a 'hetero' edge (if you feel that it's important to your audience), so it might not be such a big issue. Wikipedia also informs me it was the biggest selling UK single in 1981.
  16. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1335631681' post='1634055'] I'm one of the few who think that "Snakes & Arrows" is one of the best things they've ever done. [/quote] +1, I thought it was a bit of a 'return to form' after TfE and V-Poor trails.
  17. [quote name='andyonbass' timestamp='1335603631' post='1633560'] [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Frank-Zappa-Humor-Belong-Music/dp/B0000CAPTX"]http://www.amazon.co...c/dp/B0000CAPTX[/url] [/quote] That'a a superb video. I had it and lent it out and never got it back. Now I'm sad.
  18. White n' tort. I like Tort, tort, tort, tort. I think of the two the pearl looks better. Neither of them are tort though. Tort, tort, tort, tort etc...
  19. My brother has a squier stratocaster from the '90s - it's an absolute beauty. He's in the process of refinishing it as we speak and sanded all of the laquer and paint off expecting to find a 3-piece body. It's solid bodied. Cheap as chips and outplays his Fender.
  20. Hmm, rockband - I once had a student try to convince me that 2 hours a night on 'Guitar Hero' constituted practice. Cock.
  21. I'd like to dispel the myth that you check a microphone by tapping it with your fingers. All kinds of wrong.
  22. I've just followed your workflow step by step and everything's in time over here. Could be a couple of things - some of the EZ drummer loops can sometimes be a leeeettle bit slow, you could use quantise to bring them in, you might not have 'snap to grid' (command and G) turned on, so your loops aren't starting at exactly the right point, or it could be a RAM issue - as EZ drummer does everything in real time. This is the first time I've opened Garage Band in a couple of years, so I'm certainly not an expert, but these are the initial things that spring to mind. There's also a tick box for 'follow tempo and pitch' that automatically takes care of time-stretching loops to the correct tempo, is that selected? [attachment=106269:Tempo and pitch.png]
  23. [quote name='musophilr' timestamp='1335523898' post='1632521'] Whether GAS is affected, guided or moderated by such common-sense remains to be seen [/quote] I'll solve that for you right now - GAS and common sense are complete binary opposites and the human brain isn't able to contain both - I'm afraid it's one or the other. That is a scientific fact.
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