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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Also, we’ll done to Happy Jack for keeping bees! Love those stripy little bastards!
  2. Just watched that and thought “God, aren’t they noisy though?!” and then I realised it was the chainsaw…
  3. My playing career is more ‘Songs you wish you hadn’t played’, but there we are. 😄
  4. I’ve always loved ‘Suck on this’ from Primus. Great sounding recording with lots of energy and quirkiness.
  5. Freddie Mercury had a couple of great pieces to the crowd on some of Queen’s live stuff too.
  6. Yup, “this is what not to do when a bird sh&ts on you”. \thread
  7. Just listened to this and it’s not in tune. Could be his guitar wandering a bit, but it’s painful in places.
  8. Pulse - the Pink Floyds live after death - Maiden and a special mention to A Show of Hands by Rush - the bass run down on the last track (side 4 if, like me, you had it on vinyl) is what inspired me to pick up the bass at the tender age of 17. Decade of Aggression - Slayer BBC Sessions - Led Zeppelin
  9. Kiss with a fist - Florence and the machine.
  10. Ler (Primus guitarist), Graham Coxon (Blur guitarist) or Björk.
  11. ‘Cos Geddy triggered the rest with his feet!
  12. That’s the first time I’d heard the name- Devin Townsend on vocals too; what a band!! Turns out I’d already been listening to him for years due to his work with James Brown.
  13. Is it a true bypass strap though, I’m not certain.
  14. Looks like the pedal is on all the way through the video, just with everything set to noon, so the pedal might be altering the tone, even though it’s set to ‘neutral’. Most folks put a drop of compression on their audio tracks before uploading too, then of course there’s the YouTube compression, so without a list of exactly what equipment and plugins they used we’ll never know. I suppose we’ll all just have to keep buying and trading kit to find THAT tone. shame. 😄
  15. Yes, if they’d been a bit more selective with the material and made SA half as long it would have been another Californication.
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