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Posts posted by paul_5

  1. I almost cut my main artery in my right wrist a month ago when I broke a dish washing up - the crockery split in to and my wrist got a 1" long incision in a really dicey place - really put the cramp on my bass playing. The triage nurse reckoned that had it been another millimeter deeper then I wouldn't have driven myself to casualty... It's been glued and sutured back together and in the words of the late, great Zappa, "everything is healing nicely"

  2. [quote name='dood' post='1075937' date='Jan 3 2011, 12:19 AM']A poster has suggested this is Billy Sheehan's new head now that he is a Hartke player, but I haven't seen anymore info' on that yet. More info' here: [url="http://www.samsontech.com/products/productpage.cfm?prodID=1943&brandID=3"]http://www.samsontech.com/products/product...3&brandID=3[/url][/quote]
    I had heard that Billy Sheehan dropped Ampeg because they are now made in China, and he wanted something built in the USA. Built in drive, low and bright switches? that's very Ampeg. 10 band Eq - that's 1 more than Ampeg innit? Very tempted by one of these, I love my LH1000, but miss the features of my Ampeg pre - maybe this bridges the gap. I tried to buy one of these when I bought my current head, but was told that they were out of stock - maybe that should have read "we haven't made any yet"...

    watching this thread with (GAS) interest.

  3. Toss up between "everytime you go away" with Pino at the helm, or "Family Business" from Fish's first solo album - John Giblin. I love Primus and Claypool too, but these guys just make it sing - Les just doesn't do the whole 'lyrical' phrasing or beautiful, tasteful glissando playing that the other two do. Horses for courses though, it's like saying "choose between sex and music" - a well balanced life should contain a healthy dose of both.

  4. [quote name='ahpook' post='1074920' date='Jan 2 2011, 12:33 AM']well, as i'm sure you know, the svp-pro is a noisy unit...i did do some looking around online a while back and couldn't find any conclusive answers.

    using decent quality valves is the best way i think.[/quote]
    yeah, had heard that. Cheers for your prompt response, looks like I'm going shopping (again). Ho Hum, GAS 1, NY resolution 0...

  5. I'm currently using a dBX 1066, which is nice (might be slightly out of your price bracket though), if the 166 is anywhere near as good, then you can't really go far wrong. TBH though I do quite a bit of recording drums etc... so I needed a versatile two channel unit, so it's probably not the best unit for bass, meets all of my needs though.

  6. [quote name='ahpook' post='1073193' date='Dec 30 2010, 09:49 PM']have a word with watford valves...i did when i needed to re-valve my svp-pro and it sounds great[/quote]

    (thread hijack) - do you know which one (of the 5) makes the most different with regards to signal to noise ratio - I've just had a new transformer fitted to my SVP PRO and am back in the studio recording with it, but it's a bit hissy. It's probably always been this hissy, but now that I'm recording through higher spec kit it's really noticeable. It was re-tubed 2 years ago (EHX valves), but the tubes have had less than 20 hours use since then. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. cheers. (/thread hijack)

  7. my first thought on seeing this was "holy f*ck, that's ugly". It looks like someone took the proverbial ugly stick, got some hicksville yokel to whittle it down on the front porch and then gave it to his buck-toothed inbred girlfriend to chew on it fer a while, probably while she was straining in the can. The final stage of 'production' invariably involved force feeding Larry Grayson wood glue and sawdust, then pointing his bottom at the offending article and squeezing his abdomen REALLY hard to get that 'sh*t/toothpaste' veneer.

    I don't like it.

  8. yeah, Mrs_5 caught me playing fretless in the spare room the other week, I tried to lie and tell her I was watching porn, but she knew. I'm so embarrassed.

    On a real 'bass related' topic I was listening to some early Marillion stuff the other day, and Pete Trewavas' fretless sound seems to be 90% flanger, 10% bass - maybe this is the way to compensate for intonation errors? Maybe [i]this[/i] will make the fretless acceptable again, as it's practically self-tuning!

    (rant) Another thought has just occurred to me - how many other BCers have been told "there's no demand for that" when you ask for a specialised piece of kit in a music shop? The fact that I've just asked for it means that there is SOME demand for it you halfwit. (/rant)

  9. Them purty amps. I've done quite a bit of recording g**tars over the years, and my the easiest tones to record come from an Orange Tiny Terror and a 4x12. Period. Just a great sound. With this in mind I've toyed with getting rid of my LH1000 head and using the Bass Terror head instead, I know that (on paper at least) there's a massive drop in power output ratings, but that's not really an issue. How do you guys reckon the Terror would stack up into a Hartke Hydrive 410 cabinet?

    PS I reckon my wife wouldn't notice ANY change of amp apart from an Orange, Everything else seems to be the ubiquitous black / grey, so no massive change visually.

  10. [quote name='Soliloquy' post='1073902' date='Dec 31 2010, 06:08 PM']See my previous reply, there's only Flea in my list of players who uses (sometimes) a Stingray.[/quote]

    Turns out that the basslines on BloodSugarSexMagic were done on a Wal, and for the later stuff he's using a Jazz. Personally I reckon his best tones come from the Jazz. Just my 2p worth.

  11. On the rare occasion that I use one Cactus picks - heavy (1mm) - got some free when I bought some vintage Boss gear from the birminghambossboutique, actually really comfortable to use and a nice edgy tone too.


    Everything else just falls apart after a couple of thrashings, but these seem to last and last.

  12. Welcome on board Boris, good to see some love for the Costello stuff down there in sunny Brum! Wasn't your Trace rig recently in the TE porn thread? I seem to remember someone posting that they'd recently had theirs serviced after they thought it was goosed?

    Cheers, Paul

  13. probably the easiest way to do it is to solder two pieces of wire to the terminals onto a 1/4" guitar lead plug, then get your meter across the ends of the wire as you play the bass - this will be in millivolts, so make sure that your meter is set to read really small voltages. Because of the design of guitar pickups the harder you hit the strings, the more voltage is produced, so you're probably better taking an average. Solo each pickup using their respective volume knobs and compare the output levels. Hey presto, pickups still intact and measured. Simples.

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