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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. I’ve got a preference for EHX when it comes to modulation (their small stone and blond are my faves), but don’t really use a flanger, so can’t really comment. I’ve had the TC thunderstorm though, and found that it was really flexible, just not the sound I had in my head - turns out that was a phaser.
  2. One of the (few) benefits of having to gig sat down is that my board is right in front of me, and I act as a sort of warning cone for my 'trip hazard'.
  3. I would have, purely for THAT Jackson 5 line, but my covid brain wouldn’t let me remember him!
  4. A genuine tube pedal that I made myself. That’s no help to anyone else, so I’ll say Dave Hall VT1eq or the Blowerbox Idiotbox - like a low-tuned rat on steroids, basically because that’s what it is.
  5. I've found that using Rotosound flats (SM77) then drop a gauge (105 to 45 drops to 100 to 40) for the same tension. Other brands will be the same tension at the same diameter. Thomastik Infeld tend to be a little on the 'wobbly' side, so the same diameter strings will feel looser nd lower tension.
  6. Or maybe there have always been talented kids who until recently didn’t have a suitable platform?
  7. A CTS (highly reputable manufacturer of long-life pots) 250k Log can be had for a few quid from Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/CTS-Vintage-Dimple-Audio-Potentiometers/dp/B01BKXO0A6/ref=sr_1_2?crid=NYO8K0GBMMZE&keywords=250k+log+guitar+pot&qid=1662811573&sprefix=250k+log+guitar+pot%2Caps%2C56&sr=8-2
  8. As a fretless player (almost exclusively these days) I’d go for John Giblin any day of the week.
  9. This. BSSM is amazing, with OHM coming a close second for me. I agree with the other nominations so far - Seventh Son if my favourite Maiden album too.
  10. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    Also, today I will be starting a catalinbread heliotrope on stripboard. I'm probably going to mount it in an old Wah enclosure for sweeping fun with the 'Bit' control...
  11. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    Start with smallest components first - diodes and resistors up to electrolytic caps - makes it easier when you turn the board over to access the solder side. Check polarity on diodes and electrolytic capacitors. Socket ICs and transistors so they aren't damaged by excessive heat. Use a crocodile clip (or similar) as a heatsink when soldering pots. Above all, take your time and enjoy the ride.
  12. Rosewood for a P bass would be my preference, weight can be mitigated by a stretchy neoprene strap, but tone can’t be.
  13. ^This^ As an early adopter of any new release you're basically beta testing for free - sometimes the DAW has a glitch, other times it's not quite compatible with existing plugins.
  14. Basically it's a tape loop of Ringo's drums and a C chord over the top. I think occasionally it has a Bb chord over a C in the bass, all with a liberal helping of Sir George Martin's genius. It's an amazing track, and I recommend it to everyone. The Chemical Brothers did some similar stuff with Noel Gallagher in the 90s - I think it was "let Forever Be' or something like that.
  15. Tomorrow Never Knows is very similar to this; nothing wrong with playing (mostly) one chord for 4 minutes at all.
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