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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Depping for a wedding do - upstairs in a converted barn with really appalling acoustics. Good giggle with a good bunch of lads but we were fighting the room from start to finish.
  2. sounds like it could be a slightly proud 4th fret - fret a note at the third fret and see how much of a gap there is at the 4th fret, I"ll bet it's not enough.
  3. Eddie Van Haley famously played to solo yo ‘Beat It’ for free. Presumably being in tune costs extra.
  4. I’d just wire them in series instead of parallel - like a Jazz bass on steroids.
  5. TC Electronic Spark booster or the Caline Orange Boost are my choices for 'cheap and best' drive units.
  6. This ^. It always amazes me when I see guitarist boards with literally thousands of pounds worth of boutique pedals and most of the time they're tied together with the cheapest, nastiest patch cables known to man.
  7. Yes, but the downside to being a ‘more experienced concert attendee’ is that the rest of the bands I want to see are either dead or dying.
  8. That’s what I thought. If it’s behaving like a linear taper then we’d need to see the diagram.
  9. If the volume is acting like an on/off switch then it sounds like the volume pot has a linear taper instead of logarithmic. Can you measure the pot taper with a multimeter? Also, do you have a copy of your wiring diagram?
  10. I quite like the look of that, all apart from that ridiculous 3 point bridge.
  11. I disagree. It’s a given that anyone taking on Bowie tracks is always going to contentious, but there are far, far worse from that album.
  12. Nice bass, sorry for your loss 😢
  13. I much prefer the EHX one, but does require a lead and, unless you have a small mixer, there’s no way to practice along with backing tracks. I suppose if you’ve got a small mixer then we wouldn’t bd having this conversation….
  14. At least a list of songs and key if different from the original. I’d prefer notated parts, but that’s just me.
  15. A 12v output won't blow up a 12v pedal. Delivering too much current (1A or 1000mA) won't do any harm, as the pedal will only draw off what it needs, and reject the excess. Digital pedals can be really fussy about power supplies, so a voltage sag isn't a great idea. Sagging the voltage IS a very good idea with analogue fuzz pedals - you can get a really horrible, splattery fuzz sound if you're lucky. It can also be useful if you've got a pedal with a high current drain (500mA or over) that is rated at 9v, for example the Zoom MS60B. As with all power supplies, check the polarity - the convention (based largely on Boss pedals) is Centre negative, but it's worth checking that your pedal follows this. Pedals can take more current than they are rated for, but NEVER more volts. Ever.
  16. just stick a cardboard cutout of a Rickenbacker over the top and carry on!
  17. I’m of the opinion that if a band wants me to play a specific bass for the look of it, the band should buy that instrument. I’m not paying to go to work! Just my cantankerous opinion.
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