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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Well, there’s about twice the amount of chrome on there that there should be.
  2. I thought hockey season started later?
  3. Broke 2 strings?!? that’s twice as many as I’ve broken in over 30 years of playing, I’m afraid it would have been a ‘no’ from me.
  4. Tape wounds are AMAZING for dub/reggae - I’ve just fitted a set of Rotosound Trubass to my P and the low end is immense!
  5. Microphone placement. Unless I’m mistaken that’s a double bass.
  6. No, but collectors of a certain age will buy one to hang on a wall.
  7. That’s tragic. I’m so sorry for your loss.
  8. Sty hamm for me. I can fully appreciate that he’s a hell of a player with some serious chops in his arsenal, but it just doesn’t have any ‘heft’ -almost like it’s not a bass.
  9. It’s a toss-up between cutting through in a mix m, and the big muff sound ; it’s called a big muff because it was originally thought to sound like a muffled speaker I.e. mid scoop. Do yourself a favour and get a coloursound bass fuzz. Problem solved.
  10. Warehouse floor mate. I’m just a grunt!
  11. I've worked for Amazon for just over 4 years, and I can honestly say that I have NEVER seen any of this. 1) Hourly rates have always been well above MW 2) Temporary workers are on temporary contracts -minimum of 40 hours p/w 3) P*ssing in bottles to meet targets? You've got us confused with truck drivers - it's called 'driver tizer' for a reason. I agree that they do need to get their house in order as regards paying taxes, but that's our governments allowing them to get away with it, they're just exploiting an already crooked system.
  12. Thais is unimaginably horrific, best wishes and healing vibes going N’s way. 😢
  13. y'know, he's a multi-instrumentalist too - looks like he'd give Geddy Lee a run for his money...
  14. Dunno, it results in a much bigger build, so maybe. Solder joints are bigger , so more secure, but also solder joints are bigger, so increased resistance… I think it’s a nostalgia thing to be honest; I know people who build tube amps with tag board and they look amazing, but don’t sound any different. long term though, they’re easier to repair!
  15. yeah, they're GNARLY!!!! Occasionally one will come up for sale on here, you could always place a 'Wanted' ad though.
  16. OOF!! Proper tagboard and everything!
  17. Idiotbox Blowerbox. Based on the Rat, but tuned for bass.
  18. Can I just add,in addition to the EHX I use the Vox AP2-CL headphone amp, it’s designed for guitar, but has a clean channel,Fender Bassman (which is actually quite good for bass), and an overdrive channel (less useful). It has a gain control, tone (essentially a LPF) and a volume control. it also has chorus,delay and reverb effects,and of course the line in for iPods etc… of the ‘amp sim’ headphone units I’ve tried this has been the most useful, but still quite plasticky.
  19. EHX headphone amp is brilliant - tiny, but like a tank, and clips onto a strap. The only downside is that it doesn’t have an aux in, but I love mine. there’s no amp simulation, so it’s brutally honest and will reveal flaws in your technique - I altered my playing during my first 3 months. https://www.ehx.com/products/headphone-amp/
  20. Dipped for a local function/party and last week. No rehearsals, just parachuted in and off we go. really good to play live again, had some very complimentary feedback from punters and BL, so happy days. god I missed gigging!!
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