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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. It's not the worst shape or finish I've ever seen. I reckon colour wise it's closer to bile than vomit.
  2. Personally I lost interest after POP, but Aching Baby is one of my all time favourite albums; such a creative use of technology and some great songwriting.
  3. Maybe Clayton is a victim of association, it's not really his playing that some folks have a problem with, it's just that he's in a band with Bonob.
  4. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why we love Tool.
  5. Do yourself a favour - buy/stream/download 'Lateralus' by his band Tool. Mmmmmmm. Tool.
  6. Yeah, I've poked fun at AC's abilities, but the fact remains that he's made more money playing fewer notes than any other bassist you'd care to mention. Working by the formula Cost per note = Massive wealth / note then he's probably the most expensive bassist on the planet per note.
  7. Alchemy by Dire Straits- the first live album I ever heard/had. Still magic.
  8. And Norman Reedus from the Walking Dead playing bass on stage with Anthrax… https://www.tmz.com/videos/0-4r2tuun4/
  9. …a change is probably a good idea.
  10. Bargain! Practically brand new and practically half price! I’vee got a set on my P bass bitsa and they sound great.
  11. They sound quite similar in my experience
  12. Shout back ‘interpretive dance!’ and wiggle about a bit. Works every time, well. that one time I tried it, but it’s still a 100% record!
  13. Yep, steaming turd to a shining diamond on the other side
  14. I’ve had this in the past, and a cheap Palmer power conditioner stopped it dead. https://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/Palmer-MI-PURIFIER-Power-Conditioner/1PT8?gclid=Cj0KCQiAys2MBhDOARIsAFf1D1fFq-93h5rrDJCrPrWXzZkR0m3EeKQVclzJPFPc7a2F7ydf2xK8eVMaAsgMEALw_wcB
  15. I have a Jazz with rounds for my work with an 80s/90s party band, a P with tapewounds for study (cheaper than playing rounds all the time, and less taxing on my wrists), a fretless Jazz with coated Roto Nexus) for ‘me’
  16. I might be able to carry off BA55 AR5E convincingly…
  17. Well, there’s about twice the amount of chrome on there that there should be.
  18. I thought hockey season started later?
  19. Broke 2 strings?!? that’s twice as many as I’ve broken in over 30 years of playing, I’m afraid it would have been a ‘no’ from me.
  20. Tape wounds are AMAZING for dub/reggae - I’ve just fitted a set of Rotosound Trubass to my P and the low end is immense!
  21. Microphone placement. Unless I’m mistaken that’s a double bass.
  22. No, but collectors of a certain age will buy one to hang on a wall.
  23. That’s tragic. I’m so sorry for your loss.
  24. Sty hamm for me. I can fully appreciate that he’s a hell of a player with some serious chops in his arsenal, but it just doesn’t have any ‘heft’ -almost like it’s not a bass.
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