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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. I like Jazz, Mrs_5 less so.
  2. have a look at your audio engine - check that you're using the interface you want to.
  3. This might just be me, but I think the glaring difference in the wood would have meant a solid colour. In their defence, SX build quality is amazing, especially given their price point; every SX bass I’ve played has been great.
  4. Jazz basses. I’ve always liked basses with 2 pickups, but always shied away from Fenders in my youth, as I saw them as ‘old people’ instruments. currently 66% of my stable is jazz basses.
  5. Shell’s right though (ymmv), to the untrained eye my unlined fretless has an entirely unmarked board, but along the binding I’ve marked off the feet positions with a small file, and filled the tiny grooves in with silver paint. Ultimately I think punters (and I) would rather have a bass that’s in the same key as the rest of the band than something nice to look at.
  6. A non-starter for me. Tested positive for the Mange (again), so couldn’t do it. The band had to get a dep for their dep.
  7. After two lessons he got a residency and px’ed it against an Ampeg.
  8. Such a shock, so young too; thought are with his wife and 3 kids.
  9. Me too, Roll the bones tour. fwiw, Les hasn’t been obsessively slapping for about 30 years now.
  10. Yeah, it's a No from me. Compositionally it seem like the chromatic lift in the middle of the chorus could be interesting, but it just chickens out and drops down a semitone instead of going somewhere interesting. The piano in the first verse sounds like their mate is on keys and they needed something for them to play; it's not even in time.
  11. Because Basschat.
  12. that's not a monitor, it's a FOH feed.
  13. Are you making this one for Adam Clayton?
  14. Not necessarily. Jazz basses with the metal 'Bell Plate' provide a mahoosive ground connection to the pots, because both the output jack and the pots are in contact with it the whole time. This is fine until a pot comes loose on a gig, and you start to get intermittent drop-out. P basses tend to have plastic plates with a thin layer of conductive foil on the back, so in theory should be grounded via this. Soldering wires between the 0V (ring of the output jack) and the pots shouldn't strictly be necessary, but it's a 'belt and braces' approach that I prefer.
  15. broadly speaking, anything that's conductive will work. I've always found that roughing up the back of the pot (sandpaper or a small file) takes the plating off the back, and allows the solder to attach to the metal better.
  16. I’ve also got a massive soft spot for one George Formby. Great songs and whimsical double entendres delivered with a cheeky smile. I can’t help that the world needs a bit more of this sort of thing.
  17. Mine went too, I just built a new preamp and bought a class D amplifier board from Amazon and used the same box. Sure, it doesn’t have all the bells and whistles, but it sounds good and only ever gets used for home practice anyway. Cost 1/5th of the repair quote.
  18. My P bass was just too ‘sprangy’ so I sprang for a set of flats. Nice thump, great feel (after going down a gauge cos of the tension) and last ages.
  19. Agreed. There are quite a few honkers too! Having been brought up on a heady brew of Queen, the Beach Boys and cassettes of ‘comedy hits of the 70s’ on 5 hour drives to family holidays I’m not averse to light-hearted and witty banter set to appropriate musical accompaniment. I drove my son home from youth club tonight accompanied by a selection from Frank Sidebottom’s repertoire and had a good giggle. FZ gets my vote any day of the week, but I can’t help but think that the music carries a hell of a lot more value than his lyrical efforts.
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